Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 27 Chapter 2482: Madonna: Stagnation at the time of compassion

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The angelic elves of the combination of the three seasons of the storm, the four seasons and the ten incense are in an absolute advantage. The three senses of the three people can attack and defend, attracting most of the human magician firepower.

The madman's corps is even better!

The wizards of the world branch and the supportive forces from the headquarters broke out in a fire-like battle with the madman. The social dolls were obviously accidental. Although they had a head trunk and limbs similar to humans. However, there are still some differences. Compared with the dolls, it is more like a mechanical structure. The robot has a hood-like sleek head, the arms are unusually thick, and the feet have reverse joints different from humans. Like the structure of a beast.

These doll machines are also equipped with display device parts as human magicians.

And its combat power is no worse than the average human magician, capable of launching magic cannons and miniature missiles.

The human magician attacked along with the mechanical doll.

The rifles in the hands of the mad corps are also frequently launched.

The sky's fire attack has made the surrounding space hot and hard, and the sea surface has been hit from time to time, causing a large number of fish in the sea to die! ! !

The strength of both sides is quite the same. The madness of the corps is very serious. However, above the war, the madness has not weakened much. Every attack is full of laughter. Every time the bullets are screaming, countless madnesses The screams and sorrows that make up constitute a very mellow melody, which is melodious and high-pitched, with a hysteria inside.

In contrast, the mechanical dolls and the human magician forces were hit, the heads of the mechanical dolls were pierced, and the control center lost their waste like a waste into the sea, and the human magician wore the appearance device. They have been shattered, and they have fallen into the sea. It is better that they have the necessary life-saving system, and they will stay away from the battlefield after losing their fighting power!

The madness of one person is equivalent to the power of the regiment. The angelic elite of the three gangs and the combination of the storm and the tribe will defeat the team of human magicians!

"Really that Chonggong is really your traitor! Go to hell! Go to hell! Killing you is the second strongest magician!!"

In a dense attack, a magician wearing a crimson display device rushed out, and a bandage was wrapped around his face. The clusters on both sides of the shoulders forced a high-heat magical gun to hit the real.

"Jessica, are you?"

It’s easy to avoid the attack from this magician, and she is a member of the second executive department of the same society. The serial number is located behind her third magician, the world’s top three, codename ps3, but The top three magicians, each ranking has a very different distance, under normal circumstances, Jessica will not beat her no matter how many times.

And now, she seems to have forced the use of a certain weapon in order to become strong.

Rs red shore flower!

It is a test machine, known as a taboo weapon, the magician is the strongest to destroy the military equipment, has been sealed, because the ordinary magician will not become more than half an hour will become a waste, can never be Using a visualization device, it may even be life-threatening

If it is true, then it may be used, and Jessica is definitely not enough, but she can definitely use it now.

"Yes, I am using rs's sister machine 029rrs, go to hell, die, I have long wanted to kill your arrogant guy, even mixed with the elves, the shame of the human magician!"

Jessica is similar to the maddening Zhang Da pupil, I don't know if it is anger, resentment or something else. In short, the facial expression is terrible!

"Give up, you are not my opponent, using this kind of experimental machine will only let you end yourself, and the society is the guilty side!"

It really disappeared instantly, and appeared behind Jessica, trying to shoot her down, however

"Ha ha!!! Do you think it was the previous Jessica? Let me send you to die!!"

Jessica also disappeared instantly, and appeared behind the truth.


It was a quick turn, and the unfolding swords collided with Jessica.


With the advent of Jessica, the strongest magician Allen finally appeared. Her goal is the angels of the rain, the incense, and the four elves. If the elf angels continue to fight, obviously humans will fail. of!

Only she can break the defense of the elf angel.

The whole body was wrapped in a light curtain, and Allen appeared behind the elf angel, quietly, like an assassin.

Then the huge light gun at the left rear is aimed at the Elf Angel.


Finally waited for this opportunity, Qian Qianxia launched an attack against Allen~www.readwn.com~ huge trees fell from the sky and directly smashed Allen into the sea! !

The strongest magician of mankind actually has no chance to avoid the attack of Qianxia. It can be seen that the power of Qianxia is powerful. It can be said that this world has not been able to defeat her alone!

Of course, the power she can use now can't last long, because she is already a three-week person. The solidification of the branch of life makes her power outside of her own. The elf residue from the world is fast. Disappeared.

"Run through, holy gun!!"

In Allen, among the seawater, the device on the left did not stagnate, and the barrel extending from the underarm was rotated to the giant tree above. Infinite light emerges from the sea of ​​the abyss, and then a dazzling beam of light is instantly emitted! !

The light of the thick magic is just a moment to evaporate all the water around Allen, and the entire huge tree is wrapped in light! ! !

The light beam is like a rifle of light that the giant of light shoots, and the sea water is separated. Even the seamounts can be seen, but the Gun of Light just flies the giant tree to the sky and does not wear it! ! !

Visible power.

"Miss Ps ss

First-order second compassion

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us. ”

Qian Xia hands clasped together, as if the sound spread toward the surrounding, the light began to wrap Allen, for a moment, her power began to disappear quickly, not the disappearance of the surface, but the gathering of magic became slow and incomparable!

As if time was being squandered by magic, Allen wanted to attack, and his will was strong, but he couldn't react quickly! ! To be continued.


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