Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 27 Chapter 2490: The chaos of the sister world

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Efc, [elf*fatemunity] is a new type of body replacement model created by ‘practice’ in the wind and rain.

"This kind of exchange body model has not appeared in any two-dimensional works today, exchanging the body, but not exchanging five senses. This is simply impossible, but now it has appeared, but it is a miracle!"

Erya said excitedly, and suddenly felt very creative.

She is going to create a cartoon, the name is called, efc, the spirit of the spirit of the spirit, presumably many people will look forward to this rhythm? Exchanging the body does not exchange five senses, but this has created a historic turning point in the replacement of body flow.

"So, is there a way to change back?"

Qin Li looked at the village rain tone.

"No, under normal circumstances, one party should devour one side, but the reason of Yuchen's life tree allows you to coexist, and there will be no exclusion, but from now on, it is best to keep talking between you because The five senses are not their own, so it means that you will not feel the feeling of the body now.

Such as hunger, cold, convenience and so on.

However, it is not absolute that all five senses cannot be shared. The sharing of five senses will be open as you open your heart.

You feel that it doesn't matter if you know something about it, you can let the other person know, but some private things that you don't want the other person to know can't be known.

You still use your own vision, taste, touch, hearing, and smell. Therefore, I suggest that from now on, the piano is Yuchen, and Yuchen is in the piano. You are still in peacetime. ”

The village rain makes a sound explanation.

"I don't understand."

Some of the wind and rain did not understand, and now his body is in the piano.

"Is this not easy to understand? It is mainly based on the body, not the soul. That is, I will go to school instead of you. You will replace Ratatsk instead of me, but we must always show the other person, eat and sleep, and everything.

For example, I am manipulating your body to go to school, but I don't know what you are going to school. I just go to school according to your instructions. Everything you experience at school is only you understand, except for the sound. Words, you allow me to share your world before I can understand.

Our situation is really peculiar, but I think carefully, this situation is much better than the real replacement of the body, even if you touch my body will not have any feeling, subjectively speaking, reduce a lot of trouble. ”

Qin Li probably understood the idea of ​​the village rain tone.

"It’s a mess, I don’t understand it, I want to eat!”

Ten incense can't think so much.

"It takes a soul to cook, so I can't come, even if this body has the five senses of the rain."

The piano took out a lollipop and stuffed it into the wind and rain. No, it was stuffed into my mouth. Because she used the body of the wind and rain, and there is no five senses. I want to eat lollipops and only send sugar to myself. The mouth is gone.

It just looks so good...


"But cooking also needs a taste. Even if my soul manipulates your body to make it, some of it will taste the taste. It seems that cooking requires two of us..."

The wind and rain stretched out in the piano (the people outside of them seemed to be pulling the wind and rain in the piano).


The priests wanted to stop, but they were quickly stopped by the village rain.

"Don't be excited, Yuchen will not be unfavorable to the piano. On the contrary, the piano will be blessed in disguise. If you recall the past, you should understand that the piano can't control your own spiritual power. In fact, with the spiritual power in the piano. Retracted, her strength will soon run away, let her lose her mind, and Yuchen is equivalent to the suppressor of the elf.

From the very beginning, I still don't understand, but now I can probably feel that he is actually a suppressor of the elves. The elves that have been in contact can keep calm, and the control of spiritual power will become more and more familiar. At least the space shock has been reduced a lot. . ”

"It is true that the elves who are in contact with him are all balanced, and they will not appear with the spiritual fluctuations. If the elves are angry or unhappy, the spiritual values ​​will show no. Stable state.

The statement of the sprite suppressor is indeed correct. ”

God has no approval from the moon.

"But exchange body or something..."

The instinctive feeling of the sister-in-law seems to have been snatched away. Although he does not feel anything special in the piano, he is really worried when this happens in the piano.

"I can't accept it!"

Really the same mood, Yu Chen, who is close to her, suddenly had such close contact with the piano. She already had a brother who was snatched away in the piano, and how could another brother be taken away.

"There is one thing to tell you, Chonggong is really, the morale is also listening to it. In the last battle against the dem community, it was really hurt. In the process of testing, you see -"

The village rain tone sounds the screen of the console~www.readwn.com~ The above shows the detailed data of Chonggong Zhennao -

"this is……"

Really seems to be able to understand what.

"It is exactly what you see!"

The village rain makes a low tone. "In dem, your whole body is treated with magic. This is why you have a strong fighting power different from ordinary people. The qualification of a good magician is actually a price. Your Life, I am afraid... only a decade or so..."

"What a decade..."

Really seems to understand what.

"The display device made by dem company is not perfect equipment. Because the processing power of the calculation core is not fast enough, it must be reinforced by the human brain. All the magicians using the display device will have a brain implanted in it. Parts, but it's true that your incomparable magician's transformation is much deeper, and your body can say that part of it has been assimilated into an elf...

Moreover, the even worse news is that the longer you contact with Yuchen, the faster the elves become...

Now that the plexus is being treated, relying on the medical equipment of Ratatsk may hope to restore you to normal, but it is absolutely impossible to maintain a close relationship with Yuchen! ”

The village rain makes some difficult openings.

"Miss Yin, is this related to me? Why let me listen?"

The priest looked at the village rain and the sound had a hidden look, and suddenly asked.

"Shidao, you may not have memories, but after blood comparison, we can conclude that it is your sister!"

It’s quite coincidental that the village rain makes the eyes close.

"How... maybe, no, this is not really..."

The priest trembled and looked at the truth. Indeed, there was indeed a memory disappearing. His memory only started at the Wuhe family. He understood that he was adopted... (to be continued.)

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