Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 27 Chapter 2492: Brother and sister concerto

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The scene of making food in Wuhe Qinli and Fengchen is very enviable.

In the eyes of outsiders, the piano is making dishes, and the prepared dishes are given to the stormy tasting, and the image of a good brother and sister is a good one.

In fact, the cooking is a storm, his soul is boarding in the body of the piano, because the body's five senses are still in the original body, so he has to send the broth into the mouth of his body.


The ten incense looked blushing in the 'qin' and was quite dissatisfied.

"What are you doing blushing!"

Looking at the wind and rain in the piano, I can't help but sneak up.

"The five senses of this body are yours, blush is just your emotional expression, it doesn't matter to me..."

Sighing in the wind and rain.

"Who asked you to make this action with my body, I... I, I have never been so fed before."

The piano retorted, but it seemed to be her feelings. If she felt ashamed, it would not be reflected in the body that was manipulated, but in the original body.

"Do we have to continue this way? At least you open up a little bit of sharing, otherwise, not together, I am afraid I can't even walk. After all, there is no vision. I am selflessly sharing my five senses to you. To be honest, I look forward to it. And the truth becomes like..."

Sighing in the wind and rain.

"Hey! You are proud, after I change it, I will repair you, I will not share anything with you, sister control!"

The piano is scornful.

"Oh, actually, Si Yan is also thinking about this. This is the ultimate realm of fit. Look at the combination of the piano and the O'Neill sauce. The four 糸 is really good, the ten incense, you are the same. Think about it?"

Si Yanai swayed and said that it seemed to convey the fact that Si Yi did not dare to say it. For the confession of Si Yunai, she could only use another hat to pull down.

"Of course, of course, I want to drink soup!"

After the smell of the ten fragrances, the eyes are shining.

"What a wonderful replacement, when will Yu Ji be able to make such a replacement with me?"

The sickly began to tear up the newspaper.

"Okay, everyone, I have a good meal, I have been busy for a day... Why didn't I come?"

The wind and rain put the food on the table.

"The strategist did not come!"

Qin Li suddenly looked at the madness that suddenly appeared in the room. The look of laughter and sorrow was just getting angry. Among all the elves, only the mad three minds were the best, and the most people...

"I should sleep with my dad, or do you want to sleep with ‘Daddy?’

Qian Xia looked at Erya sadly.

"Nothing, you have two dads!"

The creation of Erya's excitement has been forgotten, the community of elf fate, um, very good, great, very good.

"I am not your father..."

In the piano, I hate the words and hate, what does Erya would like to teach Qianxia?


It was at this time that the two people who were late and the sects came in, and they were very close, and the village rain sounds appeared in the room. The Chong Palace House seemed to be starting to be lively again.

It was only Shidao and Zhenna who sat together.

"Shidao... Come here?"

The piano frowned and looked at the morale and the truth.

"That... I have to announce one thing before eating."

The priest did not respond to the piano, but he sighed and said, "That is actually my lost sister..."


The chopsticks in the piano fell to the ground -

"What sister, gentleman, I am your sister, are you confused? Even if I replaced my body with Yuchen, I am still your sister, one day we will end this replacement!"

"No, not what you think, in the piano, really, really is my sister, I am afraid that Yuchen has already known, I am adopted by the Wuhe family, and I have a Sister's, but for some reason..."

Shidao quickly waved and explained.

"If it is a sister, I have never heard you talk about it. What is this! So, said that you have always used me as a substitute for your sister?"

The piano is furious! Patted the table and stood up.

"No, no, I am amnesia, including the truth that is also lost memory. The only thing that left the image is the true pendant, and the two of us are very similar to what you don't think, so Miss Yin has compared our blood samples. I told us that I used to treat you as a sister, and my feelings are true. In the piano, you have to believe me..."

The morale explained anxiously.

"Amnesia? Amnesia should have nothing to do with it? Compared to the unseen sister ~ www.readwn.com~ I am living with you for these years, isn't the sister more close?

Chonggong Zhenna, you already have a brother, although Yuchen is a sister, but he really loves you wholeheartedly, you are happy enough, why should I take my taxi! ”

The piano stared at the morale and the truth, feeling that it was all for her, what did they want to do...

"Let me explain it..."

The village rain tone stopped the truth and the morale of the words, took a letter out and said to the piano, "Maybe, there is a destiny, maybe there is a miracle. In the piano, your brother is actually rain. Chen!

After the comparison of the samples, your similarity is already high. At the same time, Yuchen’s appearance is confirmed by your parents as the eldest son they have lost for many years. This is the letter they sent from the United States, and they are always waiting for you. I am really sorry. ......"


The most shocking is not the same as the wind and rain, he seems, it seems -

"Sister...sister...in the piano, in the piano, why don't I remember?"

"It should be clear in this piano that after becoming an elf, it will lose its memory. The piano is an elf that has been turned into human beings, and Yuchen is also a human being. You are brothers and sisters."

The village rain makes a serious statement.

"No... No, this is unreasonable. I have a place to go. I am not the existence of this world. I understand this. Wuhe Shidao is you. It is this guy who wants to take my sister away. I don't want anything in the piano, I want to be true!"

The wind and rain looked at the real thing sitting with the morale, and suddenly it was like a heartbreaking lung!

"I... I don't believe, how can Mom and Dad have any eldest son, unreasonable..."

The piano is also unacceptable as a lightning strike. (To be continued.)

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