Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 30 Chapter 2606: 3 and 2 dimensions, father and son

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The weather and the deep feelings of this sentence will be very good, and the long run between the scorpion and the scorpion is finally able to identify with each other, precisely because the first world, the first girl encountered, so it is The most complicated, real illusory gap is difficult to fill.

And this gully is no longer there.

"Let me come to arrange clothes for you, as a wife. This is the only thing I can estimate before my husband's departure. After a long time, I will be in a blink of an eye, all kinds of moods are intertwined, and the end can be woven. A beautiful knot, so there is no need to regret it, precisely because the future is unpredictable, it is so precious now, isn't it?"

The poisonous island nephew wears clothes for the wind and rain, and as a wife's restraint, can not leave any burden on her husband.

"Yes, waiting for me, I will definitely come back, because I can only see you when I come back. I don't want to give up all this. No, even if I want to give up, I can't give up. I was last night. Not not gentle enough?"

The wind and rain looked at the marks on the poison island scorpion, caressing.

"It doesn't matter, I am very satisfied. If I didn't leave you... that's not gentle enough. What do you say about this at this time? Go early and go back early, we will keep the house."

The poisonous island scorpion stood up and looked at the dress of the wind and rain. Well, very good, no problem.

"Then I am going out..."

The wind and rain stood up and walked toward the door.

"come home early……"

The poisonous island scorpion nodded and stood in the porch to see the wind and rain.


The moment I walked out of the door, the wind and rain saw that everyone in the family was looking at this side.

"Really, don't come together, I will be shy... Don't worry, I will come back soon, as I used to, Asuna, baby give me..."

The wind and rain reached out and hugged the baby in Asina's arms, pinching his little face and saying, "Little guy, you are the long man of our family. Later, you have to be like me, of course, various The same, but this time teach you sister control...


You are laughing with a fart. You will also protect your sisters and sisters in the future, but I hope that you can be like a mother. Dad is far from your mother.

Playing tiger brothers, playing father and son soldiers, but you little guy is not on the battlefield age, I really hope to be able to experience the feeling of going to the father and son soldiers with you, maybe one day will be achieved? But who knows if this little guy will be obedient in the future, and it is estimated that he will grow up when he grows up?

Haha, laugh again!

Did your kid remember it? Well, who makes you a baby?

However, my heart hurts, thinking about my lovely daughters turning around you... Hey, Yasna doesn't want to beat me, I am serious, why don't you give birth to my daughter... well, don't fight I shut up..."

The wind and rain looked at Asuna's shy expression and suddenly took her mouth and handed the baby over.

"Really, so teach the children, I have to repair you! Well, go fast, don't be embarrassed."

Asuna protects her baby, for fear of infusing something strange.

"Knot, you are the eldest daughter, so look at the little guys, swear at them if you don't obey, and... wait for me to come back and give you a big Buffy..."

The wind and rain fell low and looked at the knots around Asuna.

"Well... I will."

The knotted strong nod and pulled the baby's finger.

"Tongren, I heard that you are already, hey, let me see my daughter-in-law..."

Watching Kirito and Zhiye in the rain and rain, I feel that I am doing it right, my brother and sister are really great...

"Let's go to hell!"

Straight leaves looked tired and looked at the wind and rain.

"Don't say that, straight leaf... I also like baby very much. After all, it is much more lovely than Yuchen. Yuchen, my daughter has already got a good name, [Firefly], Tonggu Firefly, is it nice?"

Tonggu and people pulled down the straight leaves.

"Good, very good, fire, squid, small firefly, it is really good, but I actually think of the famous, good sauce, small excellent, it is a pity, actually not let me name, but the fire is also very good. ”

Some of the wind and rain are not satisfied, thinking about it, the eyes are bright, "It’s better to regenerate one, you can call it excellent..."

"Amount, you said that life will be born! And brother, this is your good brother, you are born with him!"

The straight leaf face is instantly red.

"Well, I think there will be another one that will be very lively. The name is not bad..."

Tonggu and people caressed the head of the straight leaf.

"And my brother..."

Straight leaves are blurred.

"Hey... I have eaten a ton of dog food! I don’t want to accompany you to eat dog food. I also want to go to my sister!"

When the stormy eyes are gone, when are these two people so loving? Sure enough, if the brothers and sisters fall in love, they will never be able to recover...

"That... I want to learn some food from you, so I must come back. Without you, my family Xiaoyan will never marry to your home."

Straight leaf small hand held on the chest, opened his mouth or said it.

"That does not have a way to say straight leaves, Yuchen, don't you agree?"

Tonggu and people blink.

"Well, of course, I want to watch Xiaoying and the baby come together in front of our parents, but Kirito, you really have to worry about your sister and me alone, hehe..."

The wind and rain can not help but laugh.

"Without me, Asuna will be optimistic about you."

Tonggu and people don't care.

"I will bring the knife of the front!"

Straight leaves are sparkling and sniper.

"Haha, kidding, kidding..."

Cold and sweaty face on the wind and rain.

"Must come back..."

Tonggu and people reached out and held the shoulders of the wind and rain.

"Yes, I will……"

The wind and rain nodded, then looked at everyone again and turned to walk to the parents' room.


"Dad, mom, son is going to the battlefield."

Looking at my parents, I feel awkward. Since the beginning of infinity, there has been no way for them to live like ordinary people, but to follow them.

"I can't communicate with you. There are so many daughter-in-law at home. Are you going to be an emperor? If you want to go to the battlefield, wouldn't you have a soldier? Do you personally take the war?"

Feng Zhengtian is naturally unhappy about the environment in which he is now. He is not received here and cannot die in the territory of the motherland. It is a pity that it would be great if he could die in his motherland.

"Zhengtian, how are you in this tone? Isn't it good now? We are all grandchildren, and the wives are very beautiful. Don't connect the three yuan to the second element. Yes, most of them are ethnic, but they And we are not a world.

Wang Yueling persuaded her husband.

"I don't like it. At most, it looks good. I have seen the little purple and the girls in our country. Are they good? I am a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, my father, his grandfather, but he used to resist the Japanese. of……"

Feng Zhengtian has a stalk in his heart and can't swallow. Although he barely accepts it, he hopes to have a Chinese wife, and he wants to die in the land of the motherland.

"Dad, everyone in this world is a descendant of Fuxi. It is Fuxi who created humanity in this world. All of them are descendants of Fuxi, and I am the reincarnation of Fuxi. Now we need all the forces left by Fuxi. Get up and defeat the enemy."

The wind and rain bite his lips. He knows what he is doing. Parents are definitely not clear, because they don't know what it is called a second element.

"Fu Fufu, you said that you are Laozi's Laozi? You are my son when you reincarnate. You can only die in the territory of the motherland. You don't have a lot of men, let them go back to the enemy, we migrate to the motherland, Even if there are a few people who want to recover our country, you should do it!"

Feng Zhengtian patted the table hard. He didn't want to be old. He was an old man. How did he face this big family? How do those wives manage?

"Dad, Mom, I am not arguing with you~www.readwn.com~ I am a man. As a man, I should stand on the ground and let my companion go to death and enjoy it. I am not a **** emperor, I am just a Man, I only know, I want to throw a blood for everything behind me!

I can't repay your parenting, but I am not only your son, I am the father of a lot of children, the husbands of many wives, many people waiting for me to save.

Yes, you can't understand the second dimension, but you can't always make me a shrinking turtle? I also have a passion, what is wrong with the blood of the world I love, my friends, and my family?

Yes, I am willing to imprison you in this Antarctic city, but you are my parents, how can I let you sacrifice?

I will not stop saying anything now, Dad, Mom, live well, you have a lot of family members, even if I am not, they are your family, the second yuan is a pure sanctuary, I like this world! ”

The wind and rain rushed to the parents, then turned and left.

"... Don't give me shame, you are going to die, what do they do? If you die, solve the problem, understand?"

Feng Zhengtian finally shed tears. "No, I am going with you, playing with father and son, no super power, my ancient martial arts can also be used!"

"Understood...you are here, your son is the best in martial arts!"

The wind and rain hold the fist and hit the sky. Really, Dad is the tofu of the knife.

"Son, come on, whether you are a past life or a future generation, you are our son... Don't worry about us, you must win."

Wang Yueling cried with her hands in her arms and leaned in the arms of the wind.

"Hey! Son, I won't lose!"

The wind and rain nodded. (.)

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