Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 5 Chapter 261: Sacred confession

When I was on the returning Lincoln car, it was surrounded by a heavy night. Although the surrounding hotel was still brightly lit, the visibility on the road became much darker.

In the car waiting for a long time, the long-awaited slap in the mouth, happily screaming and sleeping, really, the child has no warning at all.

The wind and rain put the small head to the top of his thigh, and then put her feet on the seat, so that it will be a little comfortable to sleep, although the small saliva will inevitably flow on his pants, but just go back and wash it. That's it.

"Wind Jun, really a gentle man, let me have some envy of the small day." Shengtianzi looked at the gentle weather to take care of the small day.

"Well, this is what I should, because she is by my side, I want to make her feel happy and happy, she is lonely, and I am the only one she found, so the only one I can only become Gentle. "The wind and rain stroking the small day to the soft and lovely pink hair said that she was originally a person in the world of the ball club, but the wind and rain will summon her, so ... to take responsibility.

The Holy Son couldn’t help but pull the hand of the wind and rain and put it on his chest. Some grateful said: "I just thank you for pulling back the momentum for me. Otherwise, I am really ugly. I met other heads of state for the first time. me……"

The wind and rain shook his head and said: "Nothing, I am your guard. If the employer is insulted and intimidated, I will be very angry. Okay. Peace of mind. I feel that this meeting is not so The simple will end."

"You mean..." The Holy Son couldn't help but blink his eyes and pointed at his head. Said, "Is there an assassination?"

"Well, but you don't have to worry, there is me, what are you afraid of, I will protect you, peace of mind, although some are crowned. But... If the enemy wants to kill you, just step on my body... "The stormy hand clasped the little hand of the Son of Heaven."

The Holy Son suddenly looked at the wind and rain, and a blush appeared on his face. Then he turned his head and snorted. He whispered, "I am not moved by this..."

The handsome lady of Tsundere, obviously moved, okay?

In order to soothe the ambiguous atmosphere, Shengtianzi took out the juice from the small car refrigerator and poured it into the glass. At the same time gave a cup of rain and rain.

"Only this, you have not been drinking water. Soothe thirst." St. Tianzi took a sip of juice and handed another cup of juice in his hand to the storm.

"Well, thank you..." The wind and rain nodded, and unknowingly drank.

At this moment, Shengtianzi suddenly turned his face, revealing a painful expression with his hands on his lower abdomen and said: "I don't know when I will die in the assassination. I already have the conditions to have children. The cronies of the Holy Room are also urging me to stay as early as possible. However, this may be my arrogance. I want a child who has a love that is more than a child born with good genetics."

It’s really a heavy topic. There is no answer in the storm. I continue to listen to the following of the Son of Heaven. He knows that this passage is not over yet.

Sagittarius said with a serious expression: "The next few countries may have to enter the stage of restoring national strength, avoiding the rest of the megalithic defense, and once they grow up, they will begin to retake the territory. After the elimination of the gut animals, the pattern of the world may Mutations will be made, from a war on the gut animals to a war between nations.

Because of the battle launched by this kind of metal, it is no longer a problem to defeat the gut animals. The problem is that this metal resource is limited, so the resource war will become the next topic. I heard that Qi Wu Xuanzong has begun and Some foreign countries have cooperated closely, such as the United States, providing him with funds and weapons, while he sells bismuth metals...

In order to get more base metals, there may be various assassinations. The various forces in various countries will send powerful police officers to come to assassinate me... My life is very likely, I have no one to rely on. Ok... so, so..."

Speaking of this, the Son of Heaven showed a pitiful look at the storm, saying: "Help me, do everything you can, although my request is a bit too much, but ... but ... people want to be guarded by you That feeling, I... I like you... Feng Jun..."

"Is it really a wayward princess, so that I am bound to your chariot?" The wind and rain can not help but sigh, but apparently he did not directly refuse, in this case, confession.

Shengtianzi took the hand of the wind and rain and placed it on his lower abdomen. He said in a very very subtle voice: "I want to crystallize with you..."

"You said this, I... I also..." The storm suddenly said with some helplessness, "I have wood, I can't betray her. She is also a girl with a very tragic background. I want to protect her life."

Shengtianzi shook his head~www.readwn.com~ said: "You still don't understand? I won't ask you more. The people in the holy room have been urging me to breed the next generation, and I have chosen a lot for me. Alternate strong man, but I want to be like this... I want to nurture the love with a person I like, if you refuse, maybe... maybe soon I will...

I want to give your beauty to you, Yuchen, I want to choose my own man, you don’t have to bear any husband’s obligations, and the holy room will not let you enter the political bureau of the country, so this is just under our darkness. Love, love that is not known to everyone, the first two generations of the Son of Heaven are forced and unrecognized men...

I will not replace the wood, as long as you come with me from time to time, I have no power to marry, my life must exist for this country until death, but... but I only have a weak wish , that is, there is a love, there is a person I like, there is a child born because of love..."

When the storm suddenly sinks into the mind, if you don’t want to be holy, then the sanctuary will force the holy emperor to be with the unfamiliar man for the birth of the next generation of monarchs. In that case, it is better to ask her if this time. The contact, saying that no feelings are false, the human heart is long, and the feelings will be ingrained with the slow contact. (To be continued.)

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