Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 5 Chapter 274: Attack on the Loli Legion (on)

[Thanks for the rewards of children's shoes, for recommendation, for subscription]

The early collapse of the giant stone monument is something that no one expected, but in any case, it is a time to fight now, and everyone understands this. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test

When the storm came to the battlefield, his Loli army was ready to go. Everyone had a machine gun or a sniper rifle or an assault rifle weapon, and everyone wore a grenade. Ammunition.

These weapons and equipment are unbearable even if they are held by adults, but this is just a small meaning in front of the group of Loli Legion. The body that has been strengthened by the original intestinal factor has taken hundreds of pounds for them. Objects are just a very easy thing to do.

The more than 200 people's Loli Legion also attracted everyone's attention. Most of the civilian police forces' eyes were on the Loli Legion. However, they were also a moment of horror, because there was no more time to give They were horrified, and the gut animals had already rushed in!

"Lantaro, I am temporarily appointing you as the deputy head, leading the police army to conduct assault operations, and the gut animals should have the same type of flying guts with the gliding wing that we encountered the last time, you write down Then, to prevent them from sneak attack, then I carried out the main attack in front." After seeing Lian Tailang, Feng Tingchen immediately appointed him as the temporary deputy head, and he will lead his own Loli army to fight.

"I? Deputy Head?" Li Tinglang suddenly stunned and was suddenly appointed to such an important position. He was naturally a little scared. Some felt that their abilities were insufficient, and some did not understand that the wind and rain would be like this. Trust yourself.


After the storm, I took a picture of Liantaro’s shoulder and said, “Oh, this time. How can we say that we can also hand over the companions behind each other, Lian Tailang, I believe you, you have this potential. Work hard. As long as we work together, this country will be able to be saved."

Companion? A little warm feeling.

Li Tinglang suddenly smiled and said: "Okay. The wind leader, give it to me, I will trust you!"

"Well, it’s all right. The battle has just begun. There is no such thing as a failure in my cognition. I must succeed in it!"

The rain and nodded, leaving a sentence, left the side of Li Taro, and then came to his Loli army squad.

A little loli wearing a short-sleeved skirt suit, brightened the eyes of the wind and rain. The so-called raise (Loli) soldiers for a thousand days, with soldiers (Loli) for a while, now his Loli army is the moment of battle.

Looking at a petite and lovely Loli soldier, the sword was pulled out in the storm. Smiling and said: "Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid! There is a brother in the car!"

All the little Loli said in unison.

The weather suddenly moved, and then said: "I have prepared an oversized fruit salad at home. After the battle, everyone will open a fruit salad party. Just like the previous exercise, the melee-type team will come with me and then remotely. The team is supporting, then the battle begins..."


Little Loli screamed in unison.

After the storm, the horse took the lead and rushed out to attack the gut animals. He was behind the highly armed Loli Legion...

Gradually, in the storm, they approached the army of primitive animals...

The sands of the gut animal corps side by side have flooded the horizon, enough to see the number of them, and they have made a sound like the rock and bass, the beast roar, the extremely awkward scene...

The first attack was the Self-Defense Marines. Their long-range weapons, self-propelled guns, chariots, and cannons fired at the same time. The shells traced the perfect orbit to the gut animals, and then immediately caused an explosion, and soon the front row The gut animals were blown up, and the broken limbs flew around, but there were a large number of gut animals in the back. The number of the guts was at least 2,000! Or play more!

However, at this time, when the battle started, the air combat team of the Self-Defense Forces, the so-called excellent self-defense team that achieved great results in the second Kanto war, retreated from the forefront battlefield and supported one by one. The signal flashes in the sky...

The huge dust that collapsed from the megalithic monument caused the Self-Defense Force’s operational line of sight to be disturbed. The sky filled with a lot of black dust particles made them unable to adapt for a while. At this time, it seemed to be smart and organized. All the flying guts flew into the sky and launched a devastating impact on the self-defense forces that were caught in a stalemate. A warplane exploded from the sky or fell to the ground...

Only a small number of self-defense forces have retreated, and it is now possible to judge that these so-called sophisticated self-defense forces are already unable to fight again!

Because the sky is covered by the dust of the megalithic fragments, there is no moonlight, and there are no street lights in the outer area. This environment is to make all the combatants shrouded in the fear of darkness. Someone needs to light up the dawn of this near-collapsed battle!

Intermittently, you can hear the deafening chariot and the low-pitched, roaring, and screaming of the gut animals...

The situation on the battlefield has been tested in the state of glue ~www.readwn.com~ Someone must open a gap for some, otherwise, the final failure must be human, and the number of the original intestinal army is also increasing rapidly...

In the forefront of the gut animals are crustacean gut animals, which are defense-type assault troops and bear the defense of the entire gut army legion. The first threat to be solved is them.

After the wind and rain accelerated to the front line, the hands and the press, the powerful and sultry frost spread instantly spread the entire front line, the front row of crustacean gut animals suddenly fell into the frost, unable to struggle, and this time, Xiao Loli We started the attack one by one, and a heavy machine gun was held in their hands. The instant '哒哒哒' of the child popped up and slammed out with a bullet of a fire snake. After a short training, Xiaoluo Lie has been able to target the head of the guts to attack.

The small loli who have the original intestinal factors have various conditions ten times or even dozens of times more than those of normal people. After a short training, they are super loli soldiers!

There are also a few teams of Loli soldiers set up a miniature rocket launcher, and the shiny cannonball shoots toward the original intestines! !

The battle of the little loli is just beginning! ()

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