Unlimited Anime Works

Chapter 29: Blood test (below)

Zhonggang Chaomei was "smooth" bitten by the zombies. According to the plan of the storm, she was asked to let her drink her blood inadvertently, and then "coincided" to discover his possession of the zombie virus.

Therefore, it is impossible for the wind and rain to let Zhonggang Chaomei die. After all, if the small room filial to them, the chance of being bitten by a zombie is very small. After all, the defense is perfect, and even if someone is bitten, I am afraid that it will be killed immediately. How do you "coincidentally" let the bitten person drink his own blood, and then "coincidence" to discover the ability of his blood to carry the zombie virus?

"No, I won't start. You are still alive. I can't kill you like this. Let's go. Let's go to the school doctor in Suichuan. It's the guy who is optimistic about my grandfather with me. Her medical skills are very good. You must be able to heal you." The wind and rain shook his head and said to Nakaoka.

"Cough, you...you shouldn't have this hesitation, I... can't, I will soon become them (Zombies), you don't want to go on like this, your character should be easy Going, oh, come on, kill me, didn’t you hate me before?” said Nakaoka, who was holding the hand of the wind and rain.

Next, I need to perform acting...

The wind and rain suddenly whispered and said: "No, no... I never hate you, just... just there was a person like the same, the same sense of justice, the same heroism, the same, However, she ended up... I saw her shadow in your body, I feared the past, so I didn't want to see her shadow, because it was a bruised past!

just now! Now how do you let me go, I have already watched her die before my eyes, how can I look at you and die like this, I used to be a **** guy with a sense of justice, but that thing made me understand Sometimes more is sensible!

I will save you, must, come, we will find them, let the school doctors in Suichuan help you to cure the wounds, everything will be fine, yes, yes, it will be ok! ”

Talking about the rain and the rain, Zhonggang Zhaomei hugged and quickly ran forward. At this time, the arm was "carelessly" opened by a Xuanyuan sword, and the blood suddenly "flowed" into the mouth of Zhonggang Chaomei...

"You..." Zhonggang Chaomei was speechless, and it seemed that he was in a hurry, looking at the wound that was pulled open on his arm, knowing that the current storm was already in a mess.

Now Zhonggang Chaomei understands why the wind and rain hate her like that at the time of the meeting. In fact, he does not hate her, just because she saw that he had a painful memory of restlessness. There is probably a similarity to himself. Man, his important person, seeing himself, recalling the painful memories...

The reason why the rain and rain left to save himself is because I still can't forget the past and can't save the "her", then save myself. Zhonggang Chaomei now understands everything. It turns out that he is just like himself, but that painful The memories made him have to become more rational...

Zhonggang Chaomei also understood the reason why the action of the wind and rain became disordered, and the eyes were flustered and helpless. Because of the death of the "her", I didn't want to see myself dead, even if I could not save, still holding the rescue. Hope?

"Although the blow is very heavy for you, I can still ask you to kill me. I, uh, now I suddenly like you a bit. It is also very good to be able to die in the hands of people I like, so..." When I was smiling, I looked at the wind and rain.

"No, no, I don't want you to die, you can't die, don't talk, or you won't have strength, ah..." The wind and the rain screamed and ran, a tearful stream of water flowed out of the corner of the eye, like a body. The wind sprints...

Gradually, Zhonggang Chaomei feels that something is wrong, how can he still be dead? She vaguely remembers that the person who was bitten by the zombies will soon vomit blood and then turn into a zombie. Why didn't she?

Too strange, Zhonggang Chaomei touched his forehead without any abnormal state. What happened? She was bitten by a zombie. The moment it was bitten, the body was really painful. The throat also had a feeling of hematemesis. How did it suddenly disappear? When did you not feel this way?

Nakaoka and the United States began to gradually recall, it is... the blood on the arms of the wind and rain! Nothing wrong, it is the blood on his arm that makes his strong feelings of discomfort gradually disappear, is it! !

"Stop, stop! I have nothing, it is your blood, although it may be some fantasies, but it is indeed your blood. You see that I am fine now, it has been more than ten minutes, still normal..." Gang Chaomei’s face was flushed with the arms of the wind and rain, and he was excited to the extreme.

The wind and rain pretend to stop in confusion, watching Zhonggang Chaomei~www.readwn.com~ excitedly said: "You're fine? You're fine?! It's so good, hey, great, great..."

When Nakaoka was in the midst of the US, he said something incredible: "Perhaps this is really destined. You didn't save 'her', but saved me. This is a chance that God gave you, and it was a happiness for me. There is nothing wrong with it. Your blood has the ability to relieve zombie toxins. Great, great, this is really..."

"What's the truth? No? It's impossible, how can humans have such ability?" The wind and rain couldn't believe it and looked at his **** arm.

Nakaoka Takami shook his head and smiled and said: "It is true, you are special, you are the only special existence, and there must be something different in your blood. This kind of thing is exactly the antibody of the zombie virus. This kind of virus antibody can completely save the whole world. Right, it will definitely save all mankind. You are the last hope of mankind!"

"Is it really? You didn't lie to me?" The storm still asked in an unbelievable tone.

"It's true. People are stupid and want to get it. You see that I am not very good now. Just as your blood flowed into my mouth, my body began to get normal. I didn't notice it at first, but It’s been more than ten minutes now. I still haven’t lost the zombies. What do you say about this? It’s great, thank God!” Zhonggang’s eyes met with the eyes of worship, as if he was the savior. .

"That's really good? That's great, great..." The wind and rain suddenly said excitedly, but suddenly the body felt a sense of powerlessness, sat on the ground, and the blood was lost too much...

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