Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 5 Chapter 288: Problem girls are from 2nd dimension

[Thanks to 啥5 what 2, t-uibsyhg children's shoes reward, thanks to the evaluation ticket of a boat line of children's shoes, thanks to the strange way, hsiung, ruthless じ ve ve 殇 殇 鞋 鞋 的 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , One day, if you meet the conditions for adding more, the Lamb will be even more in the future, let everyone cool down, what are you waiting for, vote for the monthly ticket]

Midday news.

\"Today's hd international airport has flooded hundreds of thousands of passenger traffic, and the previous year's passenger traffic has increased by about 30 times, a record high. The entire international airport is full of people and traffic jams. There are already about 300 people. The traffic police rushed to the scene to maintain law and order!\"

\"An accident also occurred at the hd international airport. Due to the emergency rescue of several airport security personnel, there were no casualties...\"

\"Because of the huge increase in passenger traffic, hd International Airport is already taking measures to limit personnel inflows...\"


\"Overnight, there was a fierce comment on the major Weibo and community websites. During the day, there were more than 100 million new traffic. The reason was only due to a girl from the UK and a Chinese girl. According to eyewitnesses. It is claimed that the two girls are similar to the two high-profile anime film and television characters heroines..."


The rainy weather at lunchtime was caught in a sluggish moment, dry, wouldn't it? This is how the big-name star wants to open a concert or how to smash it. After a long time, the wind and rain will understand that it was originally made by Yasna and Tiantongmu. As a result, the TV has posted a photo of Asuna and Tiantongmu and the three people in the storm...

\"雨辰, is that us?\" Asuna pointed to the picture on TV.

\"Yes..." "The wind and rain are weak, he can already foresee, there will be countless troubles in the next two days."

\"How is there no one?" "Small day said to the small mouth.

\"There are no people in the house..." "Dinna and Cui said in unison.


\"You three don't just go out and hear no, if you go out. I can't live without it!" "The wind and rain patted the table and said, I have to know that there is time for Kawasaki's little Lori to sprout everything. If you know that there are three little loli in the storm, the world’s fans will send him to the firearm. At that time, it was really subject to the sanctions of the ffff group. (\"\"//pnxs\ "\"target=\"_blank\">//pnxs\"target=\"_blank\">\"//pnxs\"target=\"_blank\">pnxsPingnan Literature Network)

\"Looks like a big sensation..." "Tian Tongmu said more biting the chopsticks."

\"Not looks like, is sure!\" Fengchen said helplessly.

\"The people have recently turned into Yuchen’s college. It seems to be slowing down...\" Tiantongmu said.

The wind and rain nodded, and the heart said that the wood is still very sensible...

\"Then the day after tomorrow is good, you can't lose to Asuna!\" Tiantongmu said in a sentence.


For a time, the wind and rain seems to be weathered. The wood is not a sensible child! ! !

\"Can't go, an Asuna is enough for me to have a headache. You come back, my life will be a big bang..." "The wind and rain said according to the shoulders of Tiantongmu."

At this time, the small praying hand said: "The people also want to..."

\"No!!\" The storm suddenly stood up and said loudly, "It seems that Zhenfu is not good, one is not obedient..."

\"Listen to your sister. After eating the clothes and washing the clothes..." "Tian Tongmu even threw the jacket on the head of the wind and rain, and then there was her little Nene."

\"The little white rabbits are also dirty...\"

On a small day, he grabbed his chubby times from the bottom of the sofa (fat times, inside, pants, Japanese pronunciation) and threw them on the head of the storm.

\"There are people..." Dina and Cui also did the same thing with Xiaori.


Ok, the wind and rain decided... I decided to endure. If I couldn’t bear it, I would have a secret.

\"Be obedient, the next world, I will take her with me..." "The wind and rain finally threw out his own big bait.

\"Oh, I don’t think it should be a problem for the husband....What is the little boy’s stuff?..." Tiantongmu moved his ears and suddenly said that I was very sensible.

\"The people are going to..." "Small praying hands, a pair of crystal-like eyes looking at the wind and rain, a disagreement I will not sprout...

\"Small day also wants to oh...\" Xiaori said to raise his hand.

\"People want to...\" Dina and Cui are also saying the same.

\"People want to...\" Suzumiya Chunnai also came to join in the fun.

\"Recently suddenly killing is stunned, I am eager to kill..." "Poison Island scorpion eyes darkly said, if the storm did not agree, she went out to commit a murder!

\"If you don't let me go, I will make other male friends in the school...\" Asuna's threat is more direct.


A group of problem girls, the problem girls are from the world of the dimension, oh, why can't the weather be a little bit fascinating?

\"Okay, lost to you, give me obedience, otherwise, no one will bring you, Asuna will give me a slap at school this week, others are at home, scorpion, you bring them with them. Playing the game is good, lol and 300 heroes are good. \"The wind and rain said, the heart said to yourself, 'recognize the reality of the boy, the second yuan girl is with. [,! There is a problem 嘀’.


All the girls suddenly ate and ate, but they still had to wash their clothes during the storm. He still had to do the miscellaneous things. Hey, next time you must adopt a maid-type sister who will do housework.


In the days that followed, although Asuna was entangled by some people, it was good to use the white eyes to detect all enemy situations and solve all troubles.

Tian Tongmu is also playing at home, lol, she is good at the character is Sister Ji, the spine is very fast, poultry-beast, but the poisonous island nephew also has a soft spot for Jian Ji, two people at home Struggling for the role of Jian Ji, but it is good to have no trouble at home.

Just in the rain and rain, thinking that the world can settle down, the online world is crazy again. One day after school, the wind and rain hear the familiar songs when passing through the major squares. It is the voice of Xiaoqitian, gentle, and also The song of hope can save people who are caught in the shadows, and can also purify the voice of the human heart...

The wind and rain suddenly felt another trouble approaching. His face twitched and his right hand trembled out of his pocket. The top three songs on the Baidu music list and other major music lists were all in front of the storm. The songs that have not been heard, and the singers of the songs, as well as the names of the lyricists, are all the same - 榞 pray! ! !

Well, a vocabulary can describe the life of the stormy day--the day that is getting worse! ! !

The invasion of the second yuan sister, the problem girl is from the world of the dimension ah ah ah!


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