Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 6 Chapter 316: The plot begins

[Thanks for the crystal pendant, I will not name it, have the vegetable radish, the night tyrant wolf children's shoes, and the third one today, ask for a ticket, subscription, monthly ticket]

"Ah... I am exhausted..."

The wind and rain lie on the ground, while the Akasaka and the Little White Dragon patted their little belly comfortably.

Originally, the wind and rain thought that I would catch a cute pet. As a result, Nima, too pitted, is a super-big stomach like Akasaka. Although it is only 30 centimeters in length, now I have eaten a few hundred pounds of meat. A guy who is more 'murderous' than Akasaka!

Xiaobailong seems to have a high degree of wisdom. When he sees Akasaka’s own little belly, it also stretches out his small belly with his small claws, and he snoring and exhaling a white air, doing it like a nose like this, this is A enchanting dragon, wisdom is high.

"Ah... It seems that I have to catch a lot of prey in the future. After all, I have a little white guy..." Akasaka thought.

"I found out now that I am not lucky, but unlucky, hey, bring back a foodie!!"

The wind and rain sighed and said.

"White is actually very useful. If you train well in the future, it will help us to inquire about intelligence, and the dragon-type dangerous species has grown very powerful." Akasaka said.

"Well, can I bake it now?" said the wind and rain.

"No, Xiaobai is so cute, how can you bear to eat it..." Akasaka suddenly held Xiaobailong in his arms.

Xiaobailong nodded with confirmation and shook his little paw. It means that it can't be eaten.


The rain and rain nodded helplessly, and then ran the forest to catch food. The reason is that the two wild boars caught by Akasaka are naturally eaten.

Well, the wind and rain decided to learn about the ability of Huo Ying's A-level Ninjutsu multi-shadow splitting technique, so that he can let the body go to cook, and then he can relax for a while.


Two days of non-stop, the wind and rain they returned to the night attack base, this time Leo Nai has just come from outside, a drink. Holding a large bag of gold coins in his hand.

"Leonai, are you going to lie again?" said Rainy Chen, Leo Nai.

"What is deceiving, I am the ignorant teenagers who have come to an important life class at the end of the day, oh~~~ I have encountered a very pure boy today, just like the little brother, you are cheating..." Leo Nai said in a cellar.

"Okay... I am deceiving..."

The rain and the rain had a look at Leone, and this has not been saved!

"Well, let's say. Have you done anything with Xiao Akasaka... Hey, Xiao Akao, but the super beautiful girl in our organization, it tastes great..." Leo Nai took the head of the storm. Said on her plump chest.

"I went, there is nothing at all..." The storm suddenly said blushing, and there is nothing to say, in fact, he still has something to gain. I touched the little white rabbit.


Leo Nai whispered in a boring mouth and said: "The big sister told you, first of all, I don’t understand it. Woman, after the push down, everything is easy. Do you want me to give you a little medicine? There are many on the black market. Good medicine..."


The weather suddenly felt like a broken ground. Xiao Akao is listening on the side.

"My body is immune to poison..." Akasaka suggested.


The wind and rain once again sighed, Akasaka, don't say so in a normal calm tone?

"Don't whisper there, come to the task. To punish the darkness of the emperor this evening, I am optimistic about the information on the information. All members of the aristocratic family and the guards are killed!!" Najta said at this time, The information was handed to them in the rain.

"Oh, just come back and do the task..."

Looking at the intelligence in the hands of the wind and rain, the members of this noble family like to deceive the countryman who came to the emperor from the field to make a living and then torture to death. It is really a decadent and dark emperor, but look at the person on the assassination list. How does the wind and rain feel this familiar? There is a girl named Alia who seems to have some impressions...

Aliya? dry!

The storm suddenly stunned. Isn’t this the noble lady who took the lead Tazmi at the beginning of the blushing plot?

So the boy who just swindled by Leo Nai is - the male pig's foot Tazmi?

So the story begins.

"Why, is there a problem?" Najta asked as she looked at the storm.

"No problem, start acting..."

The wind and rain shook his head and said.

"Well, then everyone started to act this evening, because there are too many targets, so everyone has to go out together, and recently the number of people has increased. We have to start a real assassination. The next activity may be much more frequent, and Uncertain... It will be accompanied by various dangers..." Najta spit out a cigarette.

Everyone nodded and the action started.


It is night, night attack all members go out to the place where the target is.


The wind and rain snorted and sprinted into the courtyard where the nobles were located. Killing all the people they met was not a powerful opponent, so it was only a unilateral massacre.

Soon, after the storm, they solved their opponents. The villas have probably been eliminated. The rest of the people are outside, but there are other people who should handle them. There should be no problem.

"Is it solved?" Akasaka said as he watched the wind and rain.

"Of course, I am not slower than people..." The wind and rain nodded and looked out.

The next step is to meet the pig's feet.

After walking out of the villa, the wind and rain and Akasaka looked to the warehouse, there is a goal that has not been eliminated, one of the main goals of Aria.

Before the guardian of Aria, Tazmi, really is a pure boy, still do not understand that his companion has been killed?

"Is there still someone who has solved it?"

Akasaka pulled out the village rain and slammed it toward Tazmi~www.readwn.com~ Who are you guys..."

Tazmi cold sweats, a group of extremely powerful opponents, really too powerful.

"Let's leave, you don't want to be on the target, and if you don't let it go, I will give you a good time..." Akasaka slashed the blade and said coldly.


Tazmi was shocked and understood that the power of the people in front of him was not something he could deal with.

"If that's the case, then..."

Akasaka’s figure instantly left a shadow on the ground, and the blade slammed against Tazmi...


After Tazmi resisted it, he immediately avoided it. The girl in front of him was much stronger than himself. The blade of the sniper was too fast, and he could not catch it...

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