Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 6 Chapter 320: First encounter black cockroach (on)

[Thanks to GodBeas, the secret wing of the children's shoes, thanks to the evaluation of GodBeas children's shoes, thanks to the monthly ticket of the **** shackles, and the difference of 12 monthly tickets plus, everyone is working hard, today is the second to send, to recommend tickets, Subscription, monthly ticket]

The mission is completed and returned to the base.


Najta suddenly took a mechanical arm on the table, and her left eye twitched. She looked at the rain and said: "Let you go to the dark to support Tazmi, but you ran to drink a little wine. Ok, really. Dereliction of duty..."

"BOSS, is this Tazmi not successfully completing the task?" The wind and rain retreated a step and said with a hand.

"It's a good situation now. What if he is really dead? We are companions now, can this newcomer Tazmi be as powerful as it is?" Najta said reproachfully.

"Well, my next time I noticed it, but the boss, I heard a message. The aliens in the north began to turmoil, and Acedes went up to fight off the army of different nationalities..." Quickly transferred the topic.

"Well, I also received the news from the headquarters. This is good news for us. The northern expedition of Adesdes, the emperor has almost no threat to our existence, so we can increase the activities in the capital. Volume," Najta said with her arms folded.

"Well, then I will work harder." The wind and rain said, thinking of Najita's quick forgetting of Tazmi, the punishment is not so good?


"Well, go back to the previous topic. Chen, you left your companion in the process of work to go drinking alone, counted as a negligence. So now I have sent you to Daisy for some hardships. Recently, the imperialist assassination force seems to have increased the number of people. A small team of imperialist assassination troops is active in Daisy, you go to destroy them..." Najta handed the information sheet to the storm.

"Do you have a small Akasaka with me?" asked the wind and rain, if there is a small Akasaka, then the journey is not too hard.

"No! Only you!" said Najta.

“Why?” Fengqing and Akasaka asked.

Akasaka is naturally a dish that I want to eat every day, and they are two partners. Isn’t it a good move together?

"The emperor needs manpower here. Akasaka is the trump card. Anything can be used at any time. There may be emperor users in the next person. I feel that your strength is ok, and the person immediately rushed back. The people sent from the headquarters were killed. There seemed to be a girl like Akasaka in the hands-on. It should be..." Najta suddenly said it.

"Oh, then, Akasaka will not go there for a while, the enemy will give me a solution..." The storm did not ask, nodded and agreed.

"Then I should go more! I can't let the black scorpion go wrong again!" Akasaka said, pressing his hands on the table.

"No. You have to stay in the capital, you can't do without it..." Najta shook her head and said, "If you stay in the emperor, you don't have much information about the situation here, and your intelligence has been leaked, Chen." His ability to transform is very convenient, so it is so decided. In the Royal Capital, we also have major tasks.

Assassination of the distant relative of O'Neill, Okaru, who kidnapped women in the name of the minister and abused them to death. There are many guards around this guy, and many of them are masters of the Huangju Temple. Night-Raid needs to be full. The member was dispatched to go to assassinate this sinful sinner. Let us drop the punishment and not let him continue to do evil! ”

Najta said with a loud voice, the decision to make a good decision is now impossible to change.

"Okay..." Akasaka nodded.

"Then I will leave now!" said the wind and rain. "If it is later, the enemy will move to the position, and it is necessary to inquire about the information. It is really time-critical. Is there any auxiliary transportation from Elmenda?" ",

"Yes, Elmonda has already arrived. There is a person from the headquarters who picks you up. Please, because you have to execute Okalu, so there are no more people to give you reinforcements. It is because the task is arduous. So I can only hand it over to you.” Najta patted the shoulder of the wind and said, “There may be emperors in the other side. You have to be careful. This kind of task is usually performed by a partner, but wood. They have also been assigned to go out, the base is now only you alone..."

The rain and nodded and said: "Then I set off... Tazmi, good performance, come back, but I want to test your strength, Akasaka, take care of Xiaobai, Leo Nai, drink a little bar, be careful Not a boyfriend... BOSS, in fact, when you are not squinting, it is very attractive..."

"Come on, how to listen like a farewell!" Najta glanced at the rain and gave him a leg.


There were no two steps in the base, and Akasaka chased it out.

"What's wrong, if you want to eat meat, you can only wait for it..." said the wind and rain.

"This one……"

Akasaka bit his lip and said, "Please, please, black her..."

"Let me kill her on your behalf?" The wind and rain looked at Akasaka's eyes full of charming crimson eyes.

"Well, please, I don't want her to be used again by the empire. I don't want her to make more mistakes, let her be no longer an empire's machine and live..." Akasaka suddenly held a pair of small hands and clutched the wind and rain. Chen's cloak, buried his head in his arms, a rare gesture of weakness, the usual Akasaka is very strong.

The rain and rain suddenly pouted, and both hands held Akasaka in his arms and said, "Hey, I am the most hated girl, especially the cute girl, maybe... I can't help you~www .readwn.com~Because I have no way to start, but this time I will stop her..."

"The killer doesn't need to be pity. If you take this task, you must kill everyone coldly..."

Akasaka suddenly bit his teeth and said.

"No, although the killer really should be like this, but I will look at it with my own eyes, because the person who taught me the assassination told me the most important rule of a killer - before we were killers, we were first and foremost !

I will use my own eyes to judge everything. If Akasaka is really evil, then I will not hesitate to do it. If she is only forced, then I can’t start anyway because I am a person and have a warmth. The heart of the person.

Why do I join the night raid, because it has a human touch, if you don't pay attention to whether a person has sin and then kill, then I am not the same as joining the empire?

I will use my own eyes to judge everything! I am a human being and a killer. The real powerful killer is the existence of the heart! ”

The wind and rain steadfastly said.

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