Unlimited Anime Works

Chapter 34: Leave OR to leave

After a restful night, the next day, they went to the third elementary school.

After coming to the third elementary school, they found that many policemen were on alert, and there were many survivors in the school.

"Are you also survivors?"

"That... isn't it? Your father is here too..."

"Haha, I didn't think I was driving a horse..."

The police officers who suddenly guarded them waved to the storm, and Miyamoto was also recognized.

"Let's come in quickly, it's not easy to come here, Li, go see your dad, but he misses you very much, hey, you, you are still alive..." A patrolman suddenly walked They came out and greeted the wind and rain and they came in.

Soon a round-faced policeman with glasses came out and saw Miyamoto and Miyamoto Takako. They rushed over and hugged them and said, "Great, I know you will have nothing." Yes, filial piety, filial piety is coming. Your mother is also there, haha, everyone is reunited here."

When Xiaojun was excited, he nodded excitedly and rushed into it.

"Now the initial goal of the squad is completed, find their own family." Feng Chen said.

"What should I do next?" Dudao said.

The wind and rain shook his head and said: "I don't know, take a step and look at it. It is possible that the fleet of the Self-Defense Forces will arrive in Hokkaido and may stay here. Although I don't know the situation of the self-defense fleet, you don't feel the last. Is the climate somewhat unusual?"

"Climate? You mean... the temperate cyclone mentioned in the geography and climate?" The poisonous island scorpion suddenly seemed to understand something.

The wind and rain nodded and said: "There is something that has been said in the geography class. The extratropical cyclone is a weather system active in the temperate mid-latitude region, also known as "temperate low pressure" or "frontal cyclone". The extratropical cyclone is different from the tropical cyclone. A cold-hearted system with its appearance is accompanied by a frontal surface, which is generally larger than a tropical cyclone, reaching hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

Although the recent weather seems to be stable, if you pay attention, the recent weather is calm and windless, there are no clouds, there is sunshine, but the sea is surging, which is a sign of the formation of the extratropical cyclone, and the recent rainy weather may be The result of the temperate suffocation in the tributary, soon the entire Tokyo Sea will change color.

The self-defense fleet at sea probably stays at the port of Yokohama. During the season of tropical cyclone formation, it may be inconvenient for helicopters to rise and land. I guess the rescue team may only dispatch a rescue and take away those who can take it away. People, as for the rest of the people, it is not clear, there should be other survivors in Tokyo, and probably the most people in this elementary school, after all, there are police protection, but even then, it is impossible to take everyone away. of. ”

Gaocheng Shaye pushed his glasses and said: "The time is the time to make a decision. If our combat strength, the Self-Defense Force will definitely take us away, plus the importance of the savior of the seniors, we have the right to choose to leave. In fact, it is straightforward, everyone can die, but the seniors cannot die."

Ziyue Ling said with his arms: "Or choose to stay here to continue fighting. After all, the whole world is the same, everywhere is the same, and after the army's troops, our organization will certainly be divided. Excellent people like Yuchen, Dudao and Hirano will definitely become the focus of training, but others may not be aware of it. Perhaps Dr. Sasakawa’s medical skills can bring her a little luck."

"So, as in the Gaocheng family, we have to face difficult choices, whether to integrate into a more powerful military group, or still maintain our team combination. This has become a major problem. If it is integrated into a military group, it may Everyone will no longer be free, and they will obey orders and obey orders.

But if we stay, the situation we face is the shortage of food and the tools of action, the supply of medicines, etc., but the advantage is that we can live in our own way and can help all survivors who can help. Said the wind and rain.

"I think I will choose to stay, this world has become like this, and we have come to the present. Since I have chosen to leave when I am at home, I still have no regrets." Gaocheng Shaye said, Then I looked at the storm, I guess he is also the idea, and more like the free life. ,

"Then stay here." Ziyue Ling said, "Everyone has the same idea. Instead of giving life to others, it is better to leave it to others to cherish better. We can give Yuchen's serum samples to them for food and Combat devices, we carry out our little fights, they carry out their salvation operations, mass-produce the vaccines, and then spread them to the world."

"Sure enough, this method is the best~www.readwn.com~ I still don't want to succumb to those big groups. Ziyue is right. They do their big things. We do our little things. After all, we have established the team to the present. It’s a bit unwilling to be separated in a flash, and where is the battle not a fight, isn’t it necessary to destroy all these zombies? Is it the same?” said the wind and rain.

"I chose to stay and fight!" said Zhonggang Chaomei. "I don't want to go any further. I have chosen to become stronger."

"Oh, the teacher has to stay, how can the team be missing the doctor?" said Shigawa Shizuka.

"I have to stay and fight," said Hirano.

"Alice wants to stay too..." Little Alice also said her hand, although she didn't understand what it meant to stay, but she felt that it would only be safe here, yes, only when they were around the wind and rain. Feel safe.

"Then is the filial piety in the end? Are they following their parents or staying to continue fighting?" Gaocheng Shaye said, pushing his glasses.

Noon, I said, "Well, no matter what, in general, everyone is safe. When we set up the team, we didn’t just say that we brought those who have the courage to live together, no matter the small room. What choices to make, as long as you are alive, then just fine, but at most, is it here?"

"Well, but I think the room and Miyamoto are more likely to stay. After all, they have been fighting for so long, and after confirming that their newcomers are safe, they can fight together without hesitation!" Dudao said.

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