Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 6 Chapter 372: Tune - teach cat ears

The continuous attack of Ice Butterfly has been blocked by the wind and rain, and the two are not a series of existence. Please Baidu search the eye; fast, you can find the latest and most complete chapter of the book

The writing eye of Sangouyu has begun to play a role. From Ergouyu to Sangouyu is an advanced transformation. At this time, the power of writing the eye has begun to really flow out.


No matter how many attacks of the ice butterfly, the wind and rain are blocked, although the ice butterfly after the transformation is indeed stronger than the wind and rain, but the difference is not too much, and he has learned at least a little Tai Chi. The technique of unloading.

Under the bonus of writing the eye, the wind and rain can analyze a complete response plan in the blink of an eye, analyze the loopholes and defects in the opponent's body, and then summarize, counterattack, and also copy the opponent. The move, improvement, and then use it yourself, writing the wheel is completely a cheat.

To slow down the opponent's rhythm, it is to add yourself, complete the thinking analysis and other actions with a quick degree, and avoid unfavorable situations. This is the essence of insight.

Although the insights of writing round eyes and the insights of white eyes are similar, they are fundamentally different. The insight into writing the round eyes has a slowing down time, and it can be said that it is thinking, and it is made in a very short time that ordinary people cannot understand. Clear the opponent's movements, analyze it, draw conclusions, hit back and fight, etc.; white eyes are the insight into the enemy's system meridians and acupuncture points, while seeing the invisible existence that can't be seen by normal people, such as the attacking white eye behind them. It can be seen that the eyes hidden in the darkness can also be seen.

therefore. According to the role of insight, the writing of the round eye is plus, and the white eye is dialysis.

Both insights have their own advantages, and the addition of the round eye may have some advantages over the ability of the white eye to add, but. The ability of the white eye is matched with its unique body technique - after the Eight Diagrams Palm, it can form a world of heaven and earth. The opponents in the potential will become the prey of the white eye, and the white eye is a body expert with a complete body. Cultivation and growth system.

Looking at the ice butterfly still struggling, the storm suddenly shook his head. The right eye turned into a white eye, and the body made a gesture of the rest of the palm of the hand in an instant.

But the ice butterfly did not notice this, and still attacked against the wind and rain. The character she refused to admit was admirable, but if she was eager to win and lost her mind, she could not achieve any effect.

moment. In the eyes of the wind and rain, the whole world became dark, and there was only the opponent of the ice butterfly in front of him. A yin and yang gossip appeared at the foot of him and the ice butterfly. In this moment, the body of the wind and rain instantly rushed out... ...

Eight Diagrams Palm - Sixteen Palms!

Then the hands of the wind and rain suddenly hit the body of the ice butterfly...

Two palms... four palms... eight palms... sixteen palms! !


For a moment, the ice butterfly was suddenly thrown out and the body hit the wall. Can't resist the struggle.

"The 16 acupuncture points on your body have been hit by me. If energy and gas are not able to circulate, you want to hit me, just think about it. At the same time, your internal organs are faintly shaken. Can you stand up? The cat's defense is powerful, but my soft boxing attacks from your body, so your body will not have any effect on me." The wind and rain came to the ice butterfly indifferently.


Ice Butterfly sighed and rushed over to the storm, and failed again?


The weather is cold and cold, and the energy is poured into the hands. Quickly hit the arms of the ice butterfly... soft fist!

The principle of soft boxing and gossip is the same, except that the gossip is to complete multiple attacks in an instant, and the soft boxing is a little bit of attack, the purpose of which is to destroy the opponent's neural and meridian system, directly Intrinsic damage. They are all from the energy of injecting energy and then destroying it from within.


The ice butterfly snorted and fell on the ground. There were two red dots on her arm. The power could not be undone from the arm, as if it was hindered.

After the storm, I squatted down my body and reached out to pick up the delicate chin of the ice butterfly. I said, "Would you like to continue? But I have to tell you a little bit, if your body is hit by too many acupuncture points, and the treatment is not timely. But it will become truly crippled!! Even if you are willing?"


Ice Butterfly was frightened, yeah, what is the use of disability? It seems that the situation in front of him has to succumb, oh, it seems that he can only obey the other party temporarily, and then he has to plan, as long as he can If you are alive, everything will have a chance. It doesn't matter. This time it failed. The next time you work harder.

"Don't resist, then I have to punish you..."

The wind and rain smiled a little, and suddenly opened the pants of the ice butterfly, and at the same time took off her white panties, and then raised her hands on it...


"Ah! You bastard, what are you going to do..."

Ice Butterfly blushes and humiliates, suddenly struggling.

"What are you doing? This is not obeying punishment. Let you remember who I am..." The wind and rain continued to pat on the beautiful buttocks of the ice butterfly.

"Ah, you bastard... let go... oh..."

Ice Butterfly suddenly shed tears, but she is a girl with ice and jade, why hasn’t that kind of intimate place ever been seen? It’s not only being watched by the wind and rain, but also being beaten on it. It’s really shameful and ugly...

"Call the host, otherwise, I will not stop..." The wind and rain screamed and said, oh, tune - teach the ice butterfly is imperative ~www.readwn.com~ let her understand that she is not escaping Chen's palms.

"Hey... you bastard... big bad guys... I hate you..." Ice Butterfly suddenly choked up. At this time, she had some little Loli, and all the killers were calm...


"Is it not called?"

"Don't call! Hey..."


"Do you call it??"

"~~~~叫~~~~Do not hit ~!~~"

"Well, this is what you want, come, call, I listen, do you want to be gentle?" The fingers of the wind and rain gently swayed to the private place of the ice butterfly...

"Your finger...oh...hey..."

Ice Butterfly felt that her young girl’s chaste was invaded...

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