Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 7 Chapter 430: Battle Level 4

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[green-] I climbed up from the ground and looked at my own killing skill. I haven’t saved yet, only a little bit worse.

The strength of the wind and rain, [green-] is known, so this time can not use the general battle can not use ordinary power, you must use the nirvana, as long as the nirvana hit the storm, then everything can be It is.

Looking at the [green-] standing up in the wind and rain, and then looking at the metering bar in the center of the field of vision, the green-technical nirvana meter is approaching the full value, so that she can use the nirvana to solve the battle. But, huh, huh...

The body of the wind and rain disappeared in the same place, and the magic sword in his hand suddenly slammed down from the sky. In a flash, a dark force emerged. [green-] The whole body was instantly attacked into two halves. Her blood strip is instantly cleared...

The battle is over...

When the storm opened his eyes, Black Snow Ji looked at him with a smile and said: "Yes, very strong strength, even if you are on the level four, you have to suffer a lot, and your attack seems to have ignored. The power of defense is really powerful, otherwise it will not solve the opponent with a sword. How, the first time to accelerate the battle of the world?"

At the end of the battle, there were more than 1,000 seconds left in the battle, which meant that the entire battle was less than a second for the real world.

"It’s really amazing, speeding up the world, fighting in that world for so long, but the reality has only been in less than a second. This is a real acceleration, but in this case, accelerate the world. The number of overclocking points is very important. To start an overclocking acceleration, you need a little overclocking point. In order to be able to accelerate continuously, you must fight to get the overclocking points." Fengqin smiled and said.

"Yes, with overclocking points, not only can you learn the above excellent results, but also in various club activities, so you can make overclockers dream of it. How do you want to continue fighting?" asked Black Xueji. . I must have already known the next answer to the storm.

"Of course it continues..."

The wind and rain connected to the global network, and then chose to overclock the connection, open the battle list, found a level4 player - [-], wind wolf?

It’s him, huh, huh. The wind and rain quickly take up your own name, then click on the name of [-], select [duel] from the pop-up menu, and click [yes] from the yes/ dialog box that pops up.

Immediately after the scene began to change, under the pale yellow sky, only the reddish-brown boulder stood up, it seems to be the scene of the property - the wilderness, this scene is characterized by the rapid winds in the field constantly whistling!

A strong wind pressure continued to blow. Under the indication of the compass, the wind and rain discovered the enemy, a blue virtual battle character with a wolf head. From the name [-], it can be known that he has a high speed and the blue color on his body. Melee attack character, with speed and powerful attack.

"Cut, what? A small character at the first level has to fight with this uncle. It’s really ignorant, but since I’ve sent overclocking points, then I can’t refuse it? Oh, it’s really good, this venue is me. I like it too, it is the place for me to fight. [-ferrer], in any case, you will lose, oh. Let me give you a lesson, choose a character that can defeat the battle..." -] said with a smirk, as if he had already determined that he must win.

A few players watching the game were the players who had just watched the storm. They looked at the storm and chose the opponent of level four, and they were surprised.

"In the accelerated world, the players of the same level have the same ability, that is to say, the more the levels are different, the more difficult it is to overcome, the strength of the attack, etc. There are also huge gaps in special equipment. It is generally impossible to defeat an opponent who is higher than himself..."

"Accelerate the recorded battles in the world. It should be a battle between the three levels. The first level defeats the fourth level. It exists. As long as the venue is gram, the ability is also the same, then it is possible to win, but it is very rare. of……"

"I think [-ferrer] should be emboldened. From the point of view of strength, although I don't know how his defense is, I can probably see that his attack power is very strong, and he must kill. Didn't use it, I have to see it..."

"[-] is very powerful. It is also a small name in Shibuya. It seems to have reached the level of five, but it has not risen up, and I heard that the equipment is not bad..."

"So let's wait and see..."


After the battle began, the wind and rain reached out and pulled out two magic swords. They had to go all out, and they were not women's roles. They didn't need to keep their hands.

The body of the wind and rain disappeared in the same moment, although the terrain of the wilderness interfered with his actions, but it was not very intense, and the speed did not drop too much...

"Hey, is it a good speed?"

[-] Looking at the high-speed movement of the wind and rain, I suddenly watched it. Is this speed really a level 1 player?

However, this venue has a bonus for his speed. [-] With a pair of hands, the sharp claws are pulled out from the fingers of the hands, flashing bright light~www.readwn.com~ Then he starts to return .


The sword of the rain and the sword of the [-] first collided, but the wind and rain did not have to be retreated, but the measurement bar in the center of the field of vision lost a little, but the collision will also hurt, and [-] The blood volume measurement bar is a little bit lower, and it is much less than the weather and the level difference can be seen.

However, the corners of the mouth of the virtual battle character in the storm were smashed, and there was a dark force on the body.

x 斩! !

The two swords of the wind and rain suddenly staggered and slammed, and forced [-] out, while cutting an x-shaped scar on his chest, and his blood volume meter was also reduced by one-fifth. .

"The attack is very good, [-ferrer], it seems that your attack should be the strongest between the same level, interesting, but I have to use the skills, you just flee under my attack. This battle, your performance is just here!" [-], speeding up for a moment, the speed is approaching a certain limit, and then appearing behind the wind and rain, slamming against the wind and rain... ()

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