Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 7 Chapter 449: Black Rock Shooter

[Thanks to the death of the skeletal children's shoes, thanks to the monthly ticket of the snowy Qifeng children's shoes, there are 14 monthly tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today the third is sent, seeking referrals, subscriptions, monthly passes]

After coming out of the bathroom, the wind and rain came to the room where you prayed. If you want to try it, you can learn whether you can master the unlimited skill card.


"What's wrong? Yuchen?"

Looking at the wind and rain coming in, I prayed and got up from the bed.

The wind and rain quickly sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Don't be cold, wear a coat..."


He prayed to pick up his coat from the bed and put it on his body, then watched the rain.

"You use this ability card to try it, hold it in your hand, just use it as a meditation..." The wind and rain took the skill card of [Black Rock Shooter] and put it in the small hand of Qi.

I prayed and held this skill card in my hand, then closed my eyes and used it in my heart...

"Hey, your contractor prays to use the skill card [Black Rock Shooter], you need to pay 100 yuan, whether to pay..."


Sure enough, it seems to be able to use, but there are also fees, it is almost an intermediary fee, huh, huh, this system is also true, actually need intermediary fees.

"Hey, your contractor prayed for the potential skill card [Black Rock Shooter], the first use of the skill card, began to transform unlimited attributes, the contractor attribute is itself 1/2 attribute + belongs to the unlimited player 1/2 infinite attribute (changed Only attribute power, non-power, original character ability will not weaken or enhance), the current property is:

Contractor: 楪 prayer

Player: Number 007

Power: 2+129

Physical strength: 2+35

Energy: 1000+150

Speed: 6+37

[potential] skills:

Black Rock Shooter lv1 (Proficiency 0/500): Corrected the ability to transform into an infinite ability, consuming energy as the ability to release the character, and the ability to increase with the intensity of the character's mood fluctuations.

Detailed description of the morphing role: a long ponytail with a long body, pale skin, and different lengths. Black trench coat. When the mood fluctuates, a blue flame will appear in the left eye, and the ability value will rise.

Appearance background setting: The background is usually a space made up of chains, crosses, and black and white mosaics.

★-(lv1): Summons an energy-saving cannon that can fire 20 rounds of rock per second. It can be transformed into a super-large machine gun with three rotations, but there are restrictions on the number of magazines. At the same time, the deformation takes about 3 seconds. It takes 2-3 seconds for the barrel to warm up and about 1 second for the release.

★-(lv1): Summon a shining light. A special Japanese knife.

★-crazy (lv1, hidden skills, mood swings to a certain extent before use): mad black rock shooter. The main weapon is a large sword about 2.5 meters long, and it can also shoot bullet-assisted attacks. The blue flame of the left eye was replaced by a purple flame, and various parts of the body also appeared like armor. The limb can be torn off by itself, the armor of the body is tied with a weapon and assisted in the return of the limb, and the large sword can be used as a throwing weapon. ”

Amazing! !

The storm suddenly ecstasy, and it seems that after the combination with the infinite ability, the power of the contractor will really burst out.

After using the skill card, the system balances the ability between the player and the contractor. Let the power of the contractor not be able to get the perfect play, and at the same time not let the contractor drag the player's hind legs, so the system came up with a wonderful way, this method is...

Contractor character attribute after using skill card = 1/2 contractor attribute + 1/2 player attribute.

Thus. The power of the contractor is balanced.

The calculation method of the system, the wind and rain Chen thinks that there are advantages for the contractors such as Qi Prayer, Asuna, Poison Island Scorpion, Tiantong Muzhi, Akasaka, and Black Skull. After all, they are all girls in the low-mart world. Their own attributes are not really powerful, so if half of the strength of the storm is given to them, they will be truly strong, knowing that the storm is now a golden position.

For the contractor such as Essex, it seems to be dwarfed. After all, Essex’s own strength is much stronger than that of the storm. Her own ice emperor is also very powerful, so for now Essex has no advantage, unless there is a really strong skill card, otherwise, the use of this power is simply a death.

As for the three small loli of Putian, Bu Shicui and Luna, the advantages and disadvantages are mixed, that is, there is no significant improvement or significant decline. First of all, they have the original gut gene in their bodies, and their own ability is already superhuman. However, they are not absolutely powerful characters of Aesdes, so according to the system calculation method, their own property is not very floating, but if you add new infinite ability, then they are Improve the strength.

In summary of the above three situations, Fengshui believes that it is necessary to choose the appropriate skill card for the appropriate contractor to use. At this stage, the only one who can not use the skill card is Essex. There is no way, and the people themselves are tough. Got speechless.

The wind and rain saw the property of the praying, according to the calculation method of the system, her original attribute is: strength 4 physical strength 4 energy 2000 speed 12, strength and physical strength are the existence of slag, it is simply responding to the unconventional saying of the world - The body is soft and easy to push down!

The speed of praying is still acceptable~www.readwn.com~ The initial level of the black iron segment is 10, and the task of increasing the speed is also very slight. In terms of speed, the pray is in the middle range, and praying for evil. When the crown is used, it often performs some tasks. The body's response is not sensitive, so speed 12 is a normal attribute.

The most shocking thing for the storm is the energy attribute, and the energy of the prayer is simply too strong! The energy value of 2000, the wind and rain and the family are completely slag-level, but the system can not calculate the wrong, 楪 pray into the energy 2000 should be based on, in the sin crown, the voice of the prayer With the ability to quiet the Void Virus, and the loss of Christmas several times, it also proves that the ability to pray is strong, and this energy attribute is not unexpected.

However, even if the energy of the prayer is cut in half, it is 1150 energy added to the half of the storm. It is enough for her to use it now. The energy of 1150 also means that Qi is a super energy storage, at least not worrying about energy consumption. The occurrence of the incident, with nearly unlimited fire support, can be said to be a good supporter, and her transformation is also capable of melee.

In short, the ability to pray for this evolution, the wind and rain is very happy, after all, her strength has indeed increased, strength, physical strength, speed have increased, and the ability to transform into a black rock shooter, has been quite good. ()

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