Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 2 Chapter 46: Sinful crown

Chapter 45—The Crown of Sin

“Hey, I’m about to enter the scene of the Sin Crown, please choose the scene power. There are currently three options:

First, the funeral society (kill GHQ members get 1 yuan treasure, kill GHQ belongs to the game player to get 100 yuan coins);

Second, GHQ (killing the members of the funeral society to get 1 yuan of coins, killing the game players belonging to the funeral society to get 100 yuan coins);

Third, neutral (kill GHQ and members of the funeral society to get 1 yuan of coins, kill GHQ and the game players belonging to the funeral society to get 100 yuan coins).

please choose……"

Four nights later, the wind and rain received an infinite system prompt.

It seems that it is not a world like magic, and it is good to think of the wind and rain. Is it a low world, "Crime Crown"?

The wind and rain finally chose the scene of the funeral club. After all, he had a [character replacement card], so kill the male sakura full set and change his future.

"Hey, No. 007 chooses the scene of the funeral society..."

"Hey, the transfer begins, the age matches the birth area, the goal: "Sin Crown" Tianwang State First University, the characters start to generate, the language is generated, the transfer begins..."

For a moment, the front of the wind and rain was dark, a feeling of weightlessness and dizziness came, but this feeling disappeared in a moment, and the ear was filled with the voice of discussion.

The weather slowly opened his eyes and looked at his clothes, white shirts, black campus uniforms, black ties, black trousers and a pair of canvas shoes. Simple and simple campus uniforms, age-matched birth areas?

In an instant, another piece of information rushed into the head of the storm, his body changed, and the first high school student in Tianwang Prefecture, a very ordinary identity.

"Call... You are also, I thought what happened, the body suddenly was out of control, did we come to a new world?" Dudao scorpion gasped and said by the wind and rain.

Looked at the wind and rain, the poisonous island scorpion also appeared next to him, a purple red school uniform, red collar, blue skirt, black long leg socks and brown shoes, and she was also arranged the same The identity of the poison island is 18, which is also a learning level.

"You are also a high school student in the first college of Tianwang Prefecture?" asked the wind and rain to the poison island scorpion.

"Well, yes, but at the same time, it is also a member of the Kendo Department." Poison Island nephew nodded.

The rain and nodded and said: "Well, let's take the class for the first time. Then I contacted Ziyue and Chunnai to see their position. Chunnai is probably in this school. At the age of 16, it is probably high school. The student, but the guy never went to class, I don’t know what jokes will come out, really..."

"Chun Nai?" Dudao snorted and said: "Oh, that's it, but that guy is very cute, it should not be resentful, I believe she can overcome ‘difficulty’.”

There was some headache in the storm: "The key is that this guy will not even use the system phone, how to find her, that fool!"

"Forget it, the Kyrgyz people have their own heavens, let's go to class, don't attract the attention of others, just keep it normal..." Dudao said.

When the rain and rain nodded, and the poison island scorpion walked into the teaching building according to the route of the impression, came to the classroom of the third year, began the class, said that it was class, the wind and rain did not have any mood to listen, take out the Ipone5 mobile phone to Ziyue Ling initiated a text message.

"Where are you now?" - Stormy.

"BOSS, people in a research institute, it seems to be called the GHQ research institute? The director is a guy called the stem shoji Ichiro." - Ziyue Ling.

"You guy, do you like to be a villain?" - Stormy.

"BOSS, when do you like decent as you? Are you not always a profit-oriented existence? So even if it is evil, as long as there is interest, can you?" - Ziyue Ling.

"Oh, understand it. Now, from one aspect, we are enemies. Although we have not joined the funeral society, now I have chosen this power. We are enemies..." - the storm.

"Hate, BOSS, I thought you would choose a villain, well, forget it, people seem to be a spy now." - Ziyue Ling.

"Well, I will call you when there is a need. You should have seen this anime. I understand the general story. It is very simple. Let this human apocalypse end, not the apocalypse of the zombies." , is the apocalypse of 'Void Virus'." - Stormy.

"So what are you going to do with BOSS?" - Ziyue Ling.

"Hey, let me keep mystery a little, maybe you will be shocked when you see me." - Stormy.

"Really, it's not fun, people really want to know what BOSS you want to do, or if you tell people, I can let you kiss, except for the last thing, how about you play casually?" - Ziyue Ling .

"Khan... obviously know that you are joking, but why do you want to marry you?" - Stormy.

"Oh, well, casually, go out to find your father, and say that I am pregnant with your child... snicker~" - Ziyue Ling.

"You guy, forget it... you remember to be careful. More than half of the players in the "School Apocalypse" have died. This time the infinite system will replenish the quota of 100 people. Maybe there will be any tricky existence, I don't think that this world has only one BT of its own." - Stormy.

"Hey, BOSS, do you admit that you are BT?" + - Ziyue Ling.

"Calm, I just said that people who are more adaptable, you guys are better to be more intelligent, people are not allowed to find me crying..." - Stormy.

"Oh, no, people are very powerful, just BOSS, you are too BT a little, not a good Raiders, right, remember to take care of Chunnai, that guy, I sent her a lot of information, no reply, 唉, the unsettled girl?" - Ziyue Ling.

"Well, this is the case for the time being, you will continue to work, I will contact you after the change." - Stormy.

"OK, if you need to provide information, please contact me. In this research institute, you can still know more things. Who cares if an ordinary researcher turns out to be a spy? Hey... snicker~" Ziyue Ling.

"Hang up, you continue to conspiracy..." - Stormy.

"Well, don't you have a kiss at the end? BOSS..." Ziyue Ling.

"Kiss your sister..." - the wind and rain.

"There is no sister, there is a cousin, but it is Loli, and sure enough, BOSS are you a loli taste? Smirking ~" - Ziyue Ling.

"You guy, forget it, I will see the scenery outside the window..." - Stormy.

"Is it the default?" - Ziyue Ling ~ www.readwn.com~嘀..."

The wind and rain picked up the brow and put the phone into the pocket. The guy in Ziyue, really, got a lot of courage in the world for a few days. He actually started his joke, but this is the companion... ...

"Wind classmates, since you look at the window so sadly, then go down and see the scenery..." The teacher who lectured at this time suddenly said to the wind and rain, he had already seen the stormy heart absent-minded listening class, really too I am angry...

"OK, teacher, hey, you are so understanding. Since you said so, I will not shirk it anymore. I will go out to see the scenery. Hey, maybe you should take a picture board and draw some landscape paintings..." Laughed and said, calmly went out...

"You...you..." The teacher was so angry that he was blushing and his neck was thick, and he couldn’t speak without his fingers.

"Well, well, teacher, life needs to be calm, you are so angry, but it is easy to get heart disease..." Fengqin said with a smile.

"Bastard!! You guys got out of my classroom!!" The teacher couldn't stand it anymore. The student was really against the sky and dared to attack him. It was so crazy.

"Oh, roll? Sorry, can you demonstrate the teacher? Students don't, people often say that the master is a teacher. You must know more than me. Well, let's demonstrate it. I will look down on the teacher. You are rolling, you must be fascinating, people see people, flowers see flowers..." Stormy eyes squinted, dog day, such things he had long wanted to do, try it today, after all, after all Not the real world, it really is TMD cool...

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