Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 7 Chapter 647: Calm sea

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"I want to take it home... I want to take it home... so cute..."

Dragon Palace, Chennai, holding Li Hua playing and running around on the deck...



Lihua played a blast to the Dragon Palace, and then broke free from the bondage. She didn't know how to communicate better. She had to take violent measures to let this guy let go.

"Don't escape, angel sauce... sprouting..."

Dragon Palace Renaissance suddenly chased up to Lihua...


Li Hua played in hiding behind the storm...

"Hey, you can't run away..." Long Gong Linnai said with a pair of small claws.

"You give me the right thing to stop!!" The storm suddenly took a brow and suddenly gave a blast to the Dragon Palace.

"Oh... it hurts... you bully people... oh..."

Dragon Palace Renaissance is in a corner, drawing a circle while holding his head...


The wind and rain found that with this group of animals, the IQ will gradually weaken.

"Hey, please set the ship's exclusive mental model..."

"Li Hua..."

The wind and rain opened the system record and chose Lihua as the mental model of this ship.

"Small, report the hull parameters, Li Nai is the firepower supervisor, and Yan Ye is the voice control inspector..."

Lihua played with his hands open, and a silver energy wave shook in her body: "

Ship type: light cruiser class


Standard displacement: 5170 tons, full displacement: 5570 tons

Total length: 162.15 meters

Maximum width: 14.2 meters

Maximum speed: 36 knots

Maximum flight capacity: 14 knots / hour 5000浬


7-inch main gun of 140 mm caliber

2mm 76mm caliber anti-aircraft gun

36 mm double-barreled high-altitude cannon 36

13 mm caliber double mounted high-altitude machine gun 6

610 mm caliber quadruple torpedo tube 8

Klein Force Field (forced wave armor)


"Well, a small play. Trouble you to remove the drive of the ship into a nano-material to store it for later use..." The wind and rain nodded.

"Understand. Remove the power plant to transform the nano-materials into the warehouse..." Lihua nodded. The slender fingers quickly took over in a pop-up dialog box.

"What? Don't!" Gui Yan said suddenly: "Captain, no, no power device, how do we sail, or are we going to surrender now?"

"No, I am going to replace a better drive. You are here, I will drive the cabin."

The wind and rain smiled and shook his head and said, now surrender. How can it be?

After leaving the central office, the wind and rain entered the drive room and began to release nuclear power skills...

Extending his hands, a blushing beam of light emerged from the hands of the wind and rain, and then a huge drive was slowly formed, gradually entering the entity from a translucent state.

As the nuclear reactor rang, a burst of energy was delivered, and even if it stood on the edge, it could feel its powerful energy.

“Small, connect the energy transmission to this new drive and start using this new drive as a source of energy.”

"Yes. Connect the new drive..."


After the storm, the nuclear reactor operation method is very simple. This is a complete set of energy-generating devices, including the collection of raw materials and nuclear reactors, as well as the collection of waste and debris. It is completely automated, does not require any personnel to manipulate, automatically refines seawater, then generates energy, and can be carried out according to demand. A certain degree of energy conversion.

At least in terms of energy and power, there is no need to worry.

After completing the energy device, the wind and rain returned to the control room.

"Ye Ye, can you find out what waters are here?"

"Reporting the captain, unable to detect further distances, the current location is unknown, there is no radar, satellite positioning device, and there are no representative islands around, can not use the triangle positioning, can only wait for the night to come, through the constellation position to locate, The current hull direction is 30 degrees west of the north..."

"Is it? It seems that I can only wait for the evening..."

The wind and rain pondered and said, the system should not only let him wander now in the blue world? It is estimated that there should be any tasks, but it has not yet appeared.

"Captain, I am going to catch fish, open a rice cooker..."

Dragon Palace Linnai stood up and said that there was no two steps. He suddenly returned to hold Lihua and said: "Kawa, the captain, this guy is just like us, so cute, can you take it home?"


Li Hua played with his eyes on Long Gongnai, this guy...

"Well, new to our members, Lihua, small play..." The wind and rain nodded and said, he also wants to rush to hug...

"It turned out to be a sauce. Hello, I am Dragon Palace, and I will be fine with Renai. The guy over there is Guiyan Ye, and it is good to call her words..." Long Gongnai said enthusiastically.


Lihua nodded and remembered the names of the two people. She thought that she was only one of them. With Long Gongnai and Guiyan Ye suddenly felt that the mood was good. After all, the memory was blank when reincarnation, but now there are two more. After the same experience, it seems that they have found a sense of belonging, and there is no such resistance to the cuddle of Dragon Palace.


The wind and rain looked at the gradual bright eyes of Lihua, and suddenly felt that I had to do something to get these girls to start. Although there is no memory, good memories can be created now.


After taking the palm of his hand, the wind and rain said: "After lunch, how about everyone coming to the bottom of the sea?"

"Big sea battle?"

The three girls suddenly delivered their eyes.

"Sneak into the sea ~www.readwn.com~ and then treasure hunting, the ocean is also very beautiful..." The wind and rain proposed to say, he said, he has not really traveled in the ocean, put on diving suits, Then experience the kind of style that the mainland can't experience in the ocean...

"Okay, okay, it’s so funny..." Ron Rooney said with a clever applause.

"That... I didn't swim very well..." Gui Yanye said weakly, swimming is her weakness.

"No problem, if you are tired, grab my hand..." The wind and rain patted the chest and said, and then looked at Lihua. "There is no problem with the small game..."


Li Hua was so sloppy, but a hint of curiosity in the corner of his eye was still found in the storm.

"So after dinner, start a big adventure on the seabed..."

The wind and rain stretched out the palm of the hand. Two people, Long Gongnai and Guiyan Ye, put their little hands on the big hands of the wind and rain. Lihua hesitated a little, and also extended a small hand... (to be continued). )

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