Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 7 Chapter 658: Sea fog guess

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The source of the sound -

That is the color of the violet, a procedural color that symbolizes noble but prohibits all contact. It is different from the forbidden contact constructed by Guiyan Ye’s too shame. It is an extremely exclusive message, prohibiting everything from touching or approaching. I will freeze my own heart forever, cold and ruthless.

No, perhaps it is said that she has closed the temperature of her heart. This woman who slowly came out and asked questions to the wind and rain, is not someone else. It is the flagship battleship King Kong of the First Fleet of the Ocean Fleet.

The wind and rain feel that the characters appearing now appear to be more and more, and the interest is obviously more.

"Ademirati password is the lost commandment that you are searching for. In fact, you don't have to search again. It has disappeared. So how do you go on in the future? You need to judge it yourself." Said.

"How can you know?" King Kong suddenly said with doubt.

"Why do I understand?"

The wind and rain whispered, then smiled and stood up, walked to the side of King Kong, with a pale gold double pony tail color is colder than the anonymous color, dress purple dress long skirt and black silk queen high heels are more powerful Different from Kaohsiung's strong spirit, this is a kind of queen with different sex.

Stroking the long hair of King Kong's pale gold, the wind and rain said: "It's really supple... What do you mean by the sea fog blocking the planet's ocean... How does the sea fog appear?"

"Do you know?" King Kong was not ashamed of the offense of the storm, and the tone was a kind of questioning.

"No... don't understand. But I think there is a possibility -

The war between humans has caused the order of the world to collapse, using powerful weapons to deter small countries and people, and what would be when more powerful weapons than humans appeared? There is no communication from the ocean. Can a self-styled human being be able to give birth to the idea of ​​communicating with others?

The highest commandment only allows the sea fog to block the ocean, but the current strength of the sea fog is enough to destroy humanity. Why not kill it all? Well, I actually have this idea... but it is too boring, so it has not been done. What about you? Is it imaginable -

You are only a tool used by the highest commandments. A tool for letting humans evolve, stop mutual war, and unite. When human beings understand that their embarrassment and happiness are hard to come by, the role of sea fog is probably gone. Presumably, when you have a human being with wisdom, you will develop a weapon against the Kelly field. What will happen to you? ”

The wind and rain said a little, loosened the hair of King Kong, and sat back on the chair and looked at every member of the sea fog in front of him.

"It is true. There is only an order to block the sea. But there is no order to destroy humanity..." Kaohsiung said first.

"This will only give people the opportunity to make progress, not as good as destroying humans together, and killing one without leaving!!!"

"This...the order...no..."

King Kong’s language has been a few times, and it seems that...

"Before the highest commandment must have been acted upon. Once the sea fog has done something special for human beings, such as destroying all humans on land, it will be stopped. There is such a situation, some. There must be Well, what does this mean? The highest commandment is on the side of humanity!

Even the stupid race understands that it is a nature to destroy all possible potential enemies. Any animal on earth knows this rule, but why don't we destroy humans? Want me to stand with you, then how about destroying all humans with me first? "The wind and rain asked and said."


All members of the sea fog cannot analyze this situation. Yes, obviously have enough strength, why not destroy humans?


The sound of the wind and rain once again attracted everyone’s attention to him.

"However, obviously, there is no point in doing this. Then, human beings are eliminated. What are the uses of these weapons? What are the weapons that need to be used by people? So why should weapons have a mental model? Simulating humans Thinking, soul, and so on, is that just the case?

So I think, the supreme commandment probably believes that human beings only use weapons to exercise violence, do not understand the heart of weapons, let weapons with their hearts appear, and let the world evolve through the exchange of human and intentional weapons. Weapons are not human playthings. , tools, but a friend and the like...

By doing so, let humanity stop the war, move toward unity, then understand the inner heart of the weapon, create a future, and belong to the common future of mankind and sea fog.

Human beings can't appreciate the beautiful ocean without a ship, and the ship can't move into a wider world without human beings. ”

"Of course, your statement is indeed a possibility, but... I believe that the highest commandment will come back, it will give us orders, and now our task is to block all the seas, you are the destroyer in this sea area. We must destroy you... We are just weapons, no need for feelings!” King Kong said firmly, although there is such a touch of movement, but she believes that weapons can be used as a weapon to survive, no need to consider why !

"Then I have nothing to talk about..."

The wind and rain smiled and stood up, said in a majestic manner: "There is only the road to conquer you, King Kong, you will be my ship sooner or later!"

"You have that ability to say..."

King Kong said coldly~www.readwn.com~ The figure gradually dissipated in the quantum space.

"It seems to be fighting, hey, it’s hard to have a male mental model, but we need to execute the order... the flagship King Kong’s order..." Kirishima said.

"Go back, I will arrive at the place right away, but Kirishima wants to sink you..." said the name, and the body disappeared with the Kirishima around him.

Only Kaohsiung is still there.

The wind and rain suddenly had a sense of interest. "I don't want to have a warm-up match with me. I only use 401. There is no super-gravity gun. If...you lost, can you be my ship?"

Kaohsiung frowned and said: "Only use 401, you will not be my opponent, I will not lose!"

"Well, then the winners and losers will see the final point. Come and fight..."

The body of the wind and rain gradually disappeared into the space. In fact, he has another tactic. Since he is the setting of the mental model, then... (to be continued).

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