Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 7 Chapter 684: Sisters

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What the sisters spend, although the wind and rain really have this idea, but it really comes, so oh.

One side is Kaohsiung, which has already washed the engine, and the other side is the unwashed engine of love, one expectation, one confusion.

Well, the wind and rain have to admit that the ship’s physiology and hygiene class has a good study. If it is a normal little scorpion, it will definitely scream and the like, but this is obviously not found in the ship’s mother.

"What are you doing?"

Ai's face is floating with a blush. Although she does not understand the human health, she still understands that the current state is quite.


I didn’t know what to do after the storm, but after all, it’s really hard to do now. If it’s Kaohsiung, he’s going straight up, but my sister’s love is really no way...

"What do I have to do?" Ai Wei looked at the rain and did not move, did not understand, the long door told her to join the wing of freedom, this fleet needs to be checked by the captain, so how to check?

The wind and rain looked at the look of love, and suddenly fell down and kissed him. It has progressed to this level. Although it was calculated by the long-term sister, it has already happened. Accept it.


Love and helplessly look at the wind and rain, this kind of thing she has never experienced before, it feels very shy, but -

Is he the one the sister likes?

My sister is still on the side.

There is an abnormal feeling.


The last time I experienced the feeling of having a bed with my sister, Akasaka and Haeme, I have never forgotten the storm, and my sisters once again have a double. I feel so cute.

“Is this the engine? What do I need to do?”

I love watching the wind and rain. I don't know how she should cooperate.

"Nothing to do. Enjoy it..."

The wind and rain are down, and suddenly and love are integrated into one...

"Pain... Captain, I hurt below..."

"The pain is right, I won't be gentle..."


After a night of fighting, the wind and rain were comfortably held by Kaohsiung and Ai, and I slept until noon.

"Captain, get up..."

The blush on Ai's face still didn't go down, because the hands of the wind and rain have been pinched on her softness. Although she did not know how her sister liked the captain, she was conquered by the captain's hegemony, but it was really shy to wash the engine with her sister.

"Oh, it's time to get up..."

Looking at Kaohsiung and Ai, who are in the shyness of the wind and rain, I feel really good, sisters, I like it.

In fact, the storm is to let Kaohsiung and King Kong come together, but King Kong will certainly not agree, now love is coming, just let the wind and rain finally satisfied. The enhancement of the sacred body is also a lot stronger. and so……

"Don't say that I was here yesterday, really, it will make people laugh."

Kaohsiung snorted, but his face was a little satisfying. The wind and rain of last night was so brave, much better than the previous experience. Yuchen sama is really great, so I like it. If I can get pregnant, it would be fine. This will set up a family like a human being. On that day, the captain will definitely say - Kaohsiung, we are married, and so on...

I love the clothes made of nano-materials, and then I said to the wind and rain in the same tone as Kaohsiung: "Don't say anything last night, really, it will be a joke..."


The amount is really a sister, and this behavior is really too much.

"Know, know."

The wind and rain said, began to wear clothes, after the long door joined in, to start a formal big battle, but in order to deal with the super-war ship, the wind and rain must carry out a combination of skills test.

"Captain, do we want to fight with the flagship of the total flagship?" asked Ai.

"Well, what happened?" asked the wind and rain.

"I listened to the long door and said that Musashi and Yamato have joined forces. If the long gate deals with Musashi, then the captain will have to deal with Yamato. Her firepower and armor should be the highest among us, even though our fleet is now composed. Not worse than the other side, but it is a lot worse in terms of the strongest strength." Ai Yu analyzed and said.

"I have prepared myself, look forward to it, well, start preparing, fight with Yamato tomorrow, and have a long night dream. At that time, I also need the power of love." The wind and rain pinch the exquisite chin.

Ai was suddenly shy, then turned and said: "Since the captain trusts me so much, then I will accept it..."



The wind and rain nodded, opened the door and walked out, but...

"Hey, I had a good rest last night, my brother?" The two long doors stood on the side of the door.


The wind and rain was shocked, and suddenly said silently: "How long have you been here?"

"When did it start?"

"About last night, my brother's voice is so pleasant..."

The two long doors looked at each other and said.


The wind and rain turned his eyes: "It is not the thing that my sister can do out to listen to my younger brother. You are really, what do you want to do!"

"Oh... I laughed..."

"Well, we are just coming..."

The two long doors said at the same time.

"Hey, can I ignore your existence?" The wind and rain have a feeling of being weathered. These two goods are really brothers.

"To call Ou Nai, can you hear?"

"It is ~www.readwn.com~ to be polite to my sister, otherwise we will not help you later, last night, fun, let me go to your room in advance..."


What an unruly sister, the wind and rain would rather not, this world - brother control is terrible.

"Okay, don't laugh, Dahe and Musashi have already attacked, not only the two of them, the flagship warship of the Far East Fleet of the Sea Fleet, the Prince of Wales, the large battleship of the Atlantic Cruiser, Bismarck, and the large battleship of the Atlantic Cruiser, Hood. Convergence with the flagship, plus the strong flagship of the sea on the flagship side of the Xianghe and Ruihe, the strength is not much weaker than this side." Longmen stopped jokes, seriously said, she is worried, if it is before She will certainly not manage it, but how to say that the wind and rain is also a younger brother, to be more concerned about some.

"Well, the only good news is that the flagship equipment information has been completely deprived due to the disappearance of the highest commandment. If there is flagship equipment, it will be even harder to fight." The gentle long door nodded.

"This way, I have already predicted the situation, but I have a very good grasp. Next, please witness the miracle, the long-door sister." The wind and rain confidently bent his mouth, the battle has just begun! (To be continued.) ()

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