Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 7 Chapter 693: Convergence of the infinite (top)

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"Can I refuse?"

The wind and rain looked at the three people in front of me.

"No, because this is your obligation. These monsters appearing in the Antarctic may be related to the infinite. Sorry, if it really becomes serious, then human beings will accept the end of the demise, according to the development of Western mythology. Look, it is very likely that there are some mythical legends such as the dragon Titan, which is really a disaster. Now, the development of the myth of the Antarctic is not too strong, so..."

The ol-loaded girl shook her head and closed the notebook.

"Is it dangerous?" Acedes asked, apparently she was interested, after all, it was really boring after returning to the world.

"Almost." The wind and rain nodded.

"So let's go..."

Akasaka took out his own village rain and said.

"Well, let's take a look for a while..."

The wind and rain are also curious about the aliens that appear in the Antarctic, not to mention the players who can see some infinite movie worlds. Oh, it’s interesting.

"Thank you so much. Thank you for the flight to the Antarctic. Are you a few people?" The middle-aged man said with excitement that if China does not have an infinite person to support it, it will be looked down upon by European and American countries.

"The infinite is counted as six of me, and the other master is one, and the rest are my contractors. Don't fly, just sneak out from the ocean, Linnai, Yan Ye, start the base space under the sea. From the deep sea Depart..." said the wind and rain.

"Then I will prepare some food," said Kuraki Matsushita. I will probably live in Antarctica for some time.

"Oh, oh, small day. You can play the little monsters on the same day!" Putian also hugged the teddy bear and ran out.

"Really, it doesn't move for a long time, the body is itchy!" said the poisonous island scorpion.


Other girls have also had interest, after all, the boring life is boring enough.


The middle-aged man saw the floating of the figure inside the house, and suddenly smiled and succeeded, so to speak. At this time, the infinite is regarded as the existence of a super deterrent weapon, and does not want to understand the power of the infinite. The number of infinite people in a future country will represent how powerful the country is.

"Five infinites, very good, and there are so many contractors, it is amazing. It seems that China will be the most powerful representative." The man wearing a baseball cap also laughed. Now the infinite represent the existence of super-nuclear weapons. Their existence directly interferes with the operation of the world. After all, if only those fantasy species are born on the earth, only the infinite can deal with it.

"In fact, one of them is Japanese, but it was turned over by someone..." Ziyue Ling looked at Haruhana Chunnai around him.

"I just want to follow Yuchen brother." Suzumiya said, compared to Japan, she still likes life here.



After packing up the equipment, Dragon Palace and Naiyan Ye opened the underground base. After everyone got on the elevator, they immediately landed in the underground dock space of 2,000 meters deep.

"Awesome technology. Is this just built?" asked the ground 7 (ol woman).

(The person in charge of the Department of Psychology is named as the fourth member of Tiandi Xuanhuang, the middle-aged man is the land 1, the ol is the woman, the base is 7, the baseball cap is the man, the number behind the name represents the strength ranking)

"Yes, it's very powerful..." Dragon Palace Rena said without modesty.

"I thought that the fleet of Vietnam last night was laid down by you..." asked 1 .

"What is it?"

"It doesn't matter, Vietnam and other small countries ignore it." Land 1 sneered and said, after all, China and Vietnam have had battles.


"I want to summon the battleship..."

Iona was on the forehead and the mark of floating sea fog on her forehead. Gradually, a heavy fog rose in the submarine room. When the fog dispersed, a huge submarine appeared in front of everyone.

"It's so powerful. This shape should be the Yi 400 in World War II. It was designed according to the concept of the aircraft carrier submarine. It is a super-large submarine." The ground 7 said with surprise.

"Go on the battleship, yes, we seem to have to go to school..." The storm suddenly remembered the upcoming school, they reported to Hong Kong University.

Ground 1 shook his head and said: "I have already done the formalities for you. You are now a student of the Capital Military Academy, and you are a special class student. We have notices for your parents and relatives. Rest assured, we just protect them. Safety, after all, to prevent people in other countries from using your family to threaten you."


The wind and rain chilled and said: "You also prevent us from rebelling?"

"Dare to dare... The power of the infinite. We don't want to challenge now. As long as you don't treason, everything is fine. After all, in the future, you symbolize the strength of the country." Xuan 1 shook his head and said, it would not be stupid. Fighting the infinite, after all, the infinite has too many impossibility, the president of the United States almost died in the hands of an infinite person, how can the Chinese leader not learn this lesson, and establish a good relationship with the infinite Only then can the national people go on in the long run.


It’s not impossible for the wind and rain to scream, but now they are the equivalent of “the existence of a national super-strategic weapon. Every infinite person is a precious resource. No country will destroy the infinite people of its own country. Just to contain it, after all, super weapons also need to be restricted before they can be used.

"Right ~www.readwn.com~ The enemy you have provoked in Hong Kong, the country has all been cleared up." The land 1 said casually.

"Is it good to please me?" Fengqin said with a smile.

"Okay, after all, this is just a icing on the cake. You are now the baby of the country." Land 1 does not understand the meaning of the laughter of the wind and rain, but know that this is undoubtedly the right thing.

The strength of the country is still very powerful. The wind and rain can not help but sigh. If he wants a senior official to go to jail immediately, it is okay. Sure enough, great power, it is good to have the power of the state behind the back, at least for what you want. What?

"Go on the warship, Iona, fully drive the engine, accelerate the mode, sneak in the direction of Antarctica..."

After the storm, the body instantly disappeared on the spot.

The land, the land 7, the Xuan 1 three people looked at each other, they just did not notice the traces of the wind and rain disappeared, they disappeared in front of them in the blink of an eye, this is the ability of the infinite, it really powerful, at least They can't do it! (To be continued.) ()

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