Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 8 Chapter 715: Attacking Loli

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With two knives in the wind and rain, the body could not help but tremble with excitement, and gradually stepped forward to the giant.

What is the difference between appearance and human beings, with mouth, nose, eyes and ears, the only difference is that the characteristics of these people have been magnified many times, yes, only these...


The wind and rain asked myself in the heart.

do not know!

The zombies are terrible in the eyes of ordinary people, but when they first entered the apocalypse of the school, the wind and rain found that he did not seem to have any special feelings. It was probably an exciting killing, and then even The zombies that they killed themselves don’t remember.

Is it probably this feeling now?

The blood in the body is boiling, and the eyes are accompanied by a deep red color -

"Oh, I said, can you understand what I said?"

The wind and rain smiled and asked the giant in front of him.


The giant did not have any meaning to answer. The huge arm instantly oppressed the wind and rain, and the air produced a whistling sound.

"Be careful! Run away!"

Hannes and Allen and Sancha suddenly shouted, trying to get the storm out of the giant's attack.



However, the wind and rain did not have any idea to escape. The body was squatting and the strength of the legs was accumulating. Gradually, after the strength reached a certain level, the spring and the wind suddenly jumped by the jumping force of this muscle contraction. stand up……

Because of the speed of the wind and rain jumping too fast. His body seems to disappear instantly. Hannes, Allen, and Sancha looked at this scene. Suddenly surprised to look up, where?


In an instant, the wind and rain fell on the giant's arm, and then ran up along its arm, and the body instantly came to its shoulder...

"Hurry... there..."

Sancha suddenly pointed to the shoulder of the giant.

"See it..."

Hannes nodded and encouraged the throat. Why, why, this child can be without fear. Why is she able to fight calmly, why is she not afraid? ! !


The giant opened his mouth and suddenly ate the past with the wind and rain on his shoulders...

There was no fear in the wind and rain, and the body jumped low and fell on the top of the giant's head...

The key to the giant should be in the back neck - where the giant neck is 1m wide and wide?

So simple...

"The key to the giant... it’s going to be behind the neck!!"

Hannes looked at the shame that stood above the giant's head. After all, he was an adult, letting a child do this kind of thing, but now there is no way...

"To understanding……"

The wind and rain indifferent nodded moments and the body disappeared again. Then appeared in the giant's stamina, the blade of both hands slipped through the giant's stamina with lightning...


The sound of a cut meat suddenly sounded. A piece of meat fell with it, and then the body of the giant fell to the ground in an instant, and a lot of soil shook it up...

Seeing this scene, there are also a few soldiers who rushed to the front line of the garrison. They can't believe the wind and rain. The jokes of the world have grown bigger. A little loli who is less than a teenager is actually squatting. Kill the giant, this is really...

"Hey, please choose the power camp:

I. Investigation Corps: Human identity, fighting against the killing of giants...

Second, the giant human beings: a mutant giant, fighting for the purpose of slaughtering humans...

Note: If you choose the second player, you can never change back to humans. After returning to the present world, you can change back to humans. ”

Actually, there is still this saying, is it a giant or a human? The weather is screaming, oh, giant, he really doesn't like this kind of creature, and he can't change back. Compared with the giant, Lori is better. After all, it becomes a giant how to take a bath with Sancha. .

"Hey, No. 007 chooses the investigation team's power camp, the system task is generated..."

"Hey, kill the ordinary giant and open the world mission of "The Attacking Giant":

First, the basic task (to complete the basic tasks can return to the present world): kill the common giant five heads, mission reward: power +10, speed +10.

Second, the title task (finish the title will receive a permanent title, the following giants below 7 meters are not included in the statistics):

[1] Giant Hunter: Kill 10 ordinary giants, title attribute power +20, physical strength +10, speed +10.

[2] Giant butcher's hand: kill 50 ordinary giants, oddly plant 10, title power +30, physical strength +20, speed +15;

[3] Giant Maniac: Kill 100 ordinary giants, 30 species of odd lines, 5 heads of wisdom (players), power of title +50, physical strength +30, speed +20;

[4] Giant Destroyer: Kill 500 ordinary giants, 100 kinds of odd lines, 10 heads of wisdom (players), power of title +70, physical strength +50, speed +30;

[5] Titan's power: kill 1000 ordinary giants, 300 odd-sized ones, 20 smart (players), title power +100, physical strength +70, speed +50.

Note, 1] the title can not be accumulated, 2] each time the number of kills is reached, the number of kills is zero, recount, not accumulated. ”

If you choose the giant camp, it is probably to grow by eating people? It’s a cruel choice. Keeping human body, you can, you must face the threat of giants, become giants, you can, you must eat humans.

Preying on humans?

There is no such thought in the storm, I put humans into my mouth and eat it~www.readwn.com~ This is really a thing that makes people shudder. After all, I used to be a human being, eat my own. The same kind, really a big husband?

The wind and rain know that the system will do this, so there is no choice to become a giant, but to choose to retain the human attitude, to become a giant look, eating people is really not a fun thing.

After killing the head giant, the wind and rain returned to the side of Hannes and handed the knife in his hand to him.

If I don't look at the blood of the giant above the wind and rain, I can't feel the way she just killed.


Hannis’s nodded his head. He wanted to say that the knife was actually a good one, but he didn’t know how to open it. Maybe he really said it made him very faceless.


The sound of several gas spurts came along. It was a few people stationed in the corps. They all wanted to see what Lolita was like to kill the giant. After all, it was a giant, they could not look directly at the giant. Ah, how did she do it? (To be continued..)u

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