Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 8 Chapter 767: Gold and silver

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Allen’s violent walk made a strange situation on the battlefield. A fifteen-meter-tall giant kept killing the giants, and seemed to know the giant’s weaknesses, or biting or tearing the giant’s back neck. The meat was torn off.

Pandoras don't care about this kind of thing. Sancha is responsible for looking after this special giant.

The battle continued until the night fell, and they successfully cleared the giants out of the Trost area, and the secrets of the southern giants were blocked.

The wise giant was also killed by the storm, and the intelligent giants did not expect that Pandora would appear, and they were caught off guard.

Although the victory, but the human damage is quite large, the Lost area lost more than 50% of the population, all were eaten, and some were captured by the giant, under the leadership of the giant giant, the giant I actually know how to capture human beings!

The investigation and corps, the corps of the corps, and the two corps also reached a death rate of 300.

This is still only the damage rate in the southern region, and the damage in the three regions of the west, east and north is also counted.

However, Pandoras successfully guarded the wall of human Rose.

The giants apparently did not expect Pandora's appearance. In front of Pandora, the ordinary giant was simply killed by the cutting vegetables. Only the odd-species and the intelligent giants could make Pandora a little more effort, but obviously could not beat Pandora.

Changing the power of this era, Pandora's power has become the dawn of this generation.

For the first time, the human and the giants were in a comprehensive war. The human side has won. Yes. The full-scale battle, or in the case of the giants attacking humans, completed the victory of the all-out war.

All of the 107 Pandoras except Ani survived and no Pandora was killed.

After the giantized Allen squandered all the power, he climbed out from the giant's back neck. Allen's giantization also shocked everyone. He was temporarily taken into custody and was led by Sancha.


Southern Regional General Operations Research Office.

The highest commander of the humanity, Daris, the head of the investigation corps, Elvin, the commander-in-chief of the corps of the corps, and the head of the Pandora Corps, gathered together. The next battle analysis and reference were started.


Darris pressed the scorpion and said: "First of all, we are pleased that the first victory in the all-out war between mankind and giants has just won in the Karanis district in the east, the Kellolu district in the west, and the Stowe in the north. In the Hays district, there were good news in the three regions, and they all repelled the giant's offensive and blocked the giant's sneak into the cave.

In this victory, we eliminated a total of 1578 ordinary giants. There are 5 giants of wisdom, but we lost more than 5,000 ordinary civilians in this battle. At the same time, the training corps, the investigation corps, and the corps of the corps lost a total of 786 soldiers. The casualties of the training corps were the most serious, leaving only a dozen people. Gis also sacrificed.

At the beginning, the Giants identified the training corps to attack, and the ground hole raids hit us one by one, but fortunately the giants did not know the existence of Pandora, we also beat them by surprise. In short, this battle is finally our victory. It is.

Now, members of the Regiment Corps are already stepping up their patrols. It is predicted that we will at least be able to fight for us for a week. After the Giants’ injury, it will take some time to call the Giants. ”

"Although it is a victory, it is a triumph." Elvin sighed and said.

"But this victory, the giants' footsteps were stopped. Pandora's appearance definitely made the giants have a headache now." Pixsis said with a smile. "At least we humans have seen the existence of a light, if Pandora If the number can be doubled, it is necessary to carry out counterattacks. It is not a problem to recapture the wall of Maria. With more territory, you can get more resources and develop fertility. In the future, you must be able to get out of this wall. international."

Nodded at the rain and wind, said: "Well, although the damage is heavy, but it is still a victory, this news will surely make the whole man happy. Pandora's registration will be more and more, the first Pandora is not easy to form, but the second generation Pandora as long as After a period of training, it can be put on the battlefield. It is not difficult to organize the Pandoras of 500 people. It is not difficult to recapture the wall of Maria."

Daris nodded and said in excitement: "Well, in short, now hope is greater than sadness, I will send people to promote this war to the entire human race, and then carry out Pandora's call in various places."


Elvin, Pixsis, and the wind and rain nodded.

"Right, there is one more thing."

Darris pushed his glasses and said: "About the training of Allen's giants, although he became a giant, he did not kill humans, but was fighting with the giants, but this thing still makes us pay enough attention. Maybe you can find the secret of the giant... What do you think?"

Ervin looked at the rainy days~www.readwn.com~ and then said: "The head of Yuchen and Allen should be companions when they were young. She is not sure about this thing, and it is really amazing. It seems that only I asked Alan to know, but now he is still in a coma."

"If we really have mastered the source of the giant, what should we do? What we want now is not why the giants appear, but how humans defeat the giants, Pandora's appearance, let humans have the hope of defeating the giants, say, Pandora and the giant are mysterious things. Sometimes I don't know better than knowing. In short, our focus now is not why Allen can be giant, but Pandora can defeat the giant, even if the existence of the giant is mysterious, Pandora is also more than It is more mysterious. When you have gold, will you care about the value of silver?" Pixsis said with a smile.

Indeed, if the secret of Allen's giantization is [silver], then Pandora represents [gold], gold is higher than the value of silver, and mystery will lose its light in the face of its more mysterious existence.

The rain and nodded nodded and said: "Why is the giant now unimportant? The important thing is to defeat the giant. Then, after waiting for Allen to wake up, let us ask him again. Now it is the key to recruit and train the second generation of Pandora, hoping to fight for it. More second generation Pandora, who regained the wall of Maria." (To be continued.) ()

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