Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 9 Chapter 896: Emotional morning

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Throughout the night, the whole bedroom became the battlefield of the wind and the red sun, the messy clothes, the wrinkled sheets, and the scattered objects everywhere...

The whole room was messed up, and the madness of the red accumulation in the heart was completely released, especially in the age of this bright bloom. It was even more flamboyant, extremely lingering until it was dried. The last thread in the body, in the state of drunkenness, she only acts as a dream, yes, just a dream...

Before the storm, I was entangled by the daisy. I never dared to put a heavy hand on her. After all, it was the 13-year-old little Loli. Every time Daisy was so excited, he still couldn’t enjoy it. Recently, he was restrained in Konoha. I can't go to the fog to find a beautiful retreat, and the body is about to get out of trouble. This time, in the state of alcohol and eve red, he is completely devoted to forgetting.

The two men have been ‘fighting’ until they are nearly dawn, and they are slowly awake. Finally they are huddled together and rolled up sheets to sleep.

The guy who flies as Ama, for the wind and rain and the evening red, looks at the wind and stays outside the door for one night. After all, this kind of thing can't be discovered. If they find out, they will definitely be accused. Will be poked by the people in the village...

Although it is no longer possible to come together with Xi Rihong in the future, but his heart can not be erased for this love, he chose to protect the evening red, love a person even if she is not around, as long as she is happy Ok, though not reconciled. but……

But this is his fault. Nine years ago. If he can courageously save the red sun, it will not fall into today's written. After all, they used to be childhood friends, and Avatar will attribute all of this to his own mistakes, because his weakness has caused the red sun to lose. A sense of security, after all, Red just lost his father, and when he was most helpless, he was captured by Yun. Definitely already desperate, but he has no courage to save her, no, no strength, no courage...

He asked for the rain and rain, let him save the sun on his own, at that time, he can be said that he is already a coward, the woman who secretly loves to hand over to other men to guard. Later, when he was hospitalized, he did not have a face to visit. Probably from that time, her inner shadow is the storm.

Fei Fei Asma put a cigarette on it and pumped it up. All of this was caused by oneself. Now it is used by the two people who are accused of the storm and the red sun. Isn’t it a coward’s cry?

I have done something wrong in the past, and now I can't be wrong. Let Red be really happy and smile. He will keep this secret for both of them.

"Hey, Teacher Asma, have you been to Mr. Red so early?"

In the early morning, I bought a place where I was in the middle of the mountain, and I saw the place where I was standing at the door and smoking Aston, and I smiled and said hello.


Suddenly, Asma’s body stiffened a bit, and then smiled and said to the mountain in the field: “Well, ah, yeah, are you purchasing ingredients? Ino.”

"Well, I haven't had any eggs at home recently. I was sent out by my mom to buy it. I will go first... Next time, the teacher will go to my flower shop to buy a few bunches of flowers and come to the teacher." ”

Yamaguchi said with a blind eye.

"Well... um, I will remember..."

Fei Fei Asma suddenly nodded stiffly.

There is no doubt in the middle of the mountain, but I know that the flying Asma is embarrassed after being hit by the students.


The voice of the outside conversation obviously woke up with the stormy and eve of the red, and the two men gradually recovered their clear senses. The role of alcohol gradually disappeared. They suddenly looked at their bodies with shock. Everything messed up in the bedroom could not calm down.

Xi Xihong thought that it was just a spring-dream, but did not expect that everything was true in the end, she could not believe it, but this progress exceeded her imagination, but a hangover occurred like this. What is it?

Although the rain and rain recalled everything that was last night, I didn't think that the state of myself really had to push down the teacher of the young field. Now, he can still feel the softness of the beautiful body.

Suddenly, I felt the delicate body of the red sun, and the body of the wind and rain suddenly came back.


On the evening, the red light took a breath, and the thing in the wind and rain was still in her body. The scent of the soul that seemed to stir the soul suddenly made her grasp the body of the wind and rain.

Now two people need to face the immediate situation, whether it is impulsive or not, they have already become the current thing, how to solve it?

The most important thing is that standing outside the door is flying Asma. Even if they are stupid, they know that they knew what they were yesterday. If no one knows it, now they are known, in case it is really The village is preaching up, then...

One of them is the brother of the young field, the teacher of a young field, the two most important people in the young field, but they are combined together. This kind of thing is basically taboo, beyond the ethical combination...

"What should I do?" said the red body holding the body of the rainy day.

"It seems that I can only hardly eliminate the memory of Asma, use these eyes!"

The eyes of the wind and rain instantly turned into a state of kaleidoscope~www.readwn.com~ This thing can never be passed on, otherwise even if the young field accepts this situation, the village will not accept it, and the sun will not Accepted.

"Remove memory?"

Xi Xihong looked at the stormy eyes full of pressure, suddenly felt a horrible power accumulated in his eyes, this man is strong to the point, just the chill of the eyes can already make the soul freeze .

"First put on your clothes..."

The wind and rain stood up from the bed, picking up the clothes on the ground and wearing it on the body.

"What do you want to do? It is impossible to kill Asma. He is my companion. Can't you do this?" Xi Lihong looked at the wind and the momentum and suddenly could not help but pull his arm.

"No, just let him remember things from last night to the present..." The wind and rain fingers gently stroked his face, and the kaleidoscope white wheel suddenly became a normal white eye. He just did have a killing moment in a flash. Ah, if it wasn’t because I was too invested last night, he had already found out that someone was outside, really negligent. (To be continued.) ()

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