Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 9 Chapter 901: Secret technique - unlimited voyeur

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The whirlpool of the stunned sorcerer was sent home, and the moon was coming over the roof. Obviously, the dark part of the wood leaf had already found his arrival.

"It’s also an adult..." said Yue Yan, respectfully.

"Well, was it discovered?" He nodded himself and waved his hand and said, "Let's go, I just passed by, and I will leave soon."

Recently, I have been investigating the organization of ‘晓’, and I have been looking for the disciples of Changmen, Xiaonan, and Yahiko. Although they are not in the wood, they are paying attention to the direction of the entire world.

"Does the adults not see one side with the three generations?" asked Yue Yan.

"Forget it, don't meet the old man, or you can't go away, right, ask someone about you..."

I also said it myself.



"A kid who is a home-to-home, about a seventeen or eight years old, is very powerful, a long black hair, a strange eye with a white eye, and there seems to be Yu Zhibo's hook jade..."

I also recalled the appearance of the wind and rain.

"Oh... it turned out to be him. It’s also true that adults don’t know it. After you left, the woody leaves of the nine-tailed attack one year later, the cloud was robbed of fire and the aftermath of the wood leaves, it was the third. The end of the War of Endurance has continued. At this time, Konoha has three geniuses in a year -

I have only submitted a graduation in the Ninja School for one year. They graduated one year earlier than me. One is Uchiha, and the other is Yuki Yuki. One is the poison island scorpion, three people in the battle with Yun Ren repeatedly battle, was called "new star three-bearing", the strongest of the three people is the sun, the white eye, write the eye , the hail triple blood continues to limit...

In two years, he was promoted to the end. At that time, he was less than ten years old, and then he became the dark minister of Konoha at the age of thirteen. After that, the more important story was to save the five generations of water shadows in a fog-hidden mission, and then promoted the country of fire and water. Alliance agreement.

Now I have retired from the position of the Minister of the Dark Department, and I will inherit the medical will of the Master, and be responsible for the development and operation of the medical class. Probably this is all. ”

The moon and the moon suddenly explained in detail.

"Drink! This is a bad little guy, is it the same as Uchiha?"

Suddenly frowning and stroking the chin, a formal member of Xiaozhong is Uchiha, s-class rebellion, and he has the same star with the same three stars. It will not be simple, the fusion of white eyes and writing wheel eyes, but also the blood of the hail, said that the pride of the sky is also commensurate.

"It’s not simple, the strength is unfathomable. The three generations all say that he is the strongest person in the village today. In the middle of the test, he and the big snake pill have a fight. Although the process is not clear, the big snake pill is Retired." Yan Yue Xi Yan said.

"The big snake pill actually appeared. What did he come back to?!" He also thought of the seal on Naruto's stomach and suddenly understood something.

"I don't know. I have been strengthening my alert recently. It should be trying to make a turmoil. I am also an adult. Muye needs your strength now." Yan Yuexi said with a solemnity.

"Since there is that guy. I don't worry, I still have things. Let's go first..."

I also waved my hand and jumped continuously between the roofs. Then it disappeared instantly.


The young field has progressed to the second stage of cultivation, and the rain and the rain have been idle, so they began to re-daisy with the daisy. They really cultivated it. Sure enough, the Loli team is the best, and the brain is always in the most exciting stage. .

However, this cultivation is not very smooth.

While helping the little loli to correct the posture of the body, a huge cockroach descended from the sky, and it was sitting on the top of the cockroach's head. A pair of "I am coming to seek revenge" looked at the wind and rain.

"Hey, we met again, little guy..."

He also sneered and said that he had to take it back that day.

"Yu Chen brother, would you like me to solve him?" Xin Yan said with a smile (in fact, the black front), his eyes were dark, and he dared to find fault, her assassination can not be practiced in vain.

The rest of the little Loli was also wary one by one, one by one to prepare for the assassination.


Suddenly, I was shocked by the fact that these twelve girls are not simple guys. The power in the eyes and the power of the body can be possessed, even though they are young. But these young girls are afraid of having terrible power. Is this the special force cultivated by this boy?

The wind and rain continued to stop and said: "You continue to practice, I have something to talk to this uncle..."

Just kidding, these twelve little loli are proficient in secrets and assassinations. Once they are fighting, they are not completely exposed, and they are not simple guys. They are really strong, However, there is no victory in playing this old guy.

"Exactly, I also have something to look for you to talk about!" Come and sneer in the heart, must find the way back, actually interrupted his "materials", but also let him lose face, this account should be considered Count... Finally, I have to ask this guy if he knows something about it. This is the point.


In this way, the two people went far into a small forest.

"Little devil ~ www.readwn.com~ Hey, you were sneaked on that day, but this time I have to get back to the scene..." He also sneered and held his fist and said (in fact, to test the wind and rain Real strength).

"Ah, Uncle, what are you talking about, I don't quite understand it..." said the wind and rain.

"Is it? I will not forget, pick up the move!" In the hands of the hand, a super jade spiral pill is instantly gathered in the hand. It is really coming.

The wind and rain sighed and said: "Well, it’s also a predecessor. I wanted to apologize. I want to teach you the secret technique of 'unlimited voyeurism' that I developed recently. It’s convenient for you to take the materials. Unfortunately, forget it. I didn’t say it all..."


Secret technique - unlimited voyeur! !

When the eyes suddenly turned bright, the super jade spiral pill was thrown aside and then jumped from the back of the donkey. The face of the face patted the shoulders of the wind and rain and said: "Well, I have forgotten about the day. I will teach you the secret technique of 'unlimited voyeurism'...just help me correct the flaws of some techniques... Well, first ask, what is the principle of your technique?” (To be continued)

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