Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 9 Chapter 904: Taiji Dragon Tiger

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The wind and rain looked at the breath and calmed down to the young field, smiling at the corner of the mouth. This sister will surely surprise everyone. He believes that his sister will make him proud.

"Well... the game officially begins, until one side falls or surrenders to end the battle. After the battle stops, you can't continue to attack and understand the rules..."

The storm rose to announce the start of the game.

At the same time, both the Japanese and the Japanese Ningji set up the soft-fist method. The two men slowly observed the behavior of the opponent and prepared for the attack.

At the moment when a leaf fell to the ground, the two men slowly advanced and began to fight.


The collision between the palm and the palm of the hand, the two days to the young field and the Ningxia Ning times have used acupoints to attack the other side's face, but the attack has been resolved by the opponent.

Gradually, the movements of the two people made people feel dazzled...

The matchup of the soft boxing is undoubtedly the beginning of a **** battle.


Then the two men made a punch, and they retreated by the back thrust, and then they gasped. The high-intensity competition between the physical and the willpower made the two people consume a little.

However, the injury on the arm of the young field is still obvious. She can see that she is weaker on the soft boxing. On the other hand, although she is equally strenuous, she has almost no injuries on her arm.

"Genius was destined from the beginning, even if it is a daily sect, it is destined to be the tail of the crane. Then it will always be the tail of the crane. The fate that cannot be changed. The weak family is protected by strong separation."

Ning Ning said that he was reluctant to be engraved in the cage, and there was an anger in his heart. The people who were separated were geniuses, but they enjoyed such treatment. The clumsy family was high. He was not satisfied with this fate, even Yuchen. . Have a super talent, can not choose their own wife, such a fate...

"Yuchen’s brother said that there is no such thing as a genius in the world. Genius is just a ridiculous name. Only those who can work hard, persist in the inner will, and keep moving forward can move toward the future. Ning brother, you I have been bound by the past, I want to defeat you. On the one hand, let Yuchen brother be proud of me, on the other hand, let you wake up..."

On the day, I learned about the grievances of the Japanese and the family. She and Mr. Yuchen agreed, and when they manage this family, they must change the status quo of this day!

"Give up, most of the acupuncture points on your arms are closed by me. Although you have made remarkable progress, but genius is a genius, you can't surpass it. Destiny is destined at the beginning. If you continue, your injury will be more serious. Miss Chen Tian!" said Ning Ning, coldly.

"No, I will not give up, I have the consciousness of becoming the wife of Yuchen's brother, we are really in love, I want to be the woman behind him (Loli), I want to prove my 'guardian'! ”

The Japanese said firmly to the young field, and set up the posture of the gossip.

"What is the Eight Diagrams Palm? Even if it is the same technique, there is a difference between the genius and the tail of the crane. Your Eight Diagrams Palm can't surpass me. Now let you understand the power of the genius."

The Japanese Ningji also set up the posture of the Eight Diagrams Palm, and instantly attacked the past to the young field.

"soft boxing method - eight palms ... two palms ... four palms ... eight palms ... sixteen palms ... thirty-two palms ... sixty palms ..."

"soft boxing method - eight palms ... two palms ... four palms ... eight palms ... sixteen palms ... thirty-two palms ... sixty palms ... hundred and twenty palms!!!"

The same is the Eight Diagrams Palm, but the Japanese Ningji has completed a more advanced level, and created a hundred and twenty-eight palms. After the end of the fight, Ning Ningji finally flew out to the young field...


The day sitting in the audience was amazed at the day, and the hundred and eight palms, beyond the sixty-four palms, Ning is really a genius. Although the young field is making great progress, it is very difficult to win the game... ...


The audience suddenly cheered for Ningxia.

"Cough... I haven't given up yet..."

The Japanese struggled to stand up in the field, and suddenly started the temperament of Taiji...

"It's useless, although only the last success, but the acupuncture point on your body is still blocked by me, Chakra can't work." Ning Ning shook his head and said, as if he had already determined that the Japanese field had failed. .

Tai Chi has the ability to cultivate self-cultivation, and it is not impossible to cure his own injuries.

In an instant, the body of the young child began to recover gradually. The power of Yangshuo has a healing power. Now she has been able to use Taiji Yinyang alone.

Immediately afterwards, Chakra, who was escorted to the young field, was liberated from the acupuncture points. At the same time, a golden chakra covered her body surface. Although the six sensations were not completely, the principle of borrowing Taiji could be used initially. Out.

At the same time, a white jade jade appeared in the left hand of the young field, and a black jade jade appeared in the right hand. This is not the end. The black hook jade suddenly became a tiger head, and the white jade jade became a dragon head! !

On the basis of the taiji yin and yang, the Japanese stalks incorporate the morphological changes of Chakra, and the changes in the nature of Taiji yin and yang, while completing the changes in nature and form!

Tai Chi Dragon Tiger! ! !

The corner of the wind and rain is smiling. This is the ninjutsu that was developed by the Japanese youth field. It is almost the same as the soft-step double lion's palm in the original book. The Japanese-made Tiantian also has a very high talent. It is completed in one month. Double changes in form and nature! !

"this is?"

The day was suddenly surprised to see the right hand of the day to the young field, what is this?


"Ning brother ~www.readwn.com~ Please free yourself from bondage!"

The day to the young field disappeared into the field with the posture of the Taiji cloud hand.

Seeing the sun, the young field disappeared, and the day of Ning suddenly panicked and opened the absolute defense -

"Back to the days!!"

For a moment, the Japanese acupuncture points on the body's body, and a strong chakra was ejected. At the same time, the body rotated like a gyro, and a chakra circle formed in the body, trying to bounce off all attacks.

"Soft Boxing - Tai Chi - Dragon Tiger Yin Yang 遁 * Left Rafts!!"

Tai Chi is a soft fist in soft boxing. It is soft and natural, and it changes indefinitely. It follows the momentum of the cloud and enters the next stage of attack.

In an instant, the body of the young field appeared on the right side of the absolute defense of the returning to the heavens, and the black dragon and the white tiger became the circling of the Taiji attacking the past... (unfinished...)

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