Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 9 Chapter 907: Seal the power of the crane

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The wind and rain looked at the huge tail beast in front of me, and the last time I faced the nine tails in the seal space. At the time of the seal, the nine tails were obviously weakened. Today’s one has replaced my love with the real power, all The strength of all showed up.

The true face of the beast, nature is a non-general feeling, the same, this time, the storm is also a real battle, not the last spiritual soul model.

Wanhua white wheel eye - Jian Yu Lei's man! !

In an instant, the wind and rain opened the state of Jianrui, and a dark Chakra gradually gathered from his body to form a huge dark skeleton, and then gradually grew muscles and skin, and finally Put on the armor armor, floating behind a white eight black nine days of jade jade, the white sky of the jade jade is sealed with nine tails of the sky jade jade, with a nine-tailed reduction pattern in the middle.

The huge black Chakra giant is not as big as a crane, but the breath that comes out is not to be underestimated.

Machi and others were so frightened that they looked at the Jianyu Lei men who appeared in the rainy days. Is this his strongest strength? It is indeed a loyalty and a battle to have such an ability.

"Haha... finally came out, do you guys want to fight with me? Or the first time you see a human who wants to fight the tail beast..."

Keeping the crane watching the wind and rain, the huge claws in his hand suddenly slammed toward him.


In an instant, the duel field collapsed and the auditorium was broken.

Immediately afterwards, the huge claws of the sand and the Jianrui’s male of the wind and rain were struck together...

After the dust settles. In the dark building, Ray's man's body flashed black and lightning, and suddenly the claws of the sand were lifted up, while the right hand condensed the cloth and the soul sword slammed into the body of the crane! !

"Oh, little meaning..."

Keeping the crane suddenly hit the cloth with the other hand's claws, but it found out. It is very wrong.

Budu Yushen Sword instantly penetrated the claws of the sand that guarded the crane and stabbed into its body.

"Well, the seal is about to begin, but you must first bind you!"

The seal of one tail is different from the nine tails, and if one is hypnotized by the wind and rain. Then it will change from the state of the tail beast to the state of a human column, that is, the state of my love Luo. At that time, if you want to seal, you can only let the spiritual soul enter the space of my love seal, but it must not be so Simple, I love Luo’s body and his mother’s will. At the same time, when Markey intervened, the seal was interrupted.

Therefore, the best stage of sealing is a state of not sleeping, but if you do not hypnotize it, the tail that is easy to run away must be bound.

If you are restrained, it is impossible to rely on the wind and rain. The ability of the hail is not the strongest.

"Xin, began to use the raft to bind the action of the crane!" said the wind and rain.

"Understood, Yuchen brother."

Xin maintained the enchantment formation. One hand pressed on the ground -


Suddenly a huge branch stretched out from the ground and instantly bound one end.

"The shape of ice - cross lock [--]!!"

The wind and rain are also sealed.

A huge frosty cross with a sinuous raft sticking out of the chain of ice bound the tail.

Immediately after the construction of Yu Lei's man began to seal, the eyes of the gods. The chakra that keeps the cranes goes to the sword of the spirit of Budu and flows into a jade of heaven...

"My strength... is lost, impossible!!"

The cranes struggled fiercely, but under the double blockade of rafts and hail, its struggles became vain, and the chakras in the body lost quite quickly, and the swords inserted in the body. A bottomless vortex is generally pumping its power! !

Markey and Kanjiro were shocked to see this scene. The one-tailed crane that frightened the entire Sha Ni Village was blocked from action, and the raft appeared. This ability of hibiscus, but it is said that the first generation of wood leaves Huo Ying. The legendary figure with the name of the Ninja God, even the hibiscus appeared, they really are too small to see the wooden leaves of the ninja.

"Let me loose, let go of me, give me back my strength!!!"

The crane screamed and screamed, not willing to struggle, and the chakra in the body was quickly lost...

"Oh, it will be one of my rations. Nothing, just borrow your chakra. You will wake up after a period of sleep. The power of Chakra will slowly recover..."

The wind and rain sneered and said.

"No, not only the power of Chakra, you guys are extracting some of my will!" Shouhe screamed in anger, and the instinct in his body was gradually drawn, for the tail beast Carat can slowly recover from nature, but ah, the existence of the soul is not able to recover, and some power in the body is being drawn away.


The wind and rain suddenly frowned and asked: "Don't I seal your chakra?"

"Of course, it’s not just Chakra. You guys are taking the power of my will. I tell you that you don’t understand. Our tail beast is separated by ten sounds, and you are from me. Extracting the power of this important existence, although for me, after extraction, it can still exist normally~www.readwn.com~ but the power is obviously weakened, and the power of existence is forever disappearing, you are Who is it that can seal the power of existence?"

Shouhe said with anger, and withdrew from the power of the instinct, its power will drop forever.

"It turned out, I understand..."

The wind and rain looked at the jade jade behind the Jianshen Lei Shen, and the seal of the finished Tianzhi jade was able to exist forever. It seems to be the essence of peeling off the tail beast, although it is different from the magic dragon’s nine seals. But it also has the same effect, that is to say -

If the wind and rain finish the seal of all the beasts, it is not impossible to incarnate the ten-tailed force, and the most important thing is that the nine tail beasts are weakened, and the weakening power is the wind and rain. Strength, according to the original work of Uchiha, the ten-tailed words do not require the complete nine tail beasts to evolve, as long as there is a part of the power.

It is conceivable that the final form of Tianzhiyu is ten tails, and that it is not the wind and rain, but the man who built the royal thunder. This is a state of opening, ah, the fusion of white eyes and writing round eyes. It is reasonable to have this special ability... (to be continued) ()

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