Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 10 Chapter 926: Angel and dragon round dance

[Thanks to _尛巃erゝ, Tian? Ye No dance, ice cream heating, heart stunned, dark maple, empty tree, a passer-by and a children's shoes, thanks, than, Fior? k? Sartre , subversive darkness, m, distorted assassin, heart stunned, words, cndmfs, 15754541887, prison scorpion, pirate, houseworm, small bookworm, Yanzhida sword, monthly ticket, more favorable conditions, decisive Plus, today's first to send, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

[The best works of the year are currently 220 tickets, decisively add one more, today is a total of seven more 喵]

When the two batches of the abilities were killed in the storm, suddenly the world changed. The space in the sky above the magical forest began to fluctuate drastically. The lightning flashed across the sky, swaying. The sky made the entire atmosphere become terrifying.

However, the space vibration gradually began to shift from the Antarctic to Australia, and then the lightning landed in southern China. A huge tiankeng appeared in it. A giant dragon flew out of the tiankeng. The small body was 10 meters long. Left and right, the big body is about 100 meters long.

The speed of space movement is quite fast, even the satellites only capture a shadow, and it is still unclear.

Near the tiankeng, a young man trembled back and forth, and intermittently whispered from time to time in his mouth—

"How come..." The "Angel and Dragon's Round Dance" props are really going to be effective... What have I done!!"

This young man is also a new infinity. As a result, he has drawn a special consumption card from the Bronze Lucky Store, which allows the world of a certain dimensional space to communicate with the Earth. The young man was dubious and started the card. The result was randomized to "The Dance of Angels and Dragons"...

After a minute passed. Nothing happened, but after a minute, the youth found a difference, the strong spatial fluctuations and the craters in front of him and the last giant dragon that made him scared to death.

Is it lucky or unfortunate?

Fortunately, I got a special card. Unfortunately, I connected the world of dimensional space at this time. I don't know how long this dimension space will last, but now the most important thing for young people is to escape! ! !

"Don't... don't... I don't want to die..."

The youth trembled back. But this giant dragon will not let him go easily! !


A few ten-meter dragons flew over and smashed the youth's body into two halves with a huge dragon's mouth! !


After the space was shaken, the meteor was found to have crashed into the Antarctic forest, in the middle of the magical forest, where there was already a powerful magical creature.

"French, I just received an unidentified wave of help signals from the Magic Forest..."

At this time, Kurakiaki said with an antenna-type electromagnetic receiver in his hand.

"Well, the space vibration just happened may be related to this. I called King Kong, Essex, Scorpion, and Pray, and formed an assault squad to check it out in the forest. What happened, we must figure it out. I am afraid that the world will change again. It is really an eventful autumn!"

The wind and rain immediately said, he felt that the space was so simple.

"Okay, I will summon them right away." Kuraki said, nodded.


After the rapid accumulation, they entered the magical forest in the wind and rain. Under normal circumstances, each time they perform magic hunting, they are mostly in the periphery or in the middle and outer parts. There are a lot of horrible magical creatures in the inner and middle parts. They will not choose to enter inside.

The last dark dragon incident, they almost lost their lives in the rainy days. Fortunately, everyone worked together to overcome the crisis. The closer to the center, the greater the danger. This time, the storms and storms had to be done. He must determine what happened.

"Before entering, I will put the thunder and lightning on your body first, just in case, transfer it in time, Acedes, you don't be reckless, or it will drag everyone down, we try to hide the breath and hear. Has it happened? The magic creatures encountered can kill one hit and kill, and it will be bad if it is caused by the action." The wind and rain said.


Essex, King Kong, Poison Island, and Zhai Qi nodded at the same time.

After setting up the thundering god's surgery, they began to penetrate into the magical forest in the wind and rain, and escaped the large group of magical gathering places through the ability of the white eye, and finally reached the communication ground of the radio wave signal.

The signal is a huge machine, similar to the kind of mech, the body color is mainly white, the joint parts of the body are gold, the head has a special coat of arms.

There is a girl next to the machine, but this is not the key. The girl is standing next to a huge golden giant bear. It is obviously not easy to deal with. The purpose of the golden giant bear is obviously to eat. The girl next to the mech.

"This person does not know, it should be related to the vibration of the space, to save it?" King Kong asked.

"Well, it seems that I can only know something from her mouth, ready to fight. I will contain the bear. You rescued the girl and encountered a dangerous signal flare."

The wind and rain said, the blue light in his hand cooled, and a huge black shovel appeared in the palm of his hand, and suddenly sneaked out.

Feeling the hostility behind him, the golden giant bear turned agilely and slammed heavily against the wind and rain.

"too slow!!"

The sickle in the hands of the wind and rain slammed into the arm of the giant bear.


so hard!

The sniper of the storm did not achieve the effect he had expected, and did not break the arm of the giant bear, but only scratched its skin.

Windy - crush! !

At the same time ~www.readwn.com~The hands of the wind and rain quickly printed, suddenly a strong wind pressure storm ejected from the mouth of the wind and rain, hitting the golden giant bear only scratched its skin .

Tai Ting's hard, dark trowel is the lightning mark of the blood mark of the sacred mark, the wind smashes the wind that belongs to the a-class, and this does not cause much damage to it. It is really amazing.


Perhaps it was the pain that made the giant bear violent, and the huge soles of the feet stepped on the ground. In a moment, huge rock columns rose from the ground, and the rock guns were filled everywhere in the range of 100 meters! !

The wind and rain used the avatar in time to escape the attack of the giant bear.

"Okay, don't play with you, it's too hard to be..."

The wind and rain have looked at the King Kong and others who have already transferred. They suddenly flew out of the magic forest and then fought. It is hard to say other magic creatures. The mech can only be temporarily abandoned here. Let me first inquire. The situation, hope is not a bad thing, well, it is impossible... things should be very bad... (to be continued...)

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