Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 10 Chapter 929: Welcome to Devil

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After the storm came to the magic forest, I found the mech of the crash. There was a girl with a blue double pony tail. The head was badly wounded. The left arm and the right leg were broken. It was much more serious than An Qi. After a while, there may be no life.

Should this girl be called Salia? An Qi’s captain, who had already filled the brain of “Angel and Dragon’s Wheel Dance” yesterday, knew all the members.

When An Qi came here, there was no memory of meeting the man. It seems that the story of "The Dance of Angels and Dragons" is just the beginning.

Of course, the most important thing now is to heal the girl in this mech. The dance of angels and dragons is transferred to the second-generation girl in this world. The wind and rain decides to make them become powers. The girls who have fought with the dragon should be in the eye. There is a certain degree of awareness and awareness. As a school city to be established, it can become a special mobile team.

After planting the thundering god's surgery on Salia's body, the wind and rain instantly took her back to her room, and then began to use the power of the holy mark to treat, compared to the medical ninjutsu of Naruto. The power of the sacred mark of the wind and rain is more powerful.

Gradually, Salia's injury began to improve, struggling with a snoring, slowly opened her eyes, she found that a boy with a warm glow all over his body was treating his injury, confused Suddenly asked: "Where is this... Are you an adult?"

"Welcome to the Devil!"

The wind and rain smiled and said.


Salia can't smile, Devil, okay, will someone in the devil treat her?

With the treatment of the storm. Salia’s consciousness gradually became clearer. She felt quite strange. Her injury was cured in an instant. It was really amazing.

"Well, your teammate An Qi has already come to the world one step at a time. Let her explain it to you temporarily. In short, this is not the world you know, welcome to join my demon domain."

The wind and rain regained the power of the holy mark, went out and threw Angel into it.

"Bastard. How is this guy so rude!"

Angel was speechless, and it was too rude.

"Salia, it turned out to be you, congratulations to you in the devil world." An Qi said.


Sally suddenly said helplessly with her head: "What the devil world, just the gentle man said that this is the devil. I am fighting with the dragon, then suddenly there is a space shock, was sucked in, and then not Got it."

Angel said with disappointment: "It seems that you don't know how to go back. It really disappoints me. White is happy."

"Don't say those things, tell me about our situation now, are we coming to the space where the dragons are?" asked Salia.

"No. How to say it, in short, it is very chaotic. Well, if you can accompany me, I will tell you about it for a while..." An Qi leaned against the wall and began to describe these What I experienced and what I saw.

Salia gradually listened, unable to surprise and nod, and finally said: "It turned out to be a world of different space, but this world actually has us. Well, you said those dv anime. Are we the world of dimensions? Is this the main world?"

An Qi shook her head. Said: "No, according to the violent bastard, the world we live in is the world of the second world that the world is imagining. In short, the world we exist may not exist, but because of some power in this world. So that our Dimension World can get a chance to reproduce. In short, you can understand it."

"What? So what do we do?" asked Salia.

Angel suddenly scorned and said: "You are the captain and ask me, but according to that guy, the second world we are in has a link with the world. Then maybe the dragons and teammates in our world will follow. The land is transmitted, and the world and our technology do not have any versatility. Parameilu (mechanical) has no way to use it. At present, if we want to live, we must master the ability to survive and get different from the energy crystal. The power of power, the power of power may be the power of each dimension world..."

"Isn't that similar to the existence of Mana's power? Are we not destined to be Norma (ordinary humans)?" Salia said in amazement.

"No, energy crystal is used to give ordinary people the power to wake up. As far as I know, that guy should give us the power of power, because he has the purpose of dominating the world. We have nothing to worry about. Used by him, since he can't go back, only trying to live in this world, I want to be a power, you?" An Qi asked.

"Will you live? Get out of that cruel world, even if it is a magic domain, it doesn't matter, the power of the power, there is no choice." Salia chose to work with An Qi to gain the power of the power, only they adapt to this In the world, no world will change its power because of them.

"Okay, let's form an alliance now. There may be other people coming. We must be united. The wind has already fed up with the witches of the **** men. They are simply irritating, unite, we!" "An Qi decided to resist and could not be bullied again."


The ones that Salia feels can make Angels helpless shouldn't be a good match~www.readwn.com~ But what do these witches look like?

After leaving the room with An Qi, Salia discovered that they were all normal girls. There were no long horns on the head and no long scales. It was an ordinary human girl.

"Salia, I know what you think, but it's best to remember to keep it, the guys here are quite speechless," said An Qi.

"Ah...ah... let it go, hit an elephant today!"

Blackbird suddenly threw a mammoth in, and the place of the fall just put An Qi and Salia on the ground...


"I understand, An Qi..." said Salia, crying and tears, and raised a few tons of things with one hand. Is this a special girl a petite girl?

"Nothing, I have already begun to adapt, and quickly get the power of the power, I must teach these guys!!" An Qi said with a fire. (To be continued) ()

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