Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 2 Chapter 92: Nether magic gun

[Seeking for collection, recommendation, first delivery]

Ziyue Ling’s early departure did not surprise the storm. Instead, she felt that this was in line with her character. Ziyue Ling understood that if she stayed here, she might not let her go. The best choice, the wind and rain will not have other views on her, after all, she did not stop anything to the storm.

"It’s a thoughtful woman..."

The wind and rain picked up the mobile phone and chuckled a bit. This text message is probably a kind of request for putting down the gesture. Otherwise, Ziyue Ling does not need to send this text message to the wind and rain. If he leaves, he will leave. It doesn't have to be related to the wind and rain. Taking the initiative to send a text message is to let the wind and rain dispel some of the war, indicating that her position is not standing opposite the wind and rain.

Ziyue Ling is a woman who is good at receiving money. She understands when she should do something, silently doing her own things, and when she needs to leave, she quickly gets out of her body and is quite shrewd.

After the text message of Ziyue Ling, it was Xiao Hanyue’s text message. This guy didn’t mean to leave.

"The woman you told me to leave, and then this mission I am a neutral player, so I want to kill a player of the funeral club to complete the task, but also complete the title of (iron) bounty hunter, the first title The task is a bit curious. In exchange, I will provide the weakest place on the GHQ defense wall for you to break through. At the same time, I will contact the consortium consortium to store the materials in the weak defense link. After breaking the defense wall, you can quickly get the materials to complete. Any, what do you think?"

- Xiao Hanyue.

The wind and rain suddenly squinted, Xiao Hanyue this guy is quite ambitious, there are ideas for the title task, but this woman is easy to control a little, after all, there are ambitious women, character is easy to guess, not like purple This woman of Yue Ling is difficult to grasp her thoughts.

Of course, Xiao Hanyue may also be deceiving the wind and rain. After all, setting this trap, it is also an excellent time to wipe out the storm, but I feel that Xiao Hanyue is not stupid to that point, and even if she sets it The trap, the wind and rain will not be afraid, because his current strength is enough, beyond the power expected by all.

"Well, after you have determined the weak spot, I will attack, and at the same time, I will make people attack and attract the attention of the enemy." - Stormy.

After the text message was sent, Xiao Hanyue soon sent a map, which is the structure diagram of the GHQ defense wall. It is very clear, and the weak spots are also marked out. It is very clear. It is obvious that Xiao Hanyue has already been arranged. It is.

After receiving the layout of the GHQ, the storm began to take action and summoned everyone in the college.

Open the projection screen, the wind and rain will transfer the GHQ's defense layout to the screen, then pick up a baton and point to the map:

"Now everyone probably understands that our resources have been cut off, so we have to fight for a resource war. This map will be sent to everyone. This topographic map is collected by a special channel. The distribution map of the GHQ defense wall, tomorrow night, we started to fight at dusk, and now announced the battle plan, everyone can hear it clearly.

The map shows the A, B, C, and D defense points. These four areas are the areas we want to attack, but the three points A, B, and C are only the attack points, attracting the enemy's sight. The combat members are all remote long-range forces. To serve, the long-range Void troops are divided into three groups, fighting in these three areas. When the enemy is in the defensive wall, you launch a fierce attack. If the enemy is attacking, you choose the strategy of retreating and retreating. Guide the person and retreat in accordance with the evacuation route provided by 鸫.

Then the remaining melee void forces attacked D with me, broke the defense wall, and obtained supplies.

The above is the content of this mission. Those who want to quit can now quit immediately. This is our first battle against GHQ. If you follow my words, there will be no damage. The final material must be us. People please quit, and those who question the task please quit..."

The cold eyes of the wind and rain look at everyone. This scene is a battle of decision. He will not admit defeat. This battle will win.


The resource battle began at 8:21:44.

“Groups report the status quo...”

"Group A, has reached the attack destination..."

"Group B, has reached the attack destination..."

"Group C, has reached the attack destination..."

"Group D, has reached the attack destination..."

"Operation begins, Group A launches the attack first, Group B launches the attack five minutes later, Group C launches the attack 10 minutes later, Group D launches the attack after 15 minutes, and finishes..."


"Group A checks for voids, ordinary gun devices..."

"Start an attack..."

"Group B checks for voids, ordinary gun devices..."

"Start an attack..."

"Group C checks for voids, ordinary gun devices..."

"Start an attack..."

"The attack was successful, the GHQ combat troops were dispatched, the D group could start the operation, the A group began a strategic retreat, and after ten minutes all the personnel returned according to the original route..."


An order in an orderly manner is exactly the same as what was expected before the storm.

After the start of the mission, the wind and rain immediately went to the hunter of the bounty hunter for the number 029, number 074, number 031, number 078, number 049, number 051, number 027, and of course the battle was not for him, but the poison island scorpion The rainy day's mobile phone was handed over to her, let her complete the killing. Basically, she can solve the problem. The Haruhan Chunnai is also at her side, and the mental manipulation ability of Haruhana Chunnai is also a boost.

The remaining number 018, the wind and rain was handed over to Xiao Hanyue to let her complete the task, the neutral player must kill a GHQ or a funeral player to survive.

After arriving at the defensive wall of Zone D, the wind and rain found that this area is only a few scattered people, it is very easy to break through, but this is relatively speaking, the threat is still there, the huge defensive wall is enough to cause headaches.

"What to do? Is this defensive wall using a bomb? But even if the bomb is not enough, our people don't seem to have enough to penetrate this defensive wall. The sword that is praying can also be attacked remotely and has a strong attack. But at most, you can only open a small hole, and the materials can't be shipped?" Aries, who was in the hospital, went to the side of the storm and sent out her doubts. Although she knew that there would be a way to deal with the wind and rain, Unclear about this approach, she is still a little embarrassed.

The wind and rain shook his head and smiled and said: "Haha, look good, and soon you will understand the power of the void."

Then the silver beam flashed on the right hand of the wind and rain, and a huge void cannon appeared in front of the wind and rain. It was a suspended hollow cannon...

The wind and rain caught the empty cannon, then aimed at the defensive wall and started the attack...

In a moment, with a hollow cannon as the center, a strong void storm condensed, and a large amount of emptiness came through the cannon of the empty cannon. The energy accumulated, and the whole world seemed to have only one place that was lit. The emptiness cannon sparkles in this space...



"The enemy attack..."


The glare of the emptiness of the vacant cannons made the GHQ defense personnel of more than 100 meters see the ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly surprised and called, and began to organize personnel to resist...

"Hey, let's die for Laozi!!"

The wind and rain laughed and fired the condensed hollow cannon...

"Boom... rumbling..."

A thick silver flash suddenly hit the cannon, and the body of the wind and rain was withdrawn from the back seat of the Void Cannon. At this moment, a whistling sound like a lightning is generally strong and the deafening sound is washed away. come out……

The stout silver lightning suddenly hit the defensive wall. In less than a blink of an eye, the defensive wall collapsed. At the same time, the power of the silver lightning did not shed, and the entire area of ​​the defensive wall was suddenly shocked. Destruction, the silver lightning is enough to move forward after more than a thousand meters, then look at the place where the silver lightning has spread...

Except for destruction or destruction, everything seems to evaporate in an instant, leaving only a piece of smoke on the spot...

PS: The next world vote begins. You can vote in the survey column of the author of the "Unlimited Anime Record" homepage. The four worlds are available for selection: "Sword Art Online", "The Attacking Giant", "Higher than SEED", " Zero Warrior, look forward to your vote!

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