Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 10 Chapter 964: Archangel cell

[Today's seven, the second is sent, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

After the stormy weather settled down, it took a long time to sink, and then slowly said -

"The bundle of school sisters, even if the dna map of the super-electromagnetic gun 坂 坂 坂 无法 can not be eliminated, I need to do some things, I still have to do, there are things in the world that have to be done, people like you, I have no way to convince I can only say, please, please help me. Although the cloned person is a subject of 'white mouse' in your eyes, but -

But ah, they have memories, they have five senses, they have everything that human beings have, and they are made to kill like a prop, just for one reason. I can’t stand this kind of thing. Maybe I am really naive. But I believe that the school sister’s head should not be just science? ”

The cloth bundles the letter and thinks about the past contacts with the sisters. They are like 'machines'. They really let her see the mice, but the wind and rain are a bit right. They have memory thinking. Have their own personality, have five senses, this is indeed true...

"So, how do you want to plan, indeed, killing 20,000 of them? This kind of thing is indeed a cruel experiment. After they really get along, they must also exist like ordinary humans. You are right, they have Memory thinking, just a baby-like state..."

The wind and rain was relieved, and the cloth bundled the letter to be able to agree. He didn't know why, but this guy should not tell her as planned, but the first thing to do before...

"There is already a preliminary plan for the plan. I need the school sister to prepare the level that can make them think. About interrupting the network, I will arrange it. Next weekend, we met at **** and saw it. After the sister's procedure, I will fully plan the plan."

Cloth letter nodded and said: "Okay, but you really are not afraid of leaking things today? You know, once the things we talked to are known by the person in charge of the plan. You will not only be dropped out of the regular table. It may be caught, and the plan will not stop..."

"Is it?"

After the rain, I drank the last bite of coffee and stood up. I smiled confidently and said: "Sometimes, it is good to be an enemy of the whole world. I am very fond of violence. I assume that the school city is against me. Oh, I only have to destroy this place. No one can stop what I want to do. Even God, I am the demon of the gods, I have deliberately hidden my own madness, I hope they can not let me Really crazy, otherwise, uh..."

"What is the devil of the gods? It makes sense, but as a condition, I have to study your body." The cloth bundle said that the battle was the same, and she stood up, but she would receive a reward.

"Study the body? You don't want to mate again?" The domineering that the wind and rain wanted to show up suddenly dissipated.

Cloth bundled the letter and pinched the chin of the rain and said: "Is it not impossible, do you want to mate? I want to try this great human project..."

"Don't be kidding, this joke is not funny!"

The wind and rain are really worried that this guy will do the mating, the scientist's thinking is absolutely not normal.

"Oh... In short, you promised it. By the way, your body's value is very high. It has been paid attention to by the Supreme Council, and your body cells have been stolen and experimented... "The bundle of letters and whispers said in the ears of the wind and rain. In fact, even if the rain and rain did not come to her, she was interested in the body of the wind and rain. No, it should be said that the entire scientific community has a sense of his body. interest.

"What!!" The storm suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the cloth bundles incredulously. As a top researcher, she must have been exposed to a large number of scientific experiments. Presumably this is not so common.

"Don't be too surprised. They originally wanted to clone your replicator through the surface cells, but without success, the split once failed. The reason why you study your cells is because your cells have the power of omnipotence, they call it You are a 'big angel', a cell that has a perfect healing effect on all diseases, and has a powerful energy and diffusion field... Worried about your friend Yu Mi Mei Qin, you might as well worry about yourself, and recently few and strange women Doing mating, they want to steal your sperm-liquid and extract genetic cells..."

The cloth bundled the letter and said that he reached out and patted the wind and rain.


The storms couldn’t be calm anymore. Specially, I didn’t think that it was not long before I came to the world. I was stared at by crazy scientists. It’s really the role of the stigma. Fortunately, there is no copying, otherwise it’s special. He will not only save 20,000 sisters, but also save 20,000 Yuchen brothers, so calm down...

At this time, the wind and rain can not help but recall that when she met with the gods, she said that she was a saint. It seems that it is not unfounded. Next, it is likely that people in the magical world will also stare at it. Cloth bundle letter has been mating with mating language. It turns out to remind myself not to be too casual. Well, recently, only one person with the beekeeper is praying, and nothing else.

"Well, ~www.readwn.com~ promised my conditions, and then cooperated with me to do some experiments, perhaps also to extend the lives of those sisters. After all, clones are short-lived, if you want to mate, I will reluctantly agree to study whether the next generation can inherit your 'big angel' gene..." The cloth bundled the letter and took a picture of the chest of the storm. The corner of the mouth showed a smile that could not be seen as a smile, and slowly walked out of the coffee shop. .

"Ghosts have to mate with you, you are too hanged, I can't keep up with the rhythm..." The wind and rain did not say good, this guy is not clear whether her words are true or false.

However, she was able to get her help, and the wind and rain felt a bit more successful. Next, I was going to prepare the placement places for my sisters.

After walking out of the coffee shop, the wind and rain suddenly felt like someone was eyeing the general. It was indeed this feeling. His sense of smell was very sharp. In the world of Naruto, the fighting smell of the ninja is not something to say. Is his action monitored?

No, when he came, he had a good reconnaissance, and it was impossible to be discovered. It was really troublesome. One thing was entangled. The wind and rain felt that the plot had begun, not on the top. The plot of the worm, but his plot... (to be continued.) ()

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