Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 10 Chapter 973: St.

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Michael was originally the angel of the upper bound, in the right seat of God. It was originally the highest level of existence under God. The status was compared with the first angel of the ninth order of the same angel. One of the strongest of the blazing angels. ````

Known as the "God of the Gods", Michael, the only spiritual angel with the title of the archangel, her name Michael is "like God (God)", is the closest to God, she has the great devil (Satan) The general power, her legends are inexhaustible, but...

But his existence is still the same as other angels. There is no gender. God created human beings. Human beings have sex, but angels who cannot be born without gender can have a status that is not as good as human beings. This has always plagued Michael. of.

The ideal gender in Michael's heart is women. Women are the breeding ground for life and the mother of wisdom.

At this moment, through the prayers of Sasha Kloi Jeff, Michael was able to reshape the angel spirit, become a true gender angel, and still a woman.

To a certain extent, Michael is a rebellious god. It is a taboo for God to combine with human beings and to give birth to future generations. But Sasha’s ritual is so good that Michael has concealed himself. She is only calling for light. The call of the Son of God fulfills his wishes.

Why are angels without gender?

This is actually the reason why God does not want angels to fall. Human beings have begun to breed darkness since they have **** and wisdom, and God naturally does not want angels to fall. So. Angels become powerful forces without real existence and gender.

Angels are also a kind of sorrow to some extent.

But now Michael has secretly borrowed a light cross-cutting loophole. Changed myself. Through the container of Sasha Cloyd Juff, she can be transformed into a female presence.

"Great, it's wonderful. It was so comfortable to be a woman. God, give it to me, and then use a little more... Hey, I really like this feeling..."


Michael was screaming and slutty. She seems to have forgotten her identity as an archangel, falling completely into a woman who is indulging in.


The wind and rain can't help but turn a little white, your sister's, this is especially an angel or a witch, I have been a few hours in Nima, she has not yet enjoyed it? The state of full combat is full, and let the wind and rain play a variety of tricks to make her again high - tide.

Yes, the wind and rain is counted, the original angel likes h.

“Hey, the holy body is blended with divine power. Mandatory growth – 26%...28%...30%...40%...”

“Hey, the Stigma is forcibly lifting the system seal. Current attributes:


Growth stage: 40%

Increase the attribute: Strength +120, Physical +200, Speed ​​+40, Energy +300.

Bloodline stunts:

Quick cure lv4;

Ice knot field lv4: The range of 40 meters in diameter, so that all the physical movements in the world are stopped, beyond the limits of user power is not affected by this field.

Same as the living body dress lv4;

Acceleration mode lv4 (quadruple acceleration);

Armed with the same body (Stardust Weapon / Lightning Weapon) lv3: A weapon produced using the power of the Holy Mark. The form of weapons varies from person to person.

The avatar mode lv3 (triple avatar): The special molecular material of the sacred mark of the homologous body dress is applied, and the technology for physically increasing the number of attacks is physically created, and the number of avatars and the maintenance time are limited.

Plasma dressing lv1: a garment produced by fusing solid, liquid, gas, and plasma elements. Although it has many limitations such as the use time, it has the same attacking power and defense power as the original body dressing, and even has The power to bounce off a general attack (an attack that exceeds its own defense limit cannot be bounced off).

Plasma Weapons lv1: The use of plasma to produce weapons that have limited time to use, but can produce the power of surpassing homogenous weapons.

Phantom mode lv1: "The incredible stunt that can't be captured by the visual, and it can't be perceived by the opponent." It actually belongs to the ability to cross each parallel dimension. The current time limit is 1s. ”


The wings of Michael wrapped up the body of the wind and rain, and the powerful ability circulated in the bodies of two people. Gradually, as the pleasure of the two people reached their peak, they released a force in the body. These two forces gradually blended together and attached to the uterus of Sasha...

Michael not only made it into a woman for the sake of women, but also made such taboos with the wind and rain, and also thought of creating his own descendants, and bred their own power with the power of the archangels and the power of the scars of the wind and rain. crystallization.

It was because of this taboo practice of Michael that the seal of the sacred mark on the wind and rain was forced to be unblocked by her and gained enough growth.


At that moment, the wind and rain also sensed the life of Sasha's lower abdomen. The powerful life smell exudes his existence, and the wind and rain can feel the feeling of being connected with flesh and blood.

Michael's madness is not afraid of being sealed up by God?

"Our children are delivered to you, my strength is going back to the upper bounds, and I will see you again, the king of fate..."

Sharjah (Michel) gently touched the face of the wind and rain. For a time, the angel wings behind the entire church and Shasha instantly turned into a little bit of stardust disappearing in the hotel room, closed knot The world is also gone.


Olympia looked at the blockade of the storm and Sasha shortened the disappearance of the church ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly understood that this is the result of the completion of the ceremony.

"By using the power of Michael to break the seal of the shroud, well, let us calculate it now!!"

The wind and rain chilled and said, the body flashed a blue light, suddenly a uniform of the same uniform as before him appeared on the body, the right hand showed a dark sickle.


Sasha snorted and slowly opened her eyes, blushing at the wind and rain, but she completely saw the intimacy between Archangel Michael and the wind and rain. She even knew that her physical strength was giving birth to a great Exist, in a sense, she is like the Madonna of the Son of God in the cross.

"Is the power of the saint unblocked? It can't be done, Xiaosha Xia, goodbye..."

Olympian looked at the mighty storm, and the power was quite strong. She didn’t even have the idea of ​​fighting! (To be continued.) ()

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