Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 10 Chapter 995: Space jump, Atlantis (middle)

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After the storm and the raging fire rushed to the position of the temple where Nanhe San was located, he found a total of five magicians. One of the oldest magicians looked like he was in his fifties. He was maintaining the foundation. The operation of the magical array, this magical array has a two-winged angel of light in the power of the angels to supply the big triangle magic in the sky.

The other four magicians should be disciples of this magician, between the ages of ten and twenty, three men and one woman.

"Two saints, it seems that we have drawn the last sign..."

A man with glasses said that the magic wand in his hand waved -

"24-35-87, the left side of the position, the gift of the side, the high capacity of the imprisonment and the body of imprisonment!"

In an instant, the whole ground began to peel off in an instant, and it was the magic of the earth system that rushed toward the wind and rain and the gods.

When the gods broke the fire, they put their hands on the handle of the 'seven days and seven knives', and the slender fingers were ready to attack.

"You come to make a breakthrough, I will defend you, no problem..."

The wind and rain said that he raised his right hand -

God Luo Tianzheng! !

For a moment, Tupi, who came to the storm, returned to attack and went to the glasses magician.

God cracked the fire and nodded and said: "The next step is to use the real knife-drawing technique. The defense will be given to you. Use the power of the holy mark of the Son of God to launch a killing strike - only flash!"

Slowly. The **** of fission and raging began to accumulate and squat, posing the posture of the sword-drawing technique, and the essence of the whole body condensed in one...

"45 - 21 - 57. On the right side of it, the fire burns the city, the power of the dragon and the flames of the wind!"

In an instant, the women of the four young magicians suddenly drank, and a group of flames in their hands suddenly became a raging fire, and they instantly burned toward the wind and rain.

Styling magic - ice shield!

The wind and rain hands hit the ground suddenly, and the Frost Shield instantly rose from the earth.

"Listen to the rhythm of the rhythm. The speed of the hurricane, the rise of the sea under the rainbow. The name of the group, calling for the seasonal wind in the space, the birth of the fog, the fog of the crowd. Flowing clouds, cutting - - Storm Blade!"

"The spirit of the flame, the kingdom of blush, was born in the thorns of the plexus, the tribute to the tribute of the rituals, the shuttle under the clouds, the quenching star, the tongue confiding, the blushing flesh and blood. The entanglement - the thorns of the snake Surgery!"

In an instant, two other young magicians also started to attack, one using the magic of the wind system, and the other using the magic of the fire system. The strong wind blade and the thorny snake of the flame attacked the two people, the wind and the flames.

The wind and rain burst out of the strong frost, and the hands pressed on the ground -

"Sculpture Magic - Ice Rose Enchantment!!"

Suddenly a huge ice tree branch stretched out from the ground, extending two huge ice branches to create a blossoming frosty flower, and immediately resisted all the attacks.

"Only flash!!"

At the same time, the gods cracked the woven fingers and stroked the long knife handle hanging on the waist, using a unique breathing method to refine the magic in the body. Let yourself be transformed into a "split god", and instantly pull out the knife. A violent sensation suddenly attacked the old magician who maintained the cherubim magical array, but the golden energy of the moment resisted the attack.

But will the attack of the raging fire weave end?

"You think of me as a simple crusad believer, it is the beginning of the mistake." God cracked his chest and explained his own cards: "My technique belongs to the Amakusa cross martyrdom, which was cut in the Edo period." (Christian), a unique Christian system created in Japan in order to adhere to faith.

In the harsh times when the light was held by the cross or the Madonna, the believers had to use the wooden sign of Shinto as the "cross" and the Buddhist image of the Buddha as the "image of the Madonna." However, the Amakusa cross-cultivation, which was used as a cover for Shinto and Buddhism, gradually merged with other religions without knowing it. Later, it was unclear which part belonged to Shinto or Buddhism, and which part belonged to Christianity. Formed a unique and innovative religion.

This is the multi-angle religious fusion cross-disciplinary system * Amakusa cross martyrdom.

If the practice of the cross-cult is not working, you can use the Buddhist technique. If the Buddhist technique does not work, you can use the Shinto technique. If the Shinto technique does not work, you can use the cross-discipline. You have an angelic technique in your surgery because you borrowed an angel. The power, plus the golden dawn for the Buddha Road, a kind of respect, holding the Buddha Road style, then I use the Shinto technique to attack you! ”

At the end of the discourse, in a hundredth of a second, the crack of the gods launched her attack, while the corner of her mouth flashed a hint of self-confidence -


Like the state of broken glass, suddenly the cherubim temple maintained by the old magician suddenly broke up.

It takes 0.18 seconds for the human body to pass commands from the brain to the fingertips. However, the incarnation of the cleavage of the sacred **** can gain the ability to transcend the mortal field in a certain period of time, so this common sense is not applicable. Blood vessels, muscles, nerves, internal organs, and bones all have the ability to kill God under the influence of surgery. Her attack calculation time range is one hundredth of a second! And it's still very easy! !

The old magician looked at the broken cherubim temple and was not disappointed. www.readwn.com~ instead smiled and turned to look at the savage and sorrowful eyes with two irony eyes: "It's a pity." The procedure is not completed, but it doesn't matter, you can transfer them out without all the power!!"


At this time, in the sky, the golden triangle began to change. From the golden triangle, the gold triangle was once again split, and then rotated by sixty degrees. The golden triangle turned into a golden hexagon. Array! ! !

The space in the whole area began to oscillate. The two people clearly felt the weightlessness of the body and the inexplicable twisting force. The light of the moment flew down from the golden six-point magic circle. A hot ray suddenly hit the wind and rain and the gods and the fire, and the two disappeared into the space instantly and disappeared.

"Well, my disciples, I have to go, Atlantis, the lost ancient country, let us go to the palace of Poseidon, haha!! The power of Angel of Michael gave us this greatness. The sacred use, the Lord, we will create a new magical world, the golden dawn will reappear again, and grow brilliant!!" The old magician said that he walked into the golden light beam... (to be continued)

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