Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 10 Chapter 999: Plasma double body homology!

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Tossing the first day, the wind and rain and the gods cracked the fire and weaved from the inside of the house, both of which were tossed enough.

"Hey, you are out, just, Steyr is here, let's go to the center of this enchantment, and Inticus is caught by the people of Golden Dawn. It seems that they have found the key start. Mechanism 喵."

Tuyumen Yuanchun said, turned and Steyr ran to the center.

The wind and rain reached out and suddenly wanted to cast an abilities, but suddenly felt the rejection of the body.

The body of the **** of fire is not his body. His body is capable of using both power and magic at the same time, but the body of the **** of fire is influenced by this world rule. It can only use the power of magic and cannot use the power. .

"Death, give your hand to me, your body can't use your abilities, I will use my body to release power."

The rain and rain suddenly pulled up the hand of the god's cracked fire, and the power spread through the original body, and the body of the two people suddenly became light. The wind and the rain took pictures on the body of Yumen Yuanchun and Steyr. As a result, their body weight has also been reduced.

The running speed of the four people suddenly accelerated a lot.

Gradually, close to the center of the temple, this temple is like the temple of ancient Greece, the temple supported by the huge pillars, the decree written on the pillars with ancient Greek blood.

At the same time, inside the temple there is a statue of Poseidon with a huge gold trident. On the right side of the statue of the sea **** there is a statue of a mermaid in the temple. At this time, Ma and Inticus have been tied up. The magicians of the Golden Dawn are interpreting the mantras on the walls around the temple.

"It’s finally here. Okay, the Son of God is kneeling, are you obedient to our command, or do we want to use violent means to suppress you?" said the old magician they had seen before.

"Hey, you are going to repent of your sins!!!"

When the gods broke the fire, they began to attack, and they had the body of the wind and rain. She was the **** of the gods, the real [split gods].

The right hand slowly rests on the handle. A knife was completed in an instant, and the huge swords of the vertical and horizontal impacts the golden magicians.

However, in the next moment, the knife of the raging fire was suddenly dissipated.

"It's useless, this temple will absorb all the energy, your magic can't be used, the power of the holy mark is just the nourishment of this temple, and the Navy Code we need is already there, then the next two are offered. The saints sacrificed, one man and one woman. It corresponds to Poseidon and his wife..."

The old magician sneered and said that the magic wand in his hand was suddenly on the ground. In an instant, the wind and rain and other people wrapped in a transparent gold ball.

"It turned out that catching Inticus is just a smashing of the gods and the two sons of God..." said Steyrton repentantly.

"Of course, or do you think? The Haiwang Code has long been owned, and it is still the original, not the kind of manuscript. If it is destroyed outside the temple, I really have a headache, but now you are here. I can't beat my own with the Neptune Code.

do you know? Poseidon has ten sons in Atlantis, they divide the country into ten countries, and the ten kings gather at the Temple of Poseidon every five to six years to discuss their relationship and their ruling power. When the agreement was established, the throat of the cow in the temple of Poseidon was cut off, and the blood was written on the pillars of the Temple of Poseidon to add the authority of the resolution to the sanctity of the inviolability.

The sum of these resolutions and treaties is the Sea King Code. The Navy Code, which is preserved in the catalogue of the ban, is only false. The real code is in this temple. The pillar of this temple is the fulfillment of the Navy Code. The key to mastering is the magic book in my hands.

Haha, let us now look forward to the re-emergence of Atlantis! ! ”

The old magician laughs wildly, as if he has seen a beautiful future.

"Don't be kidding!" When he was on the top, he struggled to use his right hand to dispel the enchantment.

However, several young magicians suddenly put on the ground and put it on the ground, so that his right hand can not exert strength, fantasy killer, in the end it is just an ordinary person, in the most common way Can beat him.

Gradually, the body of the rain and the flames of the gods was placed on top of two magical arrays. The body of the rain and the moon corresponds to the statue of the mermaid. The body of the raging fire corresponds to the statue of Poseidon. .

At the moment when the magical array worked, a **** mantra squirmed on the pillars and turned into a chain of spells that bound the limbs of the storm and the gods, and the strength of their bodies. Quickly flowed into the blood-colored chain, and the golden spots began to appear on the body of the wind and the flames. The goddess Poseidon and the mermaid gradually began to fall off. The place where they collapsed was the wind and rain. God cracked the fire and weaved two places where the body appeared golden spots...

Seeing this, the wind and rain suddenly know that this will continue, it will definitely be finished.

"The **** is cracking, hold my hand, hurry up!!"

The wind and rain struggled to stretch his arms to the gods.

The fingers of God's cracked firework also stretched out hard, and the fingers of the two men gradually hooked together.

"You should be able to feel your body, I should be able to feel my body, that is, your soul can be connected to your body~www.readwn.com~ My soul can connect to my body, we start Carrying out the homology of two souls and two bodies, so that I have a way to escape the bondage!"

Said the wind and rain.

"It's useless. The more you use the power of the stigma, the more you absorb it. Give it up and become the nourishment of God." The old magician laughed proudly. Soon, this temple has energy. After that, you will be able to reproduce the day! !

The two people gradually closed their eyes and felt the feelings conveyed by their respective bodies. They gradually realized the induction of the body and the soul.

"Mode!! Coherent plasma double body dress!!"

At the moment when the wind and rain touched the boundary, it immediately opened the strongest defense. The wind and rain and the smashing of the two people's bodies instantly smeared with a layer of blazing white energy, and suddenly broke the **** spell chain.

"How is it possible? It is impossible, you can't complete the struggle, and you are not exchanging your body and soul. In my chaotic magic, you are not able to exert your strength." The old magician suddenly shocked. It is. (To be continued.) ()

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