Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 311: : 2 persons in charge

Zidi nodded and said: "This is indeed a good idea, we can do this."

"But I have some bad news for everyone."

"The efficiency of the Mermaid's Fairytale artifact in producing pearl foam has become increasingly low. Obviously, we have consumed a lot of the divine power stored in the artifact."

"We need to use it sparingly and not waste it."

"Of course, I agree with its use in the current situation."

"However, this method is not foolproof."

"Huatang may not discover those detective puppets, but his stealth skills are superb and he will also not be discovered by our detector alchemy puppets."

"It's okay to trigger the trap. If Huatang comes, he will definitely be caught off guard."

Most people agreed with this plan. However, Fat Tongue, who had always fully supported Zidi, shook his head.

He offers a different opinion.

"If we find out that Kado has infiltrated us, do we really want to expose him?"

"The opponent is a gold-level assassin with a legendary record in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. Even if we find him, what can we do with him?"

"Can we really keep him? Those city lords and so many strong men can't keep him. Can we?"

"My idea is: If Hanado only came to steal some equipment and alchemy materials, then he was asked by Fujituro to teach us a profound lesson."

"We just gave it to him and treated him as if we hadn't found him from the beginning to the end."

"This doesn't mean we give up on dealing with him! It's just a strategy that we need time to develop and develop, doesn't it?"

Everyone was silent for a while.

Fat Tongue's seemingly cowardly suggestion was unexpectedly approved by Zong Ge.

Zong Ge then expressed his true thoughts: "If we reveal the existence of the gold-level assassin, then I, our flagship, and the dock where we are located will become a battlefield."

"No matter how we win or lose in the end, our losses will definitely be huge."

"Maybe I and our ships won't be able to save any of them, and the mercenaries will die and suffer heavy casualties."

There was another moment of silence.

What Zong Ge said makes sense.

Zong Ge continued: "Actually, we can design the trap from another angle."

"We cannot start a war on our ship. We cannot treat this place as a battlefield."

"According to our current defense measures, the one who can break through must be a master."

"The triggering spell trap is actually a flaw for us. Because it will stimulate conflicts and let the battle start here."

"Why don't you be bold and don't set any traps like this!"

"We can use a positioning device. Add deception and camouflage and anti-reconnaissance prophecy to it."

"We can deliberately place some property in the cabin to attract flowers to steal it."

"There is a high probability that he will steal the positioning device."

"According to the intelligence we have collected, every time Huatang commits a crime, it is inevitable to pull someone off."

"With two tricks of disguise, even he would have a hard time detecting it."

"After he leaves, we can follow the clues through positioning. Find his specific location and carry out encirclement and suppression."

"This way the battlefield is no longer at the dock."

"The most important thing is that we still have allies."

"If the Lord of Snowbird Harbor is serious about dealing with the Bayonet Gang, he will take action."

After Zong Ge finished speaking, San Dao immediately applauded and echoed: "As expected of Master Zong Ge!"

Zidi also nodded: "What a plan! We can even use this to judge the true attitude of the city lord."

The dragon boy fell into deep thought.

He had just heard that Zong Ge agreed with Fat Tongue's words, and he was still surprised.

After listening to Zong Ge's overall opinions, he couldn't help but sigh: "This is the Zong Ge he knows."

Zong Ge's plan is just like his personality, which is very iron-blooded in the military.

Seeing the dragon boy's hesitation, Zong Ge saw through the former's thoughts at a glance. He said to the dragon boy: "You have to understand something."

"We can't guard against a gold-level thief. Especially someone like Huatang."

"I know what you're worried about."

"You are worried that he will come to assassinate us. Without triggering spell traps, it will be difficult for us to detect him."

"If he doesn't just steal the treasure, but wants to assassinate us, then let him assassinate us!"

"Even if we discover him in advance with a triggering spell trap, so what? He can retreat temporarily."

"Can we detect him once, stop him once, twice, can we stop him a third time, a fourth time?"

"According to the intelligence we have collected, even if the trap is triggered, based on Huatang's skills, he can kill most people by force."

"Huatang has also encountered hidden traps. He didn't notice it and triggered the alarm. That's what he did. If it doesn't work once, then try it twice or three times. Precaution will inevitably fail after a long time. The number he tried most is 3. At present, there is no one with him A target that cannot be assassinated.”

"Our strength is much weaker than the strong men and power leaders in the intelligence."

"Since we are attacking the strong with the weak, how can we not take some risks?"

"If someone among you here unfortunately dies, including me, it can be considered a worthy death. Wouldn't it be great if the remaining people work hard to avenge him?"

Finally, Zong Ge stared at the dragon boy and asked: "As a leader, you are very responsible, but don't expand this responsibility. Can you protect everyone's life? Can you make such a guarantee? You You need to know the limits of your abilities.”

“So, you have to be mentally prepared—someone among us will die on our quest for redemption.”

"Who can guarantee that we will live to the moment of success?"

“Sacrifice doesn’t matter, what matters is that the sacrifice needs to be valuable.”

"You can't die in vain!"

Zong Ge's words were loud and sharp, revealing the biggest burden in the young dragon man's heart.

The dragon boy fell into a long silence.

He reflected on himself: Could he really make such a guarantee on his own? Can the life safety of every member be guaranteed?

Of course not.

Because he is just a silver level fighter.

The environment he is in is far more complex than the Mysterious Island, and the opponents he has to face are much more powerful than those man-made monsters.

And because of this psychological burden, is he timid in making decisions and actions?


The dragon boy had to admit this.

He knew Zonge's plan was right.

Because this plan can actually solve problems.

Using two spells to support trigger-type spell traps cannot solve problems like Huatang.

Zong Ge's plan is more likely than this.

Finally, the dragon boy raised his head and sighed deeply: "I'm too weak!"

Then, he turned to look at the people around him.

"We are all too weak!"

"Sure enough, pursuing one's own strength is the path of justice."

The dragon boy recognized Zonge's plan.

But he asked others for their opinions on the plan.

Lan Zhao was the first to express his position: "I will follow you until death!"

The big man said secondly: "I listen to dad."

San Dao looked at Zong Ge: "Master Zong Ge's plan is the best, and I am willing to implement it."

Zidi glanced at the dragon boy.

Now that Cang Xu is away, she is the person who knows the dragon boy best and knows his long-term plan for the entire team.

The dragon boy wants to share the secret of the blood core, and the more allies he has to build, the better.

The survivors in front of us are natural allies.

Now it is more time for them to face the enemy together and deepen their mutual recognition through life and death cooperation again and again.

Zidi said: "I don't have any objections."

Seeing Zidi's statement, Fat Tongue hesitated. He was more worried about Zidi than himself.

If possible~www.readwn.com~ Fat Tongue is willing to take a more risky position, or even act as a bait, as long as Zidi is safe.

However, Fat Tongue knew it was impossible, and he also knew that every moment such a statement was crucial.

Fat Tongue then expressed his approval.

Bai Ya subconsciously clenched his fists. As a young man, he was disturbed by the atmosphere and said excitedly: "Isn't this how we got here? Did we become cowards after leaving the Mysterious Island? This is obviously It’s impossible.”

Seeing that most people agreed, Muban nodded in agreement.

Queshan's face turned a little pale, and he was the last to express his stance.

The dragon boy looked at her expression and comforted her: "If you don't want to take risks, you can find an opportunity to return to the Deep Sea Monster Fish. It should be safe there."

"Don't force yourself, this treatment applies to everyone present."

When the dragon boy said this, he tried not to look at Zidi.

Zidi felt something in her heart, looking at the profile of the dragon boy, a smile appeared on her lips.

But what the dragon boy said made Que Fan firm up and agree to the plan.

One person is short-term, two people are long-term.

In the end, everyone agreed with Zong Ge's strategy.

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