Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 431: : The most gifted among the survivors

Sandao had long known that the big man had been promoted to extraordinary and his appetite had greatly increased as a result.

The big man was taken care of by the dragon boy, and he could automatically operate the Wuxin Sleeping Fighting Technique while sleeping, and he officially embarked on the right path of practice.

After he was promoted to bronze level, he also trained on the ship with Zong Ge and others.

The big man's performance during training attracted Zong Ge's attention, but the latter also expressed regret - if the big man could develop fighting skills, he must be a weapon on the battlefield. It's a pity that the big man's IQ is not good enough and he can't learn any fighting skills.

"Promoting to the extraordinary will indeed increase food intake. This is because the essence of life has grown, so the nutrients absorbed from the outside must also increase. The food and food intake of mice and elephants are different. Life level Ye Guoan, life-sustaining activities The cost will also increase.”

"However, after a transcendent person is promoted, his food intake should have stabilized. How come it continues to increase?"

Sandao wanted to investigate this, not because he wanted to deprive the big man of his food.

San Dao would not do this.

On the one hand, Sandao knew that the old shipwright was left alone when he died, and the captain took great care of the big man. On the other hand, when on the Mysterious Island, it was all thanks to the big man to protect the newly built ship, and Sandao indirectly received the help of the big man to save his life.

San Dao is not someone who repays kindness with enmity.

The goblins are worried about corruption. This situation happened in the mercenary group he once led. Sandao knows that wherever there is profit, moths will breed if you don't pay attention to it.

Especially the big man's IQ defect. Survivors all know that such a big man will undoubtedly be easily deceived.

San Dao had no one available, so he decided to investigate on his own.

The method of investigation was also very simple and straightforward - he went directly to the big man and wanted to know everything.

The big man's response was: "Eating? Big men like to eat."

"Can't get enough...big guy wants more."

"Daddy! The big guy wants daddy more."

Sandao's exchange was very ineffective, and the big man didn't answer his questions.

"The big man has grown taller again, but his IQ seems to be the opposite of his height, and seems to have dropped again?" Sandao was helpless.

During this time, the big man's height increased by at least 0.5 meters. If the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group hadn't acquired a new flagship, the previous ship's forecastle would no longer be able to accommodate him.

Finding that the time was approaching noon, Sandao decided to stay and observe for himself.

"You are delicious, don't look at me."

The goblin hid in the dark corner of the forecastle, gathering his breath.

Not long after, the food delivery person knocked on the door of the room tremblingly.

Afterwards, five or six people filed into the forecastle and delivered meals to the big man together.

Good guy!

The dinner plates held by these people's hands were about the same size as a normal person's footbath, and they were filled with magical dishes.

The rice in the barrel is enough to feed 50 people. These are magic rices with a hint of bronze.

A lot of green and blue stir-fry dishes with a fragrant aroma. Fruits such as pineapples, which are as huge as human heads, are brightly colored.

The main course was a half-person tall, sparkling pork shank. Sparks formed a heart shape in the air. Sandao immediately recognized that this was the chef's favorite dish of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group - Xinhua Ham.

The big man grabbed the pig's hind leg and began to eat it.

After three times and five times two, the plump and shiny pig hind leg was left with only a big bone.

The big man devoured it.

He directly picked up the soup bowl the size of a footbath, rolled his Adam's apple a few times, and drank it all.

The wooden bucket containing rice was lifted directly above his head and dumped directly into his open mouth.

After pouring it twice and chewing it a few times, he finished the food for 50 people.

The lunch was plenty, but it only took the big man two or three minutes to finish it off. He stuck out his big tongue again and licked every plate clean.

Finally, he stared at the five or six people delivering the food with wide eyes: "Hungry!"

"More, I want more..."

The big man was huge, and even when seated, he was much taller than the person delivering the food.

The mercenaries who delivered the food were horrified. Some of their bodies were trembling slightly. The leader was sweating coldly and waved his hands hurriedly: "No, you ate all today's lunch and didn't do more..."

The big man was not satisfied, but he was not violent. He could only smash his mouth, chew the leftovers in his teeth, lean against the wall behind him, and slowly close his eyes.

Seeing this, several food delivery people quickly packed away the dishes carefully and quickly, then rushed out of the forecastle and gently closed the door.

Sandao heard their voices outside the door: "I'm really worried that one day when I'm delivering food, I will be filled by an underfed giant!"

"I really don't want to do this job anymore. It's a test of life and death every time!"

"I think we have to report this situation to the superiors and ask them to increase the appetite of this giant."

"We have done this many times, and it is getting more and more difficult to get approval from the authorities."

"It's really strange. I have cooked for giants before. I have never seen anything like this. This giant from the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has an unusual appetite. After eating so many magical dishes, he didn't have any indigestion! He is obviously only at the bronze level..."

"The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group is really extraordinary. The giants fed in secret are all weirdly powerful!"

The sound of the food delivery people's discussion became smaller and smaller along with their footsteps.

San Dao fell into silence.

The facts before him negated his previous guesses.

There is no corruption, and the big man's food intake is not deducted. In fact, on the contrary, the big man is not full!

Sandao looked at the big man who was sleeping in a drowsy state. The latter was already half-awake. He put his hands on his slightly swollen belly and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Rice, meat..."

Soon, he fell asleep completely, snoring loudly.

He seemed to be dreaming about the dragon boy, and started talking in his sleep: "Dad, little darling is not full... where are you? Dad, little darling... is hungry..."

Listening to such sleepy talk, the corners of Sandao's eyes twitched.

He stared at the big man with suspicious eyes, and couldn't help but guess in his heart: "What kind of bloodline does the big man have? The bloodline of Gluttony? The bloodline of the Big Stomach King? Or the bloodline of Kongyuan?"

The owners of these bloodlines all have one thing in common, that is, a huge appetite!

The next moment, San Dao gradually widened his eyes.


"What did I see?!"

He saw the big man practicing and refining his fighting spirit.

Sandao knew that the big man practiced the Unintentional Sleeping Technique, which was taught by the group leader with great difficulty. It could make the big man operate automatically and passively while he was sleeping.

Sandao also knew that the big man had become a member of the extraordinary and was promoted to the bronze level.

But what does he see now?

He was shocked to find that there was a hint of black iron in the luster of fighting spirit on the big man's body.

"How long has this been? The big man is already at the peak of bronze?!"

"Dou Qi has the color of black iron, which proves that he will be promoted to black iron soon?"

"Did I read that correctly?"

All three swordsmen began to doubt their vision.

But he looked carefully and confirmed that he was not mistaken!

This discovery gave him a huge physical and mental shock, so much so that when he left the forecastle and closed the door, he felt a little dazed.

"No wonder his appetite is getting bigger and bigger. This is because he is constantly absorbing external nutrients to help his life level continue to rise."


"What exactly is the bloodline of the big man?"

"This kind of progress is too exaggerated!"

San Dao searched his memory. He had never seen other fighters advance so quickly!

The big man's performance broke his cognition and really opened his eyes.

"The leader has to take care of the big man, and his cultivation of the big man has yielded the most unexpected results!"

"The big man's bloodline is definitely not simple. He might be the most talented one among us."

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe... that even this stupid guy has such a talent for cultivation!"

"Fate, how unfair you are..."

The emotions of San Dao Yi were very complicated.

There is envy, helplessness, regret, and sighs about one's own destiny.

His bloodline situation is not ideal, his ceiling is the black iron level, and he has been at this extreme position for many years.

And now, the big man he saw with his own eyes, this extremely lucky guy, was promoted to bronze level under his nose, and is now about to become black iron level, on par with him!

Sandao didn't know how he got back to his cabin.

It took him a long time to calm down.

After calming down, San Dao immediately started writing a letter. He wanted to tell Zong Ge and Zidi the good news.

But after writing the letter, he destroyed it directly.

"You can't be so casual."

"It is possible for letters to be intercepted ~ www.readwn.com ~ especially if there is a mysterious and powerful enemy outside."

"The big man's cultivation speed proves that his bloodline is at least the gold level. No, maybe it's the holy realm level..."

If it were any higher, I wouldn’t even dare to think of three swords!

"He is very dependent on the leader. If such a big guy grows up, he will be of great help to everyone..."

"In case in the future, we fail to atone for our sins to the empire's senior officials. The big man will mean even more to us!"

"He must be well protected."

"Try your best to hide the speed of his cultivation. Well, those who deliver the food must also control it and sign a contract with them!"

"No, they don't know the big man's secret yet. From now on, we will rely on alchemy puppets to deliver food. This is the safest way."

"This news needs to be encrypted and let others know. Depending on my authority, there is no way to give the big man more cultivation resources."

Sandao began to write an encrypted letter.

But after writing it, he destroyed it again.

"My encryption measures are only at the level of an ordinary mercenary group and can be easily cracked."

"Perhaps I should go and deliver the news in person? This is undoubtedly the safest way!"

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