Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 446: : Snow Rabbit City, Tumao Town

"Who is the person we placed in the teleportation array?" the Ax Gang leader asked immediately after laughing for a while. Lan

Ax Zhao reported a person's name.

The leader of the Ax Gang nodded immediately and warned: "Reward him well."

"Understood." Ax Zhao responded and asked worriedly, "Father, the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group have teleported away. If we want to hunt them down, we can only get closer with the help of teleportation. But in this case..."

Ax Zhao's concerns are very reasonable.

The dragon and lion mercenary group teleported away, which had little impact because their strongest person was only a silver-level person.

But if the Ax Gang helps and Lin, two gold-level teleporters, the impact will be many times greater.

According to the huge reputation of the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, if something happens to them, it will definitely lead to extensive investigation. At that time, He Lin, the leader of the Ax Gang, who acted abnormally, must be the most suspicious. Lan

Once an investigation by the kingdom is triggered, it will be very detrimental to the Ax Gang and will most likely lead to destruction.

The leader of the Ax Gang smiled slightly: "Don't worry, of course we won't use the official teleportation array. In fact, we have a secret teleportation array."

"What?" Huzhao opened his mouth wide, his face full of disbelief.

He is recognized as the successor of the Ax Gang. He is also in charge of many affairs of the gang and mobilizes gang resources. These experiences have broadened his horizons, and Huzhao is very clear: the construction of the teleportation array consumes a huge amount of money. Even the Ax Gang would find it difficult to do this. If the teleportation array is laid secretly, the funds consumed will be even greater than normal construction. Not only that, it also contains great risks.

Because laying teleportation arrays in private is prohibited by any political power.

The same is true for the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, which has been cracking down on private teleportation formations.

The leader of the Ax Gang turned his attention to Lin: "Don't worry, after I die, my son will be my coffin bearer!" Lan

This was what he specifically explained to Lin.

The secret teleportation array has too much to do with it.

Lin then nodded slightly: "In that case, it doesn't matter if you tell him some secrets."

The leader of the Ax Gang looked at Ax Zhao again: "I can't tell you any more secrets. All you need to know now is that we have a secret teleportation array, through which we can easily reach Snow Rabbit City."

Fu Zhao opened his mouth slightly, and at this moment he suddenly realized that the relationship between his father and Lin was not as simple as the former comrades-in-arms. It seems that these strong men who retired from the army have formed a secret alliance.

Lin frowned slightly and looked at the leader of the Ax Gang: "I have to remind you. If that teleportation array is used, there is no way for us to cover up the spatial fluctuations. This means that the secret teleportation array will be exposed. It is very likely It will be destroyed or controlled by the authorities. I know that you and Fujituro have a good relationship, but is it really worth wasting a secret teleportation array just to avenge the two silver-level people?"

The leader of the Ax Gang snorted coldly: "The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has a close relationship with the Lord of Snowbird Port, and now they are also joining forces with the Satojian Family. They are a mercenary group on the surface, and rumored to be an arms dealer behind them. But do you really think that they are a mercenary group?" Just a bunch of simple arms smugglers?" Lan

Ax Zhao looked confused when he heard this.

Lin's face darkened.

The leader of the Ax Gang continued: "No, I don't think they are just a group of arms smugglers!"

"They are daggers, going to be delivered into our hearts! They are pioneers, marching forward with great success!"

"They used conspiracy and tricks to directly kill Fujituro and wipe out the Bayonet Gang. They also won a huge reputation. This is a serious provocation to us!"

"We cannot swallow our anger, we must defeat them in order to boost morale."

Lin sighed deeply: "Maybe you are right." Lan

Ax Gang Leader: "Without further ado, let's take action now. Map!"

Ax Zhao immediately took the map, spread it on the table, and pointed to a point on the map: "Our people caused a teleportation error, and their location should be here now."

"Well, they are going to Snow Rabbit City, and this is the best ambush point on this route."

The leader of the Ax Gang nodded: "Yes, we will rush to this location in advance. But before teleporting, we should inform Jia Bing first. Let him arrive in advance, bring the tools, and try to release the magic contract on me before the battle. "

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group and the Ax Gang have signed a cooperation contract.

Although the constraints of this contract are not large, it is still the safest to cancel it.

In order to pursue the ultimate winning rate, the leader of the Ax Gang acts in every aspect. Lan

"Father, I also want to join the war." Ax Zhao requested.

The leader of the Ax Gang had obviously thought about it in advance, and immediately shook his head: "There is no need, three versus two, gold level ambush the silver level, there is no possibility of losing. When I am not around, you have to lead the Ax Gang."

"Believe me, for you, there will never be less battles in the future."

Ax Zhao is very sorry, but he can only accept the order.

The Ax Gang leader and Lin set off immediately, racing against time. They all have a military career, and they know that fighter opportunities are fleeting and their execution capabilities are very powerful.

The white snow was flying quietly in front of my eyes.

Looking far away. Lan

To the northeast stands a mountain peak.

In the other three directions, the terrain is gentle.

"Where is this?" A group of people from the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group looked around.

"Shouldn't we teleport to Snow Rabbit City?" Many people were surprised.

"It's a bit cold!" Some mercenaries were shivering from the cold. They were not used to being suddenly in the snow.

The further you go into the hinterland of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom, the colder the climate becomes.

If the capital is taken as the center point, then the entire ice sculpture island is an irregular circle. The location of Snow Rabbit City is about one-third of the diameter, but the temperature nearby is already close to two-thirds of the inner circumference. Lan

Everyone in the Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group has seen the reason for the cold climate.

It is the peak standing in the distance - Splicing Mountain.

The mountains have very heavy ice and snow elements, resulting in a cold climate.

The Dragon and Lion Mercenary Group fell into panic.

Zong Ge and Zidi meet.

Zi Di deliberately said loudly: "Don't panic, this should be due to a lack of correction of the teleportation coordinates. When using the teleportation array, it is not uncommon for such mistakes to occur."

After being reminded like this, a snow elf suddenly realized and shouted: So this is a transmission error. I have indeed heard that such mistakes are inevitable. Lan

Someone raised an objection: "The alchemy technology of the Ice Sculpture Kingdom is extremely outstanding. Can't it still solve the problem of transmission errors?"

Zidi reassured people again: "As far as I know, the same is true for the Shengming Empire. This phenomenon of transmission errors has been improved a lot. Even if the errors are made, they are always near the original target. We should not be far away from Snow Rabbit City. distant."

After saying that, Zidi took out an activity map.

The activity map was purchased from the Utama family, and it was very expensive.

It’s expensive for a reason.

This map covers almost the entire Ice Sculpture Kingdom, down to every detail. Of course, important military areas, royal forbidden areas, etc. will not be standard.

Because the map content is too extensive and detailed, it is impossible to see it on the market in the Ice Sculpture Kingdom. Lan

Only with a huge power like the Satojian family, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com can sell it without worrying about being reported.

Zidi quickly found their current location on the map.

As she expected, although they suffered a teleportation error, they were near Snow Rabbit City.

Zong Ge came up, looked at the map, and whispered to Zidi: "Be careful, I don't think this is a coincidence of 'mistake'."

As an excellent general, he never takes any chances.

Zidi's eyes focused on the map.

According to their current location, they need to head southeast to reach Snow Rabbit City in the evening. And in the northeast direction, there will be mountains. Lan

Zidi frowned slightly: "You really have to be careful. We won't go to Snow Rabbit City for the time being. We will go south. There is a Rabbit Fur Town there and there is also a teleportation array."

"Although it is a small teleportation array and its teleportation range is limited, we can use it to teleport to Snow Rabbit City first and leave. If we want to leave in the future, we can directly use the large teleportation array in Snow Rabbit City."

Zidi is also very cautious.

If something went wrong, she would immediately adjust her strategy.

If the transmission error is caused by the enemy, then Snow Rabbit City will not be accessible for the time being.

Zidi was worried that they would be ambushed again on the way.

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