Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 419: : Cangxu: I am a poor man

Cang Xu has been implementing a plan.

That is, to fully demonstrate the value of the flying head technique, and then use this bargaining chip to trade with the ship ghost, so as to obtain a higher-level inheritance of the undead.

Now Cang Xu has done it.

The simple death head did not arouse the interest of the ship ghost, but after engraving the spell model and possessing the ability to cast spells, the ship ghost took the initiative to ask Cang Xu for a price.

Cang Xu stabilized his mood, immediately saluted the ship ghost, and put forward his request in a tactful tone.

However, the ship ghost shook his head without hesitation.

"Xu Scab, you are not qualified to obtain the intermediate-level undead inheritance."

"It's not that I personally don't want to sell it to you, but the regulations of the patriarch. This is the orthodox principle and bottom line of our undead! Not only me, but even the twelve saints must strictly abide by it."

"I'm sorry, I can't trade the mid-level undead inheritance to you, these are not for sale."

"And if it is taught to you in the future, there is only one possibility, and that is that you are eligible to obtain the inheritance of the middle-level undead!"

As for what qualifications?

Cang Xu asked clearly when he was on Matsukaze Island.

First of all, Cangxu's own undead talent must be strong enough, the standard is at least a gold-level bloodline. Second, Cangxu must prove his loyalty. He has to complete at least three tasks before he can initially gain the approval of the direct descendant of the undead. It's like a bandit joins a gang and has to hand in a certificate.

At this time, the little prince on the side also interjected: "Xujia, I also want your inheritance of the flying head technique."

"But don't sell it too expensive."

"Master Corpse Disintegrator can teach you this flying head technique, which proves that this is just a low-level undead inheritance."

"You want to exchange a low-level undead inheritance for a middle-level inheritance, this is definitely not possible. You are worthy of being a member of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce, and you are too good at doing business. We are all on our own, and you are doing this to us. Business is not right."

Kuifengya Dao: In fact, we don’t need to buy from you specifically, do we? Mr. Shi Shi, a good doctor, has this inheritance in his hands, but it is more convenient for us to get it from you. "

The ship ghost was silent. He just looked at Cang Xu indifferently.

Cang Xu felt awe-inspiring.

At this moment, he was targeted by everyone else!

Coincidentally, other people put pressure on Cangxu, wanting to lower the price.

Cang Xu suddenly realized that although he himself had experienced life-and-death battles with these few. But when the critical moment came, he was still excluded.

Even undead warriors like Crying Wind are speaking for others.

Cang Xu successfully demonstrated the value of the flying head technique, but when negotiating the sale, he encountered huge obstacles!

If Zidi were here, she would definitely be able to speak eloquently and talk freely, advocating the value of the flying head technique several times, and have a difficult negotiation with the other party.

But Cangxu is not Zidi.

He does not have such excellent eloquence for business negotiations.

Years of work and life as an aristocratic housekeeper have cultivated Cang Xu's rich political literacy.

Cang Xu has already realized that something is wrong.

He thought quickly. He said with a bitter face: "Thank you for reminding me, what you said is correct, my asking price is indeed too much."

He directly admitted that he was wrong.

Then he sighed again: "I'm really sorry, but I'm really... so poor."

"When I gradually discovered the value of this head-flying technique inheritance, my feelings were complicated."

"If it didn't take almost all of my body and wealth, I would be very happy!"

"So far, I still owe you a debt. To tell the truth from the bottom of my heart, I am under a lot of pressure to get along with you. I really want to pay off the debt I owe you."

Cang Xu's tone was desolate, his expression was lifelike, and his words silenced everyone else.

The little prince suddenly realized that they had just teamed up to oppress Cangxu.

Crying Wind remained silent, feeling a little guilty in his heart. After all, he had witnessed Cang Xu's tragic past. It has to be said that Cang Xu is a poor person.

At this time, Cang Xu stared at the ship ghost: "Master Ship Ghost, since you want this inheritance, what can I say?"

"I can only entrust this inheritance to you, after all, my current body was given to me by you!"

The ship ghost was surprised for a moment, and then directly rejected Cang Xu's proposal without the slightest hesitation.

This reaction of his did not go beyond what Cang Xu had expected.

The ship ghost has always been orthodox in the undead, and he behaves very gracefully and formally, and is willing to support the necromancer. Of course, this is under the condition that his own core interests are not violated.

If he accepts Cangxu's offering now, it will be as if he forced Cangxu to hand it in, which is too tasteless.

In particular, the flying head technique is not only owned by Cangxu. If the warship ghost wants it, he can also obtain it from other people.

He only needs to do a little analysis, and he can conclude: it is impossible for a good doctor who dismantled corpses to only give this inheritance to Cangxu!

Cang Xu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He retreated to resolve this small disturbance.

His complaining also moved the sympathy of the little prince and others again. They realized that Cangxu was a very poor person, and it was his luck and misfortune to have the flying head technique.

Everyone's covetousness for the flying head technique has also been greatly reduced.

After cleaning the battlefield and distributing the trophies related to the lantern fish, everyone returned to their cabins.

But Cang Xu's heart felt heavy.

His plan succeeded and failed.

Flying head technique has aroused other people's desire, but the asking price is not outstanding, and Cangxu can't exchange for the inheritance of middle-level undead at all.

"I didn't expect that the ship ghost is so principled in this regard!"

"According to what he said, the Twelve Saints cannot violate this principle. Perhaps this is not simply a care or order from Patriarch Youcan, but they themselves have formulated and signed a magic contract."

"Hey, although I resolved the crisis by means this time, the problem still exists and has not been completely resolved."

"As long as I master the flying head technique and other necromancers do not, then these people's desire for the flying head technique will never disappear."

"They just temporarily suppressed their desires because of affection and face."

On the other hand, Cang Xu also had to admit that what the little prince said when he lowered the price was very reasonable.

The precious knowledge about flying head technique is not unique to Cangxu.

Even if you can't buy it from Cang Xu, the ship ghost can still communicate with the good corpse doctor and trade it from the latter.

According to the intelligence of the Battle of Styx, the sanctuary level of the dismembered good doctor can be rescued immediately, which shows that the atmosphere among the undead orthodox is quite harmonious.

On this point, Cang Xu can completely understand.

The orthodox view of the undead is: maintain humanity! Although necromancy is based on negative energy, the necromancer cannot be corrupted by negative energy.

Therefore, when they were in Matsukaze Island, the ship ghost had a good impression of Aosu when they met for the first time. To a large extent, it was because he discovered that Cang Xu had performed some undead treatment on his body, but it was not completely undead.

Cangxu is not pursuing power arbitrarily, but has been trying to maintain the balance between life and death and maintain humanity.

It can be said that among the necromancers, the orthodox direct lineage mages who descended from the secluded have the most abundant humanity.

And in an environment where forces of all sizes are besieging necromancers, what will an orthodox necromancer who has humanity and will not be eroded by negative energy to lose his mind do?

Of course, they are tightly united to maximize their chances of survival.

Today you help me, tomorrow I will help you.

Therefore, in the battle of Styx, the ship ghost could summon the assistance of a sanctuary-level corpse doctor, and there was no need to pay any fees afterwards.

It has to be said that Cang Xu followed the ship ghost. Although he took a lot of risks and encountered great dangers, he also gained a lot.

Flying head technique is just one of them. The biggest gain is that Cang Xu has obtained a lot of precious information about the necromancers from the process of getting along day and night.

Under Cang Xu's thinking, these information allowed him to accurately judge the overall situation of the undead faction and his personal situation.

"I'm on a ghost ship now, showing the value of flying head skills, but not too high a price."

"If I have the negotiating ability like Zidi, maybe I can easily set the price too high."

"No, in fact, even if I can do this, I can't buy the follow-up inheritance I want from the ship ghost. Not to mention all kinds of confidential knowledge about memory crystals."

Thinking of the latter, Cang Xu felt another headache.

He once inquired about the content of the inheritance of the middle-level undead. In this regard, the ship ghost did not strictly keep it secret.

It's as if the warship ghost can't disclose the specific content of the book to Cangxu, but can tell him what the contents are~www.readwn.com~ Cangxu is almost sure: whether it's soul veins, corpse veins or bones Pulse, the inheritance of the middle-level undead of the three does not involve the content of memory crystals. He also guessed: It is very likely that the knowledge related to memory crystals is only available in the inheritance of the undead of high-level soul veins!

"My previous plan was a little too naive."

"It is very difficult to obtain this knowledge. After all, for mages, knowledge is the greatest wealth!"

But Cang Xu doesn't regret this choice, even though the only original part of his body now is the head.

"If it really doesn't work, we can only sell the flying head technique to other people at a 'low price'."

"If I just refuse, I'm afraid it will create a gap between other people and me, which will not be conducive to the next action."

"To obtain the knowledge of the undead that I want, this is probably a very long-term plan."

After realizing the reality, Cang Xu calmed down and almost kept his door shut, continuing to refine the heads of death, and then engraved models of necromancy spells on them.

He soon discovered that the lantern fish head was not very suitable for making a death head.

This should be related to the light attribute of the lantern fish.

The light attribute is not a neutral attribute, and has a great affinity with positive energy. Just like the relationship between dark attribute and negative energy.

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