Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 459: :Who will be the first?

"Once people are in trouble, hugging together for warmth is the usual choice." Zhi Zhang left the shack with a smile.掎

On the surface, she has been letting the captives meet as they please, but secretly she has been keeping an eye on them.

Zongzhang is a strong man at the sanctuary level. The original strength is superior to Baqi, Jiangui and others. The pirates and necromancers were fighting each other, which gave her an opportunity to take advantage of. Let her take down everyone easily.

This group of prisoners was therefore divided into two groups.

Necromancers led by Ship Ghost, and human pirates led by Ba Qi.

Zhi Zhang made such an arrangement, not because he saw through the plan of Jian Gui and others, but because he planned to do it in the first place.

First, let them discuss with each other to infect despair, and then divide them, provoke them, and completely isolate them, so that they can better convert.

As for the results?掎

Congee Zhang's mentality is very good.

It’s okay if you don’t succeed, but it’s better if you do.

Even if the conversion is not successful, these captives can become nourishment for the gods, and they can be regarded as some kind of special sea beasts.

If you convert successfully, you can be treated as one of your own.

If the necromancer's conversion was successful, Zou Zhang wouldn't dare to think too much about breaking into the undead orthodoxy. With her strength and status, she knows much more than ordinary people, and she knows very well that the undead orthodoxy has extraordinary methods. Various large and small forces around the world have tried, but the success of infiltration has been minimal.

Zou Zhang is also secretly afraid of the undead orthodoxy headed by You Shen.

If Meilan Shen wakes up, Zhizhang still has some information. Now that Charming Blue God has been sleeping for many years, Zong Zhang does not want to offend the orthodox forces of the undead.掎

Despite her arrogant words before, she still knew what was going on.

On the other hand, if the human pirates converted, they might be able to infiltrate their ranks.

The Firebeard Pirates are on the same level as the Undead Orthodoxy, and they are both legendary superpowers. But there are obvious differences between the two. Compared with the orthodox strength of the undead, the Firebeard Pirates have a very low entry threshold and no background checks. Basically, anyone who Firebeard has seen or recommended by his cronies can join.

Such a recruitment policy resulted in the Firebeard Pirates becoming the largest pirate group on the main plane. The other two legendary pirate groups combined do not have one-fifth of the number of people in the Firebeard Pirate Group.

"Lord Ship Ghost..." The little prince's voice was dry in the undersea shack.

The ship ghost looked at him. Although the little prince has become a skeleton, the ship ghost can still "see" the helplessness and desire for help from his face.

Among all the undead present, the little prince relied on him the most.掎

The biggest reason is character. The little prince was very young when he became a skeleton. Although he is now at the silver level, this is just strength. He lacks experience and is still very immature mentally. And I have developed the habit of relying on others, which I have to say is a huge flaw.

Next is Fin Spirit. Fin Spirit was summoned by Ship Ghost, and served as the latter's alchemy assistant for many years, developing obedience. The ship ghost let her go free and allowed her to help the Daji tribe, which was a stroke of genius.

Everything developed as the ship ghost expected. As a necromancer, Fin Spirit was not welcomed by the Daji tribe, and even set up an ambush for Fin Spirit. Ship Ghost helped Fin Ling several times, and gained huge gratitude from the latter, and also resolved many of Fin Ling's paranoia towards the Daji tribe.

Crying Wind again. Crying Wind directly rejected the call of the ship ghost at the beginning. His real pursuit was the way of the sword.

Perhaps before Cai Feng was alive, he had multiple desires and complicated thoughts. But after a baptism of death, he was forged like iron, with only one obsession left: the way of the sword.

Even if the ship ghost is kind to Crying Wind, he still has to be ranked under this obsession.

Obsession is important.掎

According to undead orthodox research in recent years, they found that the key factor affecting the summoning of ghosts, skeletons, zombies and other undead lives is obsession.

After the death of a normal life, the stronger the obsession in the soul, the higher the probability of successful summoning.

The last one is Cang Xu. Cangxu is an outsider and has experienced the Battle of Styx, but the time we spent together was short.

The ship ghost gave him a silver-level body as a gift. Of course, the body had a secret door. While Cang Xu was unconscious, he also manipulated Cang Xu's head. If it weren't for these, Ship Ghost would never trust him as much as he does now.

Compared with the other three undead, the one that the ship ghost admires the most is Cang Xu.

"He is a talent!"

Especially Cang Xu's previous blackmail of Ship Ghost made Ship Ghost appreciate Cang Xu even more.掎

The reason is simple - Cang Xu's life and death has always been under the control of the ship ghost.

If it weren't for this level of control, the ship ghost must be full of malice towards Cang Xu and want to get rid of it quickly.

Cang Xu looked at Zou Zhang's leaving figure and sighed in his heart: "Any conspiracy or scheme pales in comparison to absolute strength and will be easily crushed."

Cang Xu is very familiar with this helpless feeling.

In his past years, he had too many similar experiences.

This is a world for the strong.

The cornerstone of strength lies in blood.掎

Wisdom is the icing on the cake. Without the blessing of strength, it can only appear weak and powerless.

"The deception and disguise technique is still reliable. I am only a black iron level, disguised as a silver level. Although I was captured by Zou Zhang, she didn't see it. If she had seen it, I might not be 'treated' like I am now."

Cang Xu quickly scanned the surroundings and found that he was the calmest.

Because he still has a way out.

"It's not difficult to guess Zou Zhang's thoughts. She forcibly converted us to proselytize. This is normal."

"No matter which undead is recommended, she will be the absolute winner."

"This is a serious test of the ship ghost's leadership ability. It is very likely that this time, this small undead gang will fall apart!"

Cang Xu finally fixed his gaze on the ship ghost.

The atmosphere in the shack was solemn and dull.

Whoever is elected as the first person will have a very high probability of death.

The reason is simple - too little time!

Whether it's conversion or falsification of memories, it takes time.

The more time the better.

Although everyone is an undead being, they are not hindered by the erosion of negative energy and have normal thinking abilities.掎

Obsession gives everyone a strong desire to survive. Perhaps this is why obsession is the most important factor affecting the success or failure of summoning.

"The ship ghost is currently the safest."

"Because in the event of an election, Shipgui's strength, past favors, and huge influence shaped by his experience will not make him a candidate for election."

"And Zongzhang will also put the gold level last. If the gold level can be converted, it will benefit the Charming Blue Sect the most."

"The gold-level strength gives Jiangui and Baqi more qualifications to win over!"

"But it is precisely because of this that the influence of Ship Ghost will be drastically reduced..."

Cang Xu kept thinking: "Except for the ship ghost, the probability of the others being elected is almost the same."

"Because no one has irreplaceable value."

Thinking of this, Cang Xu noticed that other people's eyes were vaguely glancing towards him.

Cang Xu's heart moved, and he suddenly realized: "No, the person most likely to be elected...is me!"

The reason is obvious.

Cang Xu is an outsider.

Although they had experienced the Battle of the Styx together, compared to the time they spent together with the Little Prince, Fin Spirit, and Crying Wind, Cang Xu was the one he was less familiar with.

Inside and outside are relative concepts.掎

Compared to others, Cang Xu was certainly an outsider.

"Being selected and becoming the first person to be teleported...isn't bad, either!"

After communicating with the fishman boy, Cang Xu already knew that the Deep Sea Monster Fish was hidden in the ocean nest.

"Meet the leader in advance so that I can use the memory crystal to make the device in advance."

"This may be a good opportunity. I am worried that I can't find an excuse to ask the ship ghost for the mid-level inheritance." Cang Xu's attitude is very good, and he even has a little expectation.

But at this time, the ship ghost spoke.

"We are all our own people."

"Sacrificing any one of us is not what I want to see!"

The ship ghost's eyes slowly scanned the surroundings.

The little prince, Fin Spirit and Crying Wind who were all looked at by him were moved.

The ship ghost has been kind to them for a long time and rescued them frequently, so that none of them had the slightest doubt about the ship ghost's words.

The ship ghost’s last gaze was fixed on Cang Xu’s face: “Compared to others, Xu Chi’s time with us is the shortest. But after experiencing the Battle of the Styx, I have already recognized him. He is just like us, We are all our own people.”

Cang Xu was stunned for a moment, and then his face was filled with emotion.

The ship ghost's tone dropped: "It's all because of our lack of strength, and it fell into the hands of Zong Zhang!"

Everyone suddenly showed anger.

Yes, the real culprit, let them elect each other, and the evil person who instigates dissension is Zongzhang!

The ship ghost then changed the topic: "We must hide this hatred in our hearts and do our best to survive, so that we can find opportunities to avenge our companions in the future!"

Everyone was silent.

Now the situation is stronger than people~www.readwn.com~ Even if he is angry, will Zou Zhang be hated to death?

The reality is cruel. The strong make the rules, and they can only act according to the rules of the porridge.

Ship Ghost took a deep breath: "So, I have a proposal for this election."

Everyone immediately listened attentively.

The ship ghost then proposed: Whoever makes the worst progress in forging memories will be the first person to participate in the blood sacrifice with teleportation.

After everyone listened to this screening method and looked at each other, no one had any objections.

Forging memories is a way of escape for everyone, but the workload is huge. Only through division of labor and cooperation, can a successful forgery be possible.

Whoever's forgery progress is low will be the one who contributes the least among the gang, so there is no excuse for being sacrificed. For others, it is more appropriate to eliminate the worst than to eliminate others who have contributed more.

"It seems that the ship ghost is also an excellent leader." Cang Xu has a new understanding of the ship ghost.

Although the ship ghost was hypocritical and secretly manipulated others, his emergency performance was really good this time, showing his good political wisdom.掎

Not only did he catch Zou Zhang's provocation, he also calmed everyone down. Moreover, he also used his own strength and external pressure to promote his escape plan.

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