Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1247: Peacock Ginger 9

"Forget it, old Qian, you can't be blamed for this, I will fulfill their terms."

The soft-shelled turtle said dryly.

just. Turtle's face turned white like paper.

Obviously. Turtle has understood that once the other party says so, he will never get a second chance.

If he persisted, Qian Xing could only embarrass his brothers.

Let the whole catty. Peach Blossom Valley's army was embarrassed.

"Sorry, turtle."

Qian Xing's eyes were moist.

This is really a mistake.

Really, to blame, blame the group of "birdmen" who came across suddenly

Ah Chou also understood now.

The power that was originally intended to be transmitted to the turtle has now become his own.

The huge laughter was like a Thor. In the presumptuous release of billowing thunder.

A Chou let out a series of heartless laughter.

Qian Xing looked back and glared "angrily"!

Apart from anger, what kind of expression can you make Qian Xing show at this moment?

Ah Chou, who had become a giant bird, immediately shrank her neck in fright!

Qian Xing clearly said: "Sun! You want him to die! It's not this time to laugh."

With Ah Chou's IQ, it is now clear that he chose the wrong time for his pride.

look. The turtle's face suddenly turned from white to black.

"Go to hell, a bunch of miscellaneous hairs!"

Ah Chou also knows how to divert his attention. reason.

After another thunderous curse.

A Chou mouth!

A pillar of fire spewed out from the fat mouth on its bloated head!

This pillar of fire. When it came out of A Chou’s mouth, it was as thick as a thousand-year-old tree

Suddenly, the flame pillar of this thousand-year-old tree. It spread to more than a dozen miles thick in an instant, and it enveloped all the seven-color light that was more than a dozen miles wide!

The majesty of the blow is so unexpected!

The red pillar of fire illuminates the whole sky again.

As if to burn everything he encountered.

Because Ah Chou is in the middle of the army.

This pillar of fire just passed over a piece of monk's head.

This monk only felt that there was a rush of heat that reached the soul directly above his head!

It is by no means comparable to ordinary flame power.

Immediately. Scared them to creep in the air.

Seeing the red pillar of fire rushing towards his face.

The leader standing in the colorful light smiled contemptuously: "Joke!"

Isn't it ridiculous to use flames to attack the Phoenix family?

This person was five meters tall, and although the whole body was tightly covered with a blue cloak, there were waves of terrible waves, like red clouds like tides. Differently rising around him.

At the entrance of Baoquan Mountain.

The monks generally converged the fluctuations of the whole body.

Only at this time, these terrifying fluctuations showed that this person had attained the power of the fire element. The level is quite high.

This person stretched out an index finger about the thickness of a club, toward the billowing fire cloud, just one point!

He whispered softly: "Broken!"


The fire clouds in a radius of tens of miles suddenly burst apart at the same time!

The tens of miles of fire cloud with unlimited lethality instantly turned into trillions of red sparks.

but. This giant with a cyan cloak that shot was shocked!

The stock was hot, and from the index finger that clicked out, it went straight to the palace!

This hot, fluctuating very strangely.

The imitation law is invisible.

The mana that he was born with strong and hard-working for many years could not stop it.


With a cry of the earth, this weird and invisible fluctuation hit directly on the Shenfu!

The five-meter-high giant in the cloak was dizzy and retreated a few steps in the air before barely standing still.

"Jiang Jiu, what's the matter with you?"

Among the people behind him, there was a sound of surprise suddenly?

Its voice, just like the whistling sound just now, was boundlessly clear, and it was shocking when people heard it.

It's okay not to ask the voice, just ask. It made Jiang Jiu mad!

His Jiang Jiu, his cultivation base is far higher than the opponent, originally thought that this blow would easily dissipate the opponent's seemingly flashy blow.

Unexpectedly, I lost such a big ugly!

"This strange bird's attack is weird?

This weird bird! You are not like a phoenix. Second, it's not like a peacock.

Today, Jiang Jiu, I will fight you to see what kind of **** you are! "

After that, he shook his body.

Has become a peacock.

The huge bird's beak is like a slightly curved cyan siege "that requires at least dozens of people to push it."

Shining with the light of Qingyou death.

The plumage is red and blue. Between the beautiful tail feathers fluttering, the whole body was enveloped with a layer of golden light.

Including the tail feathers, the whole body is more than 100 meters long!

The body is beautiful and well proportioned.

A Chou, including the tail feathers, is only 30 meters long.

Compared with this peacock, it suddenly became a real little bird.

This huge peacock hovered in front of the two armies, covered in golden light, showing


Oh, the strength of the opponent is stronger.

Old Qian touched his nose.

So he said: "Chou, don't go."

The difference between the two squares is so big that this peacock was just another fire cloud that scattered A Chou's jet.

Although he himself took a few steps back in succession.

However, Qian Wei firmly believes that this is definitely in the flames of A Chou, and there is something strange.

Obviously, the strength of this person. Far surpassing A Chou, whose strength has just soared~www.readwn.com~Sun, you and he is a bastard! "

Then, Ah Chou's wings snapped!

Just fan it.

The sound of flapping wings is like rolling thunder!

No afterimages, no flickering!

Ah Chou just appeared in front of the blue and red peacock that was more than 100 meters long.

The cyan bird's beak the size of a cave just opened, and a cloud of cyan mixed with a golden flame net spouted out of its mouth.

This group of blue was mixed with golden flames, still in the mouth of Peacock Jiang Jiu.

The people more than ten miles away felt a scorching heat, which instantly impacted their respective shields.


The colorful shields suddenly light up!

This blue-gold fire regret really has the power to burn mountains and boil the sea!

A Chou's right wing was held into a huge hammerhead... the size of a bungalow.

A left uppercut had already smashed against Peacock Jiang Jiu's stomach.

Peacock Ginger is a huge pair of nine. Ruby eyes rolled!

More than a hundred meters long body. It was beaten by Ah Chou and rolled outward!

Then, another tumble!

The original powerful cyan-gold flame spewed out, and suddenly turned into vomit!

While it was tumbling, the cyan-gold flames continuously spit out from the cyan bird's beak.

It has become a splendid blue and gold fireworks!

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