Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1254: Fire in the stomach

The golden red flame is like a sea of ​​flames!

The figure that looked at the Peacock Fengyangtian outside was only 400 meters long.

However, after being swallowed by Fengyangtian.

Only then discovered.

The sea of ​​fire in the peacock's Fengyang sky. It's as wide as tens of miles!

Moreover, the scorching and high-temperature flames seemed to hover endlessly. Whistling.

It was like an endless storm. It's like a huge wave in the sea again!

Qian Xing only moved slightly due to the tremendous pressure that had formed, and he felt tremendous resistance.

Could this be his stomach?

This terrible sea of ​​gold and red is a kind of digestive juice?

Qian Xing's mind was spinning faster than lightning!

The layer of ice armor on his body was condensed by the mysterious power of the cold ice emitted by Su Yan Bingshan!

With Qian Xing's current understanding and mastery of Su Yan Bingshan.

The condensed ice armor, ordinary fire, is nothing at all.

However, just between the few breaths Qian Xing thought about.

The ice armor formed by the Suyan Iceberg. Already melting sharply!

In the end how to do?

After Qian Xing's Fire Element clone was shattered, it was returned to the three-color spiritual roots in the Divine Mansion for warmth.

The shadow of Qian Xing and Jin Guo is one in itself.

At this time, the fire control skills of the shadow of the fire type golden fruit, the body is naturally proficient.

Since the armor of the ice type is not good, come to the fire type!

Overcome fire with fire!

In an instant, it had melted to the periphery of the ice armor that was only a few inches thick, and a few feet high red and blue flames rose up!

The red and blue flames were crackling, shining like thunder and lightning.

Obviously red and blue flames. It is much more domineering than this golden and red sea of ​​fire!

However, Qian Xing's heart. Just feel chilly.

This red and blue flame, even though it is as overbearing as thunder and lightning.

However, once it came into contact with the two-color flame of gold and red, it was actually slowly burned by the two-color flame of gold and red. Engulf!

"Fire burns?"

On Qian Xing's forehead, beads of sweat suddenly appeared one after another!

The two colors of red and blue are no match for this golden and red flame!

However, compared to Su Yan Bingberg.

This red and blue color is a fire, and it has obviously been longer to fight against this gold and red flame.

As for the oily "field of rich soil" and the trick of "life and death seal world".

Not a critical time.

Qian Xing will not be released.

Because, the trick of "life and death seals the sky" is based on the fusion of the two elements of earth and wood.

Once you encounter this boundless sea of ​​golden and red fire, you will definitely encounter considerable losses.

The most important thing is that to perform the trick of "Life and Death Sealing Heaven and Earth", a large amount of soil and rocks need to be absorbed from the outside world. Flowers, grass and trees are used as a raw material similar to the fusion of power.

The more the soil and rocks, the more flowers, plants and trees absorbed from the outside world, the stronger the power of "Life and Death"!

This is like a master Jindan. One shot is the same as the earth-shattering momentum.

In fact, this is through the Jindan Avenue in the body, triggering the resonance of the surrounding world!

This power can only be achieved by mobilizing the power of a large area of ​​heaven and earth!

Soil, rocks, flowers and trees are the embodiment of the vitality of heaven and earth.

Qian Xing's "Life and Death Sealing World" is even better than ordinary monks'!

Directly use soil, rocks, flowers, plants and trees as raw materials, and activate them in Fa Jue. Inside the huge vortex formed.

The soil rocks, flowers, grass, and village trees are directly smashed and restored to the soil system, the vitality of the wood system, the soil rocks, flowers and trees are like the power of the soil system, the power of the wood system, and the finished product.

These finished products are crushed. The vitality of the earth element and wood element released is much stronger than what can be ingested from the void of air.

Comparing this to the earth system, which has a much greater concentration of energies between heaven and earth, the two elements of the wood system merge. In this way, the power is much greater than the ordinary two-line force fusion moves!

This is the great mystery of "Life and Death Sealing Heaven and Earth" which is surprisingly powerful.

Qian Xing before entering Baoquan Mountain. Just in case.

It absorbs a lot of soil, rocks, flowers and trees outside.

These two kinds of raw materials are stored in the golden core of the earth system.

I thought that after entering Baoquan Mountain, flowers and trees are hard to find. However, soil and rock can always be found.

However, after entering Baoquan Mountain.

Qian Xing found out that Baoquan stopped. There is no sky and no land in this place!

There are only countless rampages of light!

The sky and the earth within Baoquan Mountain have long been broken into pieces!

Melted in these rampant light belts.

In this way, the soil rocks, flowers and trees stored in the earth system Jindan. These things that are not so common in the outside world have become scarce reserves.

Qian Xing also counted on relying on these things. Come and launch the "Life and Death Seal World" trick several times

Since the two colors of red and blue are fire-resistant, they can withstand the endless golden-red fire.

Even if it can only resist for a while. There is no need to use the "Life and Death Seal World" trick.

do not forget.

The opponent was just a peacock, a vassal of the Phoenix clan.

Was originally this

Qian Xing was full of anger and prepared to make a big fuss.

Now, Qian Xing is completely sober!

Not to mention anything else, just this boundless sea of ​​golden and red flames, I can do nothing.

Thinking of this, Qian Xing's thoughts disappeared, and his heart was very clear.

In the raging fire. Qian Xing is very clear about the location of the large plants, trees, and fungi that thrive in the Peacock Fengyang Heaven!

Qian Xing was even more aware of the feelings of these flowers and trees.

Flowers, plants and trees, compared to rocky mountain walls, are very weak things.

However, the hard cliffs are covered with flowers and trees!

The same reason.

Feng Yangtian's "Jin Luo Flowing Fire Body" is extremely hard.

Even Qian Xing's full stabbing, also felt great resistance and pressure!

However, under the insane growth of flowers, plants and trees manifested by the two elements of the earth and wood elements, the incomparably hard "Golden Luo Flowing Fire Body" has also been broken through layer by layer!

Feng Yangtian is mobilizing the gold and red flames in his body, burning these flowers and trees frantically!

Sure enough, it was not fortunate to have money.

These flowers and trees. Although it is also a combination of the earth, wood, and the two lines

to make.

However, it won't last long under the flames of gold and red. It withered immediately.

The burning time is longer. It turned into a kind of yellow coke like ordinary trees.

A flame of red and blue suddenly accelerated!

It's like a small meteor in the golden-red sea of ​​fire.

The violent, red and blue meteors passed by, and violently rubbed against the golden red flames, making an unimaginable whistling sound!


In the golden-red sea of ​​fire, a cave-like passage appeared unexpectedly.

The red and blue flames disappeared quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Qian Xing was only a few miles away from the surface of Qian Xing's body.

Red and blue flames, only a thick layer of fingers is left!

However, Qian Qian did not hesitate to urge the law! "

The red and blue flames rose several meters in an instant!

Worthy of fire, some are!

All it takes is time!

Golden red fire! Stressful!

Red and blue can be fired. Soar up, go out!

After so many times back and forth.


Red and blue shooting stars. Finally hit the rock face!

No, because it should be said that it is the edge of the stomach of the giant peacock Fengyangtian, or the edge of the intestine, maybe some other edge.

Qian Xing didn't know. There is no such interest in exploring.

He only knew that the two-color flames of gold and red were burning a large number of flowers and trees in the Peacock Fengyang Heaven!

If it is a few steps later. I am afraid that even the flowers and trees cannot be kept!


The ten-meter-long blue long axe suddenly appeared in Qian Xing's hands!

On the edge of the cyan long axe, there is a faint light golden wave!

The curved axe blade is nine meters long!

This pale golden wave is exactly the wave of Jinwangshan!


Old money is a big deal!

The ten-meter long axe rounded. Just cut it down!

"Brother Jinzhang, you have to change your grief and change."

Second Young Master Su, with a sad look on his face, persuaded Tao Jinzhang, whose expression had become numb.

The Su family's team was in a battle with the team led by the two monks of the Hundred Eyes Lord God who held the time sacred artifacts, and suffered heavy casualties.

Therefore, Second Young Master Su immediately started to recruit Taohua Valley, a new force of nearly 10,000 people.

Of course, the best way to recruit this new force is to avenge Qian Xing and kill the triumphant Feng Yangtian in the air!

But ~www.readwn.com~ the principals of the three major families, the three sons, none of them dared to speak this rhetoric!

More knowledge and insights than ordinary monks.

After the transformation of the two giant peacocks, they had vaguely guessed the identities of the group of people who had not taken any action!

"The Phoenix family!"

Only the Phoenix family. Only to have such a powerful peacock subordinate!

And the Phoenix family. It has always inhabited various rare and age-old spiritual roots.

Therefore, the Phoenix family. The vast majority live in the plane of the wood master god.

Although they did not surrender to the wood-based main god, the relationship between the Phoenix family and the wood-based main **** was not bad.

Once it was clear who the opposite was, no one of these three princes dared to say such cruel words as "revenge for Qian Xing".

Tao Jinzhang turned around indifferently and looked at Su Xingbang.

This indifferent look. Su Xingbang's heart was trembling!

"Whoever wants to help our lord avenge this big grievance, our tens of thousands of brothers in Peach Blossom Valley, we will invest in whoever!"

Oh" Yi Su Xingbang was speechless for a while.

Jinyigu and Fan Wugongzi. Even turned his head immediately

"Huh! Jinzhang, they won't go, let's go!

I don't believe it. We, 10,000 people, can't help but a peacock! "

Turtle's golden eyes radiated blood-like red light!

He almost roared at Tao Jinzhang!

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