Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1258: Xuanmingshan

An endless piece of gray mountains.

Shown in front of everyone.

The mountain turned out to be gray all over.

A piece of deadly ashes!

Mountain, rock. It's all gray.

The continuous gray color lies in the boundless void.

Can't see the end.

There is no grass, there is no sunshine, there is a breeze, and there is no grass.

Just look at it, you will feel a heavy and depressed. I don't want to look at it again.


The soul of the seven diamond flower **** is actually inside. "

Su Xingbang's face was heavy.

The other three leaders are not much better.

"Are you sure. This dark call comes from within the Xuanming Mountain?"

Golden Wing Valley. Can't help asking again.

"Yes. This call comes from the depths of this gray mountain, how this Xuanming Mountain did it.

A piece of gray. "

The grey stop is all over,

The gray fog is vast, with no view of the sky from above, no ground from below, and as far as the eye can see, it is all gray fog. The monk troops of tens of thousands are like a tiny piece of dust compared to this endless sea of ​​fog.

Turtle nodded with certainty and couldn't help asking again.

"This Xuanming Mountain. Also called "Grey Tomb!"

Seeing the smooth approach to the goal, Golden Wing Valley's attitude towards turtles suddenly became much better.

Groundbreaking. Explain in detail to the turtle.

"It looks like the sea. It's actually a big tomb.

A facial hair tomb.

exactly. It should be part of the original tomb of the plane.

The original plane. After being broken.

The fragments were sealed in this Baoquan Mountain, and the large fragments formed this Xuanming tomb.

I said Su Er. Entering Xuanming Mountain is no small matter. "

Fan Wu nodded again and again.

"Just a few brothers went in to find the way.

The gray mist was thick, heavy, and sticky, causing the sword light of the flying sword to slow down, only reaching a quarter of the original maximum speed!

The most terrible thing is. This gray mist also has considerable absorption and hindrance to divine consciousness.

. "One"

Fan Wu didn't say the following, everyone understood.

The fog is so thick, and the monks’ divine consciousness, the distance is restricted, if you encounter a large group of monsters, you will lose a lot.

"Since it's here. Let it go.

What do you think of us. Is there a choice? "

Su Xingbang shrugged. Showed a look of helplessness.

"What is wordy?

Go if you want! Just go!

What to hesitate. "

Qian Xing was annoyed. Throw a hard word.

After a battle with the Phoenix clan.

In Qian Xing's heart, the boss was really uncomfortable.

Face powerful enemies. No one came up to help.

Allow yourself and A Chou to pay two pounds," one person, one bird, ran ahead as cannon fodder.

This group of people. But it's so unreliable!

The three of them were shocked by Qian Xing's words.

All three knew it. This is Qian Xing who is not satisfied with his performance just now.

However, the identities of the three of them are the heads of the tens of thousands of people, surrounded by groups of guards.

How can it be easily dispatched?

"Rugged man!

Only a reckless man can easily take the risk. "

The three of them met by chance and found an excuse in their hearts.

"Enter, of course we must enter! Are we still afraid that Xuanming Mountain will not succeed?"

Fan Wuhao said angrily.

These three people, on their original planes, were all candidates for the moment heroes.

How could he be willing to let Qian Xing, a cultivator from a small plane, compare him?

To enter is to enter the land, but new problems are here again.

Who will take the lead. After who breaks. Who is the Chinese Army?

"I killed from the beginning to the end. I repelled the waves of powerful enemies. I was tired.

Our Peach Blossom Valley army should be the Chinese army. "

Qian Xing said rudely.

Put your hands in your arms.

The second son of Su, Jin Kaogu, and Fan Wu rolled their eyes together.

Sure enough, this person shook with his own merits.

But what can be done?

The three had no choice but to discuss and break up the three teams and divide them into two teams.

The team serves as a forward. One team serves as the guard, the forward guard. All three have a share, and all three are balanced.

The mighty team just drove into the distant gray mountain range. Vast grey mist


The flying speed of the sword in the vast gray fog was naturally slow.

There is no one hundred miles ahead, but no monsters have been encountered.

The monk who walked in the front exclaimed: "What's the matter? I feel my head shrugged!"

"Be careful. This is in the sea of ​​fog. It contains the power of the soul that can affect the soul!

Everyone quickly activate the soul charm! "

Three leaders. Immediately reminded their subordinates.

Seeing the men of the family of three parties, each of them picked out a black talisman seal and reminded them of their mana.

Dao's pale black brilliance had already penetrated their heads.

This is the soul talisman, specially used to protect the soul and resist weak soul attacks.

"You all have prepared a soul talisman. We Peach Blossom Valley, but there is no soul talisman."

Qian Xing looked at Su Xingbang with a smile.

Obviously, people have made preparations a long time ago. They are all in their minds about what will happen in Baoquan Mountain.

"Brother Qian said and laughed. Who doesn't know that the soul of the Peach Tree Demon is strong and solid, and it specializes in destroying ghosts.

A soul attack like that, the effect on the Peach Tree Demon will drop a lot.

Look, you have thousands of people in the Peach Blossom Valley. None of them had a headache. "

Second Young Master Su laughed dryly.

The other two people. Regarding Qian Xing's complaint, he even pretended not to hear.

I didn't even bother to answer the words.

Even if there are extra soul talisman, they will never give it to the brawny in Peach Blossom Valley

Who knows if you will encounter similar scenes after passing Xuanming Mountain?

Will there be a need for similar characters.

As the leader of Peach Blossom Valley, Qian Xing didn't even know this?

It's just to use words to pinch the three.

Unexpectedly, these three came to talk about him.

I ignored Qian Xing's request.

"Old money. Forget it, these grandsons are just using you. Next time they will meet a strong enemy like Phoenix Squad. Don't do anything again, let them deal with it by themselves."

Turtle curled his lips disdainfully, and transmitted to Qian Xing.

"That's right. These three did not regard Peach Blossom Valley as a true partner. Besides, Old Qian, you are in the Peach Blossom Valley army, I'm afraid

Stone also plugged in immediately.

Although the four leaders are flying together, they are 100 meters apart from each other.

Stone didn't even use sound transmission, so he said straightforwardly, "in a low voice."

of course. No matter how small the voice is, the three people and his entourage can still be heard.

The meaning of words that didn't come out after Stone was even more obvious.

Fortunately, no matter how brave your money is, when the critical moment comes, these brawny men in Peach Blossom Valley still listen to them as their own people.

"Don't tell me. I know that the guy Tao Jian is the eyeliner sent by Ran Yuanming.

but. I still don't want to completely turn my face with Tao Yuanming. You guys stare at Tao Jian to see who he is in close contact with. "

No leader would like a guy like Tao Jian in his team.

Even if his ruling power over this team is only temporary.

Kill Tao Jian. For Qian Xing, it was a breeze.

but. Tao Jian was sent by Tao Yuanming, and he had to give Tao Yuanming some face.

"Jinzhang. Brothers in Peach Blossom Valley, how long can they last without chaos in the gray mist, which can affect the soul?"

Qian Xing asked Tao Jinzhang.

The tone is still as calm as before.

"Oh, this, judging from the soul fluctuations of this intensity, it should be no problem to persist for ten days."

It is clear. Tao Jinzhang is trapped in important matters.

Looking at Qian Xing's gaze, he even put on a bit of shame.

Qian Xing asked such an important question, but he even thought about it before he answered it.

Qian Xing frowned.

Obviously. He was very dissatisfied with this answer.

"Ten days. This answer is too general.

As the second commander of the army, such an important issue. Didn't you think about it when you entered this gray fog? "

How long can you stay in the gray mist, which affects the soul, but affects the life and death of the entire army.

This Tao Jinzhang, even with Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, is too incompetent.

"Yes. Lord Lord"

The muscles on Tao Jinzhang's face trembled.

I immediately re-estimated it.

"If the fluctuations in the gray mist that affect the soul have been maintained above this intensity, the brothers underneath can support it for twelve days.

If you walk further inside, the fluctuations of this gray mist will intensify.

natural. The time to be able to persist should be shortened. "

Tao Jinzhang's lips moaned.

It was almost a bit difficult to say: "Master. This commander, I...don't want to do it."

In Qian Xing's eyes, there was a flash of light!

Tao Jinzhang glared fiercely.

"Are you scared!

Don't worry~www.readwn.com~Tao Jian is Tao Jian, you are you, you just need to do your job well.

I will never blame you. "

Qian Xing said categorically.


Tao Jinzhang quit, who would he call for it?

Tao Jinzhang compares Tao Jian. At least it's relatively reliable.

As for Tao Jian showing Tao Yuanming's sign, the brawny peach trees all obeyed.

Fortunately, Qian didn't expect anything to change.

White. These brawny peach trees are Tao Yuanming's grandchildren. Who can be loyal to Tao Yuanming's thugs?

When the matter of Baoquan Mountain is over, I really need to train the prisoners when I go back.

Qian Xing decided to himself in his heart.

"Boom. Ann. Boom!"

A violent explosion sounded along the gray fog.

Cusp due to too far

These explosions sounded a little dull.

"Someone is fighting ahead!"

"Let's go and take a look, what is in this Xuan Ming's thugs?"

Jin Naigu shouted sharply.

This Baoquan Mountain is extremely mysterious.

As the leader of the team, there is an urgent need to master, what exactly is in Baoquan Mountain?

"Jin Zhang, you stay, turtle let's go!"

Fortunately Qian didn't dare to neglect, he gave an order, and took the turtle into the sky!

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