Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1266: Bloody boy

A blood-red flower appeared on the eyebrows of an orange-clothed monk in Shensha Valley!

What made this blood-red flower was a sword light with only the thickness of a finger.

This sword light is brighter than the flowers formed by the condensed blood, it is simply red

what happened?

This orange monk. His eyes were full of unwillingness.

Why, why is his sword light defensive like a rock in the mountains, almost uncontrollable fluctuations.

The blood-red sword light of the thickness of this finger has penetrated the center of his eyebrows!

"On the other side," there was only one black hair and a pair of ruby ​​eyes.

There is hardly any emotion in these ruby ​​eyes.

There is just a pure and extremely fanatical light... a fanatical desire for blood.


The head of the orange monk. The whole burst of joy has been opened.

Tuan merged with the essence and blood of the spirit sea, and instantly was absorbed by the blood red sword light of the thickness of the fingers.

A wide long knife. Just then "poof", inserted into the ground!

Qian Xing was shocked!

This tall and thin young man with black hair and red eyes, shot with a sword, as fast as thunder and lightning, like a natural success, just breaking through the weakest point of the orange-clothed monk's sword.

The skill of this sword is exquisite, and it's an attack on his own.

If you suppress your own cultivation to the same level as this teenager.

What I can do is nothing more than that.

But it is the lowest level Ninth-Rank Golden Core cultivator who has such a carving technique... I wonder if the three of them have such a talent?

Qian Xing assumed that this tall and thin boy was included among the other three monks.

Moreover, monks generally have skills in keeping their faces.

The age can generally only be seen from the vicissitudes of life in the eyes.

However, the young boy's ruby ​​eyes only had blood-devouring enthusiasm and cruelty, and he couldn't see the age at all.

Qian Xing believes that if this young man's cultivation is close to that of the second son of Su, and if he fights against each other, it is still unknown who wins and who loses.

Red light like stars. Another flash in the air, another flash!

Like a gun with a sheep hanging on its horns, and like a meteor in the clouds, it is so invisible.

The two heads burst open at the same time!

When two masses of blood fog were about to burst into a sky full of blood, the red light was as thin as a finger, but it trembled slightly.

The two groups of blood mist have been sucked in!

The cyan light is a flash. All of the small mines were reflected in a green light instantly.

The extremely violent sound of sword howl sounded in the small mine, and then it shook in all directions.

In a long section of mine. They are full of this violent sound of sword howl.

Layer after layer.

The straight walls of the mine were trembling with the violent sound of swords.

If it weren't for the mine cave to be reinforced by the monks in the Sinking Valley using the earth system, I am afraid that it would be shaken by the violent sound of swords and collapse on the spot.

"Peng, Peng... One"

The series of cut sounds, because the distance between them is too dense, sounds like a natural sound.

The upper body of a series of monks was lifted up by a pillar of blood soaring and rushed straight to the top of the mine.

It's like a series of footballs being pushed up in football practice.

The afterglow of abandoned light is still there. The long mine cave has already become the realm of Blood Territory Shura!

There were nearly twenty Shensha Valley cultivators. In this hit, flying swords, magic weapons, and their bodies had been divided into two parts!

The black-clothed boy, a pair of ruby ​​eyes, suddenly shrank, two terrifying red lights flashed

Pass away!

With his accomplishments in swordsmanship. Naturally, I can see and hear.

The sound of swords screaming like a sea tide is not the echo of a cave.

Quite a part of the sword whistling that was mistaken for echoes was the sound of the sword whistling aroused by the domineering and complicated, more rapid revolving changes of this cyan sword light.

It’s just that, in this narrow mine, it’s easy to confuse it with the echo of the cave wall.


In his eyes, the flaming cyan sword light on the edge was divided into twenty!

Almost in no particular order. Under the hood of nearly twenty monks in Shensha Valley who were hiding in different locations and attempting to ambush!

These nearly twenty Shensha Valley cultivators thugs no matter how the sword light danced tightly.

When it touched the fiery cyan sword light on the edge, it immediately shook, and the empty door was exposed.

The cyan sword light invaded Che, and the head and body had already soared into the sky!

The boy in black realized immediately.

If it is purely about swordsmanship, he will definitely not lose to this person.

However, if it is about cultivation. In terms of skill, this person’s cultivation base and skill are far higher than


Immediately, the red jewel-like eyes shrank to only half their original size.

The heart of the boy in black. Qian Xing has been regarded as an unprecedented enemy.

The whole body cultivation base has been mentioned to the extreme, ready to meet Qian Xing's thunderous blow.

This is also due to his own temper.

If he and Qian Xing are replaced one by one, he will never tolerate Qian Xing's continued existence. The new address of this site has been changed to: Four Shan concave plus four, please log in to read

He regrets it now.

Shouldn’t show such superb sword skills in this mine, with

"Bozi, the beater, see your sword skills are good

Understand the rules. Yours? .

Qian Xing's words were as cold as Xuanbing, and a suffocating aura that seemed to be real, like countless chains.

In an instant, the black-clothed boy was shrouded to death.

The boy in black suddenly arched his whole body like a leopard facing a tiger.

The blood evil divine light in the eyes suddenly shot out more than two feet!

Obviously, facing the absolute advantage of cultivation, this black-clothed boy is ready to fight to the death.

However, Qian Xing just smiled, like countless chains, disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Bozi, the thug, is a bit courageous. Tell your master, this site is ours to approve Huagu. Go, go."

Qian Xing waved his hand.

A long row of peach blossom reliefs suddenly appeared on the wall of the mine cave which was thousands of meters long, which was lifelike.

It turned out to be just occupying the site.

The alert look in the black-clothed boy's eyes faded a little.

The whole figure remains unchanged. Facing Qian Xing, he walked back slowly.

It wasn't until the turn of a mine was turned, that his figure moved and he had disappeared without a trace.

"This little girl. Is Lao Tzu the kind of person behind his allies who slaughtered allies?

This little girl is really amazing!

It would be great if it were under my hand. "

Old Qian shook his head.

How many generals under his command, Tao Jian is purely Tao Yuanming's representative.

Although Tao Jinzhang was grateful to himself, he did not dare to confront Tao Jian.

That's OK. The strong man named Dehua Jindan Peach Tree, although he was promoted by himself, became the peach tree spirit, second only to Qian Xing. Tao Jinzhang, Tao Jian's fourth character.

However, it is estimated that facing Tao Yuanming's representatives, he dare not defy.

It would be nice if there were more subordinates like the boy in black.

Thinking of this, Qian Xing shook his head and continued to move forward.

Nowadays, it is better to occupy more territory and have a few more gray crystals.

Nearly ten thousand monks in Shensha Valley. Thousands of people stay in the mines for mining.

But, fight together. Most of them rushed back to the ground camp to participate in the defense.

Left in the mine. Only a thousand people.

These thousands of people all wanted to dig more Grey Underworld Stones when they were fighting. From this move, it can be seen that these thousands of people are either poor in strength or greedy in nature.

Jin Hangu and Fan Wu are not fools either.

Once the battle was broken, Qian Xing and Second Young Master Su followed closely, and rushed in!

This is a mine. There are as many as you can grab.

Therefore, the cultivator in the Sand Valley, who was still in the mine, melted quickly as if snow met boiling water.

With Qian Xing and Su Er. Golden Wing Valley, Fan Wu's advancement, there is a **** road in the mine!

As soon as the gap in the celestial star map appeared.

The monk outside. Must pour in from the gap.

And the monk inside. But relying on the talisman to protect the body, from most of the intact celestial galaxy, it can fly out in all directions!

Naturally, the army of Sifang monks who subordinate outside is not vegetarian.

The sword light thunder and fire is like a torrential rain falling from the sky, and it is like throwing out countless ink composed of ray of thunder and fire from the gray fog in all directions.

Brilliant explosion light. Drive out all the gray mist within dozens of miles


It is bound to kill all the monks in Sindsha Valley!

But the time for two cups of tea, except for hundreds of people fleeing towards the canyon.

No one has ever escaped from the air. The nearly ten thousand cultivators in Shensha Valley were almost completely wiped out in this battle!

As for the Sifang monks, only hundreds of people were killed.

"These guys. The cultivation base is not high, so luck is good.

Uncle Wu, do we want them to donate ordinary gray crystals again. "

A group of people stand out of thin air in the gray mist ~ www.readwn.com separated by dozens of miles.

There are dozens of people from the Phoenix family.

Ahead of them. A mirror with multicolored edges is floating in front of them.

The battle to **** the gray crystals was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

Xuan Su, in her white robe, looked blankly at the fighting in the magic mirror, as if fighting in the magic mirror was a group of ants. The new address of this site has been changed to: Four Shan concave plus four, please log in to read

And a slightly petite figure, standing beside Xuan Su, asked the leader of the Phoenix clan to act like a baby.

"Xuan Su, what do you think?

The leader of the Phoenix family. Instead of answering, he asked Xuan Su instead.

The tone of voice is also very peaceful. Obviously, Xuan Su is highly regarded.

Xuan Su knew in his heart that the strength of this "fifth uncle" was unfathomable. Asking himself this way was a test of his cultivation and judgment.

With Xuan Su's arrogance. When answering Wushu's question, he also leaned slightly: "Wushu, I think that one is very strange, and suddenly a vein of gray crystal appears. It also does not match the situation we have.

It is not appropriate to intervene here! small,

The leader of the Phoenix family. The head covered in the blue cloak nodded slightly.

"Exactly right, Er girl, learn more about your sister Xuan Su."

The second girl took Xuan Su's arm with one stroke.

"Sister Xuan Su is here. What am I afraid of?"

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