Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1280: War of death

Countless scarlet lights. Boom from everywhere!

Like the survivors in the dream order, desperately resisting,

A wave of scarlet light dimmed, followed by another wave of even more dazzling and evil scarlet light.

The pressure felt by the survivors is increasing.

They saw depressedly. The sea of ​​blood within a hundred miles is still slowly and firmly spreading around.

The surrounding Xuanming mountain wall. Continue to collapse and become part of the blood sea.

The monks are desperate. The gray rocks of Xuanming Mountain have been verified as soon as they entered. It can be said that they are extremely dry and do not contain any moisture.

There is no water in this mountain, so the Taoism that turns soil and petrified into mud is not easy to use.

No matter how superb your cultivation is.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Unless your cultivation of water system power has reached the realm where you can hold the sea in your chest.

In order to be out of thin air in the dry Xuanming Mountain like an endless desert. Created such an ocean out.

And these mountains and rocks of Xuanming Mountain are indeed real, turned into blood.

It is not soluble in blood water. It is actually turned into a part of blood.

Therefore, this sea of ​​blood can continue to expand.

"I understand. This Xuanming Mountain is not a stone, but the flesh of that dark god!

His body completely perished, and it turned into this huge Xuanming mountain range!

Therefore, his body can turn into this blood sea!

Because this sea of ​​blood itself is part of Xuanming Mountain! "

The soft-shelled turtle, who had been silent, suddenly roared!

This loud roar. Everyone in Rumeng Ling heard clearly.

It seemed that the gate of judgment was opened.

All kinds of memories of high-end gods suddenly appeared in the minds of the monks, and they were in line with the current situation!

According to legend, after the fall of high-end gods, the completely dead body will turn into existences such as mountains, rivers, and even the sea.

The higher the power of the gods, the more they become objects. The larger the volume!

This Xuanming Mountain was the corpse of this dark god.

Therefore, the rocks of Xuanming Mountain, obviously without a trace of water, can be transformed into blood water so easily, and assimilated into this blood sea.

In fact, let alone those legendary high-end gods.

Even after the death of these golden core masters, as long as the primordial spirit leaves without interruption by external forces, their bodies will turn into the golden core vision they usually display.

Flame, thunder. There are thousands of ways!

Between several strokes. Pieces of blood have been evaporated to dryness!

However, the bombardment of thousands of people and the speed at which this sea of ​​blood evaporates is not as fast as the expansion speed of the sea of ​​blood!

The expressions on the faces of the thousands of survivors became more and more crazy, struggling to slash them.

The look in the eyes. But it is getting desperate!

Once this sea of ​​blood is combined with this Xuanming Mountain, it is too strong.

Hit wider!

Can this not make people desperate?

"Okay, we promise you.

However, if you make a request to us, it cannot damage our family interests, and it cannot be a request that we cannot meet! "

Discussed for a long time.

Su Xingbang, Golden Wing Valley. Fan Wu finally had a foul face and agreed to Qian Xing's terms.

Fortunately, each of the three owed money to one favor.

"Of course! I'm lucky, how can I be such an unkind person?"

Qian Xing smiled.

He also held a substitute death charm from the turtle.

In this way, he hummed two self-refined substitute death charms that could be used to resist two bombardments.

And the two Yuheng black peonies that Su Xingbang gave him, of course, have been placed in the space of the Shenfu


Once the raw material varieties needed to cultivate the Yuheng black peony were obtained, the two Yuheng black peony were transplanted into the two-color strange mud.

"The three of us shot. We bombarded the sea of ​​blood with all our strength and opened a path.

In this way, the soul of the ghost will inevitably come to stop.

At this time. Go up and haunt him. "

Su Xingbang said the three discussed the battle

"That's OK, this plan is indeed the only feasible plan."

Qian Xing nodded.

These three leaders still have two brushes.

Decision at critical moments. It's fairly reasonable.

The strategy has been set, and there is no hesitation.

Su Xingbang took the first shot.

There was a decisive look in his eyes, and the black sword rainbow in his hand lit up!

Countless black peony flowers suddenly filled the entire dreamlike cyan light stream.

Black sword rainbow, a magic trick!

Countless black peonies turned into tiny black awns and poured into his body.

In an instant, his entire body gradually became translucent, like a human-shaped black crystal.

It is also like a blazing black light group, dazzling black light. Let the entire dreamlike cyan light stream shadow fade away, turning into black glaze light!

Su Xingbang hit his right hand fiercely!

A flash of black lightning. Toward the boundless sea of ​​blood!

Black lightning struck across the surface of the blood sea, and the raging waves rose! "It becomes two walls of water, a full kilometer high!

This sword slashed a sea of ​​blood for fifty miles!

Golden Wing Valley was aroused by the power of this sword! "

The whole body turned into a golden tulip hundreds of meters long, and between the petals of the thousand-layer golden tulip, there were countless blue flames flashing and jumping.

In a flash, it turned into a golden straight line, and in the channel that was cut out, it had already crossed a distance of fifty miles!

A thousand-meter-long golden blade light, with the blade burning with a blue flame, suddenly emerged from a petal of golden tulip, just a cut!

In the midst of the huge earthquake, the blood-colored sea also divided to the two sides, stirring up a 500-meter-high wall of water!

This Fei cut open a passage of ten miles long.

The huge golden turmeric petals are rushing into one piece one by one into a thousand-meter golden long knife!

Just like the birth and death of a runner, it cuts out one after another!

Need to shake Maozhong. Thousand-meter golden knife, cut five knives in a row!

Even cut through the sea of ​​blood for fifty miles!

Seeing the sea of ​​blood blocking in front, it is only a few miles wide!


Qian Xing yelled!

It turned into a blue light and entered the dragon, taking the lead and rushing along the cut-out Baili channel!

The cyan light stream shadow transformed into a dreamling changed, like a group of fast floating cyan stream clouds, following Qian Xing galloping away.

Countless blood demons shouted, rushing down from the walls of the sea of ​​blood that were as high as a kilometer on both sides, trying to block this dragon-like blue light.

I saw that these blood demons and this dragon-like blue light immediately turned into ashes. Even with the support of the sea of ​​blood, there is no possibility of recovery!

"Boy, it seems that you and I are going to have a game after all!"

"The boy in black" is the ghost of the dark god, with a bite of his teeth!

Do not destroy this person. These thousands of essence prey, I am afraid they will escape without a trace!

"Die... son!"

The black shadow flashed in the sea of ​​blood, but it was faster than Qian Xing's escape, and had appeared in the sea of ​​blood a few miles away from Qian Xing.

The blood-red rapier in his hand flicked, and dozens of blood-red rays had already flown toward Qian Xing meteor!

Seeing dozens of extremely cold feelings, enveloped his whole body.

Qian Xing didn't look back, the blue light flashed, just a sword backward!

With a sword passing by, a strange fragrance rose into the sky, and red petals fluttered all over the sky.

It turned out to be like a thousand flowers falling in the air!

As if to sweep away all the glitz in the world!

In the roar that resembled a torrential rain, dozens of stars collided fiercely with countless petals.

Among the countless petals shattered and submerged, dozens of scarlet starlights, highlighting the rain of flowers, are just one or two.

Into the dragon, the blue light accelerated, and the few stars were already far away!

"Okay, there is a play!"

The Second Young Master Su glanced at each other, with joy in their eyes!

Qian Xing is about to use the magical power of Lending Hua Yixing, any fragment of petals in the sky is possible. The figure of money fortunately emerges at any time.

The ghost of the dark god, but did not know Qian Xing's magical power.

"Huh, just this skill?"

The boy in black snorted disdainfully.

No matter how powerful your time domain is, it is only a ten-meter range.

I just don't get close to you. What can you do with me in your time field?

The black-clothed boy absolutely believes that as long as he calls himself on guard.

This kid with the realm of time can never get close to him within ten meters!

Naturally, that time domain is also invalid for oneself!

His figure flickered~www.readwn.com~ has turned into a **** light like electricity, chasing Qian Xing behind.

At such a fast speed, the petal fragments flying all over the sky naturally stained a lot, above the blood of the boy in black!

really. Seeing the blood of the boy in black, the blue color flashed!

Qian Xing's figure has been firmly grasped at the tip of the bodyguard!

The golden and silver light spread out instantly!

The blood-red light that was faster than lightning just now was wrapped in the light of gold and silver, hovering in the air, motionless!

"Full attack!"

Su Xingbang roared. The black sword rainbow in his hand has been cut with all his strength!

Black lightning flashed. Just towards the light ball of gold and silver, slashed down!

The thousand-meter-long golden blade glow flashed with cyan flame, followed by the black lightning.

Like a flag, a blue thunder light like a spear, like a torrential rain, closely behind the golden sword of a thousand meters!

"Boy, let me go! You are stupid!"

The black-clothed boy saw the attack getting closer, but Qian Qian had no intention of removing the time domain.


Immediately, screamed in shock and anger!

"I'm not stupid, you are the stupid!"

Qian Xing showed a weird smile.

Seeing that the black lightning-like sword light had already approached, only then did the time domain be collected and activated for the death talisman!

The blood was surging, and once again aroused the height of 100 meters!

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