Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1284: Wuxia Shenyang Peak

Qian Xing is numb!

Since entering this Baoquan Rang beater, amazing things have been one after another.

See too much.

This kind of mountain fell from the sky, and it was Yushan, and Qian Xing could not be too surprised.

And the ghost of the dark seven-diamond flower **** is also waiting.

The anxiety and longing that God can't express in the secret.

"The soft-shelled turtle, the soul of this little ghost, must have a considerable relationship with this Yushan, we have to "one"

The turtle nodded repeatedly at Qian Xing's instructions. "Why. Qian Xing has no voice?

The turtle looked back, and suddenly opened his mouth!

What a big crowd!

It was like a huge swarm of crows flying towards here. The new address of this site has been changed to: Four Shan concave plus four, please log in to read

Look at that posture, there are also tens of thousands of people who cover the sky and the earth!

In the other direction, dozens of streamers came lasing, like ancient stars, crossing the vast universe, incredibly fast.

These dozens of fast and incredible streamers, Turtle and Qian Xing are very familiar


Phoenix family!

In the thousand-mile light of this mysterious jade mountain, the strength of the Phoenix clan finally showed itself in front of the escape light that they used with all their strength.

Qian Xing and turtles watched these dozens of incredibly fast escapes. There are only two words in my heart, horror!

"Qian Xing, pick me up quickly. I know the person here, who is a disciple of Wuxia Shenyang Peak. They like to bully the less by more. I will tell them a few words!

Luanpo's anxious voice reached Qian Xing's ears.

Obviously, Luanpo does not refer to the Phoenix family.

It's the large crowd of black people.

"That's good, that's good! Brother Luan,

Talk to Su Xingbang and them first, lest they run away! "

Hearing Luanpo's words, Qian Xing's heart seemed to drink a bottle of ice water in June.

Immediately his body shape shook, and he galloped away toward the blue light stream shadow formed by the dreamlike Ling!

Of course, if you want Luanpo to comfort Su Xingbang and the others quickly, lest this group of goods come to an emergency.

really. I saw this black and overwhelming disciple of Wuxia Shenyang Peak.

More than four thousand people hiding in Rumeng Ling is a commotion!

Look at this large black and heavy film.

The number of people coming is at least ten times that of the four thousand survivors!

If these tens of thousands of enemies, they would be malicious against these four thousand survivors.

Of these four thousand survivors, there are really not many who can get out of Baoquan Mountain alive.

Can they not panic.

Fortunately, Luanpo immediately said something to Su Xingbang and the others.

More than four thousand people gradually calmed down.

At this time, Qian Xing and Turtle also broke the peak and received Qian Xing's time domain.

Still suspended near the boy in black.

The huge Yushan is getting closer and closer to the sea of ​​blood, but the speed of falling has become slower and slower!

To slow down such a huge mountain, how powerful is it?

The black-clothed boy incarnation of the spirit of the ghost was anxious and his eyes were full of longing.

"He is looking forward to the mountain to stop!"

Turtle's thinking, at this time, became unusually sensitive.

He immediately guessed the intention of the boy in black.

"Well, this mountain doesn't stop, he doesn't dare to move at all, it should be like this."

At this time, tens of thousands of monks finally approached the mountain, stopped and formed a wild goose-wing formation, everyone wearing black robes. There is a blue **** sheep embroidered on the chest, and you can see it is a well-trained card.

He grew up, with a layer of blue aura, pale yellow hair, high forehead, and a pair of pale gray grunts. The monk, long and narrow like crane eyes, stepped forward. Just shout towards Qian Xing!

"On the opposite side is the group of guys who saw the arrival of our Shenyang Peak. They don't have to retreat quickly!"

Sure enough, he was overbearing. Seeing the other party was strict, he expelled him without any secret. I don't even bother to say a polite remark.

"I am Lipo of the Lingqiao Palace on Tianpeng Mountain!

Mie Fengyun is there! Let him out! "

Luan broke this statement. The cultivator with the yellow hair and high amount on the opposite side suddenly became calm, and nodded towards Luanpo.

"It turned out to be Brother Yi Po, Senior Brother Mie Fengyun wandered, and did not come to Baoquan Mountain.

I am Qixu, the fourth brother of Senior Brother Mie Fengyun.

Didn't Luan Po not be a Voidwalker?

How come these people don't look like the brothers of Tianpeng Mountain Lingjiao Palace. "

It seems. For these disciples of Wuxia Shenyang Peak, Tianpeng Mountain Lingjiao Palace still has a certain influence.

However, this disciple of Shenyangfeng, named Qingxuelai, could also see it.

The four thousand people behind Qian Xing's trio were not disciples of Tianpeng Mountain Lingjiao Palace.

Since he is not a disciple of Tianpeng Mountain Lingjiao Palace, then, whether to sell face, how much face to sell, is another consideration.

When Qingsu said this, he waved his right hand in the air.

Put a considerable range. Are enveloped in. The new address of this site has been changed to: Four Shan concave plus four, please log in to read

In his opinion, his own side has already occupied an absolute advantage in numbers, so where does he need to care about what others think?

Unexpectedly, a stroke of his hand was random, but a terrible disaster came out.

"What is it, what is it not?"

Just heard a voice. The green beard is a pound. Trembling!

This voice is too cold. With a deep chill!

When he turned his head, he saw a pair of eyes that were as deep as water!

A chill suddenly rose from his tail bone.

Immediately, Qingbeard came to feel annoyed and hated.

The streamer of these dozens of people fleeing is incredibly fast.

Qingbeard came and looked far away. It's also horrified.

But no matter how scared. There are only dozens of people on the other side!

The number of people on your side ~www.readwn.com~ is a thousand times that of the other side!

Thousands of times more than the other side, but also afraid of being a crow.

Qingbeard stretched out his hand. He yelled, "You little girl, really funny

The lingering sound of the laughter still lingers in the air.

See the white light of the moon in the sky flashing!

White light this month. Like a little light from the beginning of chaos,

There is also extremely tragic. Indomitable momentum! "

This is Qingbeard's last thought.

Because, in the eyes of others. In between, a moon-white light that the sun and moon had lost its color, lit up in the hands of this woman in the moon-white robe!

Immediately afterwards, the arrogant green beard just now came and turned into nothingness in this sword light!

The audience was silent!

The monk thugs of more than 40,000 Wuxia Shenyang Peak were full of horror and anger!

But the four thousand surviving Sifang monks were full of misfortune!

This is the strongman of the Phoenix family

At the beginning of her sword. Qian Xing fired two thunders and destroyed an axe, and this was the only way to stop it!

How dare to insult such a strong man!

See how you little girls end up!

The silence of 40,000 people lasted only a short moment, and soon, the number gave him enough courage.

"Ma Le forced

All kinds of swearing are released instantly!

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