Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1396: The destruction of Jiancuizhuang

The white mask gave out a faint white light. (Network Novel Network e

It not only illuminates the thousands of acres of magnificent buildings inside, but also illuminates the surrounding area. It was also illuminated brightly without a trace of fog.

This is the other courtyard built by Maoyuan's people on Longgu Mountain.

In the white mask, the people coming and going in the other courtyard are really lively.

In the sky tens of miles away, I can see clearly my concubine

"That's it"

Member Qian asked lightly.

"Yes! This is it. Destroy this place and give Maoyuan the beast a lesson!"

Luanpo nodded affirmatively, gritted his teeth and said.

Following the horrible one thousand little brothers, this time it was an eye-opener.

I saw Committee Member Qian shook his right hand. Push it down!

A watery apricot-yellow beam of light gushed out from the palm of Chairman Qian's hand.

It was just a short while, already tens of miles across the sky, blasting on the white mask.

This white mask. It is also a resident-level protective Taoism.

Even if it stays there, hundreds of cultivators will go up without an hour, I'm afraid it won't be possible.

However, when touched by the watery, apricot-yellow beam of light that seemed extremely agile, the white mask immediately exploded.

Immediately after. The apricot mask blasted on a building, this gorgeous building. Immediately turned to gray.

Then, the apricot light beam spread out sharply.

Everything that runs into apricot light clusters. All torn apart.

The space is torn, the building is torn, the personnel are torn!

Although every building ping-pong suddenly lit up various colors of protective light, when it hit the apricot light, it was useless.

"Boom Rumble"

A burst of muffled thunder spread in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of smoke rose into the sky!

The powerful resident protection Dao Fa was completely torn into pieces.

Thousands of acres of buildings, reinforced by protective magic, have already been wiped out!

It's like a huge pancake, gnawed into only crescents.

Everyone was stunned.

Commissioner Qian flicked his arm and made another blow.

This time, thousands of acres of buildings, the remaining crescent.

It was also wiped out under the wave of Chairman Qian.

Two large, intertwined and overlapping holes appeared on the ground, one by one without a bottom.

Just now, under the mask, in this building covering thousands of acres, even the monks led handyman. I was afraid that there would not be more than a thousand people. After these two bombardments, Commissioner Qian only had dozens of sword lights, flying obliquely from the ruins in all directions. "

Luanpo waved his hand proudly this time!

More than a thousand little brothers turned into more than a thousand rays of light, just like the galaxy falling straight from the nine days, shrouded in the sky toward the dozens of fleeing sword lights.

In the blink of an eye, a burst of colorful flashes lit up and the roar echoed in the misty and mysterious Yunmeng swamp. At the same time, there were only a few sword lights, using various secret methods to escape the intensive culling, and disappear into Yunmengze. in.

This is the only survivor of the branch established by Maoyuan.

"Hehe. In the depths of Yunmengze, there are all kinds of giant monsters, mysterious and dangerous.

These guys fled into the depths of Yunmengze, I think these guys are dizzy. "

Luanpo shook his head and sighed, his face gloating.

In the Dragon Bone Mountain, dozens of miles away, dozens of weird little monsters were staring at the wonders dozens of miles away.

Some of them have python heads, some have tiger heads, and some have spider faces, with several compound eyes gleaming green.

However, they are generally all in a bright armor, with a big "Xun" written on the front of the armor. These little monsters are all mountain-patrolling little monsters of Dragon Bone Mountain.

"Then what happened to Jian Cuizhuang? It's over so soon?

Those humans are fighting on their own, haha...

A mountain patrol demon with a head like a big spider laughed.

"Ten eyes, you have the best eyesight here, who are the guys who attacked Jian Cuizhuang?

Those guys in Jian Cui Zhuang are pretty good. Did the few materials I sold them yesterday at a good price? "

The tiger head mountain patrolling little demon muttered, and asked the little demon whose head was like a spider. .

This head is like a squinting little demon, whose name is Shiyan.

Because he has ten compound eyes, he is the one with the best eyesight among these mountain patrol little monsters.

"Haha, look at those attackers, there are also signs of Tianpeng Mountain, Jian Cuizhuang. Isn't it also Tianpeng Mountain?

Why did they fight by themselves. "

Fengyan answered puzzledly.

Although Ten Eyes has enough eyes and can see far enough, his brain is not very good.

So after working for many years, he was just a little demon who patrolled the mountains.

"You know what a shit! There are also many factions in Tianpeng Mountain, Jian Cuizhuang and the others. They are more friendly to Longgushan.

People from other factions are not very friendly to Longgushan.

Now that Jian Cui Zhuang is finished, let's report it to the king.

What to do with the king

The patrol with the head of a lizard...Kawasaki, his eyes are long and thin. Looks extremely treacherous 6※※

He is also extremely disdainful of Ten Eyes' ignorance.

Seeing dozens of sword lights, he turned and flew towards Dragon Bone Mountain.

This monster with a lizard head trembled in his heart.

"Ten eyes, you are all staring here, I will report to the king."

After that, a cloud of mist rose under his feet and instantly turned into a gust of wind, wrapped it in the depths of the keel, and rolled away.

"Damn! This guy is here again."

Several little demons cursed in their hearts collectively.

Helplessly, this little demon with a lizard head had the highest status among their dozen mountain patrol soldiers.

Put them aside and ran to inform the king. There is no way for these dozen little demons.

"Ah...what's the matter, those human monks are coming here"

Ten eyes realized that as a few unusually bright sword lights turned towards Dragon Bone Mountain, all the sword lights in the air turned towards Dragon Bone Mountain together.

Ten eyes means that the head is dull again, this time it is not good to know.

"Go, let's report the blow to the king!"

The little demon's eyes were not good. With a pair of big copper bell eyes, he quickly made an excuse and fluttered toward the ground. It turned into a serpentine light and turned into a serpentine light.


Seeing that the situation was wrong, the other little demon would start running.

In the distance of the sky, an apricot-yellow light just flashed, and it had nearly crossed dozens of miles of space and reached the sky above the dispersing little demon.

Immediately afterwards, the apricot-yellow light flourished and the color became darker, and an unparalleled attraction came out of the apricot-yellow light.

A dozen little demons were firmly covered.

The dozen or so little demons were not only immobile.

Not only that, in the apricot-yellow light, there was a huge power that caused the blood toss in the body of these dozen little monsters, even using the magic tricks.

A clear voice came from the apricot light: "Quickly, where is the cave house of the Bone Crocodile King?

Hurry up and lead the way, to save you from death! "

Although the voice was clear and clear, it was like a huge thunder in the ears of these dozen little demons.

It shocked them, from the soul to the bones, they were a little soft.

Even the slightest thought of resistance has never arisen.

Amidst repeated proclamations, he turned and headed towards the mansion of the Bone Crocodile King.

It's just that the mountains are broken, and after feeling the huge attraction of the apricot light group next to him, my heart trembles!

"This gravity, this gravity, has reached at least one thousand six hundred times!

Moreover, this apricot-yellow light is obviously not pure gravity mystery, it is likely to be a combination of several power mysteries. Since there is gravity mystery fusion, it is obvious that it is the earth power mystery, and it is also one of the many power mysteries. Planted

One thousand six hundred times the gravity, in the plane of the giant rock earth god, is not too rare.

What is rare is that the mystery of gravity, which is 1,600 times, is fused with the mystery of the power of other elements!

The difference in power is too great.

The more Luanpo thought about it, the more he couldn't help it.

There was something scratching in my heart.

"Old Qian, how many lines of power is the mysterious fusion of the power you exert?"

It stands to reason, what tactics did each monk cultivate. The extent of the cultivation is never easy to show to others, and outsiders should not inquire.

However, as Commissioner Qian's thoughts turned, he still told the truth about this former senior. Anyway, it is no secret that he has cultivated the four elements of the mysterious fusion.

"It's not too much, it's just the fusion of the four powers of earth, wood, light, and water.

Commissioner Qian gave a faint answer~www.readwn.com~ Luanpo only felt thunderous, and then he was about to vomit and vomit blood.

The power and mystery of the four different element systems are fused, not much?

Think about yourself, only on the road of the mysterious fusion of the two elements of earth and fire, you have made a little progress.

It was already secretly overjoyed.

The monks on the God plane of the giant rock ground based on the cultivation of the mystery of the power of the earth element, and then, when the two elements are merged, they are not choosing the earth element. The combination of the power of the fire element and the mystery is to choose the combination of the earth element and the power of the gold element.

Because the two elements of the fire element and the gold element have relatively strong offensive powers, they just form a complementary relationship with the earth element.

Commissioner Qian said it was the fusion of the four elements of mystery, and this just explained why Commissioner Qian made such a powerful move.

The mystery of the four powers in the mouth of Commissioner Qian is absolutely genuine, absolutely not a false statement.

Luanpo suddenly felt that his heart was floating in the air.

When I met in Longshan, Commissioner Qian was still a generation whose cultivation level was far worse than his own. It was only a few years, and he was full of calculations, but it was only more than two hundred years. Commissioner Qian's monk had already left himself invisible. .

This is called a messy heart.

This is, in the valley in front, huge clouds suddenly surge! , If you want to know what is going on, please log in to the muscle chapter More, support the author, support genuine reading!

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