Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1406: Chixuan Xinghuomang

Seeing that this screen-like magic weapon was able to block a divine thunder.

Not to mention that Chi Jing's expression was just a sigh, even Commissioner Qian's expression changed.

The three-point red star was issued, which made Committee Member Qian pay more attention. These three red starlights have a special style. Each starlight has a nose and eyes, and a pair of small wings next to it. The murderous air is indescribable, just like the arrival of heavy snow in winter. Go straight to the world.

It was just a shot, bringing three red lights, between the wings, shooting out countless silver sparks, the power is infinite, just a short time, it has already broken through the thousands of feet of apricot-yellow thunder fire, and came straight into the red banner.

In the eyes of Commissioner Qian, he saw it, breaking through the aftermath of the thousand-zhang apricot, yellow, black and thunder light, these three red starlights were only reduced by a circle.

"Crimson Profound Star Fire Light, you turned into three Red Profound Star Fire Lights!"

On Chi Jing's forehead, sweat came out.

The Red Profound Star Fire Mang is the star family's stunt in the Tianpeng Mountain. In terms of attack power, it ranks second in the Tianpeng Rang attack Dao Fa.

More importantly, the Red Profound Star Fire Light, the more Dao cultivated, the stronger the attack power.

However, Chi Xuan Xinghuo's defensive ability is really average, and this is only on the attacking Dao list.

However, Chi Jing compared the flames of the Red Profound Star with the thunder talisman bestowed by Commissioner Qian, and felt that the apricot thunder talisman was still powerful.

The attack is powerful and wide.

Once the Thunder Talisman is used, before the opponent breaks the Thunder Law, he simply does not need to defend.

"It's good because your Scarlet Profound Star is so powerful, or my Thunder Magic is amazing!"

Chi Jing was all attentive, aiming at these three red starlights, another apricot-yellow thunderball, it was already a throw, an apricot-yellow light like electricity, in the middle of the red starlight.

Chi Xuan Xinghuo glow, Hui Rui is extremely serious, what will happen to him!

Three Chixuan Starfire wings flicked at the same time, counting the silver sparkle, shooting out, and instantly greeted the apricot-yellow thunderball.

I saw a crack in the sky!

A circle of apricot-yellow light is extremely dazzling. Spread thirty miles instantly!

Form a huge apricot yellow circle.

The whole world formed in the sword pond was shining apricot yellow.

Xingtian's figure leaned back, billowing thunder light, and the screens of the fairy mountain that formed a circle, shook the light again and again, turned somersaults in the air, and retreated quickly.

Suddenly, the mind outside the stars has completely lost contact with the three red stars.


Outside the star sky, just a mouthful of blood, vomited out.

These three Red Profound Star Fire Lights are highly connected with the mind of the natal.

The three Red Profound Star Fire Lights were destroyed at the same time, and the divine mansion outside the star sky was traumatized.

Seeing the fairy mountain screen, flying far and wide.

Chi Jing hates her heart. This fairy mountain screen is the first defensive treasure of Tianpeng Mountain. The Mao family actually lent this kind of treasure to Xingtian to deal with their own children. If you still let the fairy mountain screen exist, how can you stop this breath ?

Chi Jing's eyes stared, and another apricot-yellow light shot out.

Suddenly, thousands of zhang apricot thunderbolts fell from the sky together!

Split straight on the fairy mountain screen!

The defense of any magic weapon has some degree.

The screen of the fairy mountain had already been directly bombarded by a thunder talisman, and was struck by another apricot-yellow thunder talisman, causing the light to flash again and again.

The apricot thunderbolt thundered again. This fairy mountain screen couldn't stand it immediately, it fell to pieces immediately, and the pieces splashed everywhere!

Xingtian was originally under the protection of the fairy mountain screen.

However, the Xianshan screen was shattered!

There was nowhere to escape from the star sky, and a scream just exited, and the whole body was stretched out in a flash of thunder. Has been reduced to ashes!

Chi Jing just let out a sigh of relief. The qualifications of the Tianpeng Mountain committee were basically obtained.

Thirty people, draw two pairs and one-on-one.

At the end, there were 17 people.

Out of the 17 people, they have to draw lots to decide to fight, and two people will be eliminated.

Now it seems that the strongest of Tianpeng Mountain is like a magic weapon, and it has been blasted to pieces by himself.

No matter who draws himself, in addition to admit defeat, he can only be blasted to pieces by his own thunder talisman.

So this is what happened. Committee member, I am determined!

Wang escaped out of the sword pond, and there was a roar of anger.

"Chi Jing, you are so courageous, our star family is at odds with you!"

"Chi Jing, just wait and see!"

Before Maoshao's mansion flew to Chijing, he pointed his right hand and cursed: "Chijing, you know that the fairy mountain screen is something of our Mao family, so you dare to kill you next time!"

Chi Jing's temper was immediately aroused.

With a flip of his hand, an apricot thunderball was already in his hand.

"Since your Mao family dared to lend the Xianshan screen to Xingtianwai, I would dare to blow!

Why, there are dozens of thunder symbols in my place. Do you want to try one? "

Chi Jing smiled coldly.

As for the dozens of thunderballs in his hand, it was even more of a bluff. He obtained fifteen thunderbolts from Commissioner Qian. He used six of them, and there are nine on hand.

However, the Qiao family and the Xing family have already

Dozens of thunder symbols. Each one has such power, enough to deter these two families from acting rashly.

When Chi Jing took out the Lei Talisman, Mao Shaofu's expression changed.

Can't help taking a few steps back. "

Mao Shaofu's tone stuttered a little.

As soon as he turned around, he walked away.

This thunder symbol. It's really a good thing, you have to get some more.

Chi Jing looked at Commissioner Qian, not only a little more eager.

It was Committee Qian’s turn to appear, and Committee Qian was as easy as before.

The sword light of the opponent turned into a cyan sword light. The cyan sword light was pure and fierce, but there was an unpredictable weirdness.

However, in a face-to-face effort, the cyan sword light attacked sharply and changed a lot, drowning Committee Qian, together with a radius of thousands of meters, in a cyan wave.

However, in such a fierce cyan wave, Commissioner Qian had his hands behind his back, flashing with ease.

Commissioner Qian was originally based on the practice of Qingning Sword Art, and he has cultivated Qingning Sword Art to the state of Dzogchen.

therefore. This variety of sword attacks is precisely the strong point of Committee Member Qian.

You don't even need to counterattack, the opponent's sword light is nothing but him.

This monk saw that he had the upper hand, but his opponent was like an immortal cockroach, unable to step on him. The monk's heart became more and more impatient.

The azure sword light became more and more flaming when he thought of the law.

Countless black panthers appeared inside.

The black panthers jumped and shot out.

With the ubiquitous cyan sword light and the black panther, even if committee member Qian was quicker, he was rushed by the black panther.

It's just that this black panther, after all, is a kind of energy attack formed by Dao Fa.

He swooped nearly five feet away from Commissioner Qian's body, and in the void, a flower immediately appeared, and in full bloom, ripples rushed over the whole body of the panther silently.

The black panther with its teeth and claws immediately melted into nothingness.

Thousands of black panthers were completely melted away at a distance of five feet from Commissioner Qian.

No black panther can go one step beyond the thunder pond.

The monk's face turned pale at first sight.

This method consumes a lot of power.

It consumes a lot of money, but it is useless.

The two are intertwined, how can this face not be pale?

"Okay, that's it."

Seeing this monk, he couldn't come up with a new method.

Commissioner Qian just smiled slightly. Reach out!

A ray of red as the sun burst out.

The red light as the sun continued to grow in the air. When it came into contact with the cyan sword light, a ray of red light had turned into a red light curtain covering the sky and sun.

The extremely bright but not hot reflections of the two men's clothes were golden and red, like a sun descending here.

"The big day travels to the sky, all the demons, urge those who encounter them, and eliminate them!"

Qian Long chanted. Looks very solemn at the moment.

The cyan sword light like the tide, once encountered this red golden sword light like the sun, it immediately melted into pieces like snow meeting boiling water.

When the monk felt that his eyes were full of dazzling golden light, the whole person was swept by the dazzling golden-red light and turned into a cloud of blood.

In the part of the Great Sun Sword Art obtained by Commissioner Qian, "The Great Sun travels to the sky, the demons, and those who meet are urged. Eliminate the retreat!"

He has already cultivated to the highest level.

Qing Ning Jian Jue has reached its peak. This Great Sun Sword Art was originally not a complete part, and naturally it was practiced to the extreme that it could achieve.

Seeing that the monk’s swordsmanship is complicated~www.readwn.com~ Therefore, Commissioner Qian used the Great Sun swordsmanship.

As long as the monk can handle this trick, Commissioner Qian will stop there.

However, with the current cultivation base of Commissioner Qian, even if he uses the Great Sun Sword Art, his power has reached a considerable height.

After a knockout round, two more, fifteen committee members, will be available immediately.

Draw again, there are four people, will be drawn to the battle lottery, catch the fight,

The lottery in Chi Jing immediately sank.

After several draws in a row, it's my turn to be unlucky, and I can't help myself!

Chi Jing immediately yelled at the elder Pingle, who was wearing a moon-white robe, "Elder Pingle, I am to your elders. I have always respected him, but he's hairy, what's the matter?

With so many people, why is it always me? "

There was a bitter smile on Elder Pingle's thin face, and his eyes quickly glanced at the shed where the Mao family was located.

Then, his face was solemn: "Chi Jing, drawing lots is a historical rule. If you don't agree, you don't have to fight, you don't become a committee member!"

Chi Jing's eyes were also on the side of Yibangmao's house, and he nodded towards the elder Pingle.

Turning around to the candidates, just shout!

"Come, come, there are many more of this kind of fruit, if anyone is interested, just come!" If you want to know what is going on, please log in to the muscles, more chapters. Support the author, support genuine reading!

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