Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1410: Amazing Chijing

Member present. The boiled flame rises, soaring up to more than two feet high

Towards the entire Tianpeng Mountain, announcing the escalation of the flames of Commissioner Qian.

Venerable Zixia’s untold hardships, deep into the Qing Ming, Zhuo Ji, the purple sky fire from cultivation. That's all it belongs to the Qian committee.

The countless grasslands and forests on the cyan robe outside Commissioner Qian, swaying in the purple flames, looked vivid and weird.

The flames churned. Roaring, after a while, he suddenly closed it!

Commissioner Qian stood proudly.

"Because the dispatched representatives won, the committee members broke through and successfully advanced to the third core position!

If you are dissatisfied, you can challenge it! "

The excited voice of Elder Pingle spread throughout the audience in an instant.

As soon as this statement was made, the audience was silent and joking. Going forward to challenge Commissioner Qian, based on the cultivation of everyone present at Tianpeng Mountain, is it tired of living?

After a quarter of an hour passed.

No one went to the sword pool to challenge.

"Now it is officially announced, Luanpo. Taken as the third core position of the Tianpeng Mountain Committee.

In Zhanye's pale face, Elder Pingle announced this fact in a high-profile manner.

Luanpo stood up happily, waving his hands randomly.

A burst of applause from the concubine, applause sounded.

Then, hundreds of thousands shouted loudly. The loud shout made Luanpo's face a little twitched.

"Monster Qian, heroes are invincible! Heroes are invincible!"

The tsunami-like voices sang the praises of the Chief Qian.

Not many people cheered for Luanpo, the newly promoted core.

Zapa was embarrassed for a while, and his expression was relieved again.

After all, it was Commissioner Qian who displayed his power, not him.

Right here, Chi Jing, Pidian Pidian ran over.

Commissioner Qian also came out of Jianchi, went to the chair next to Luanpo, and took a sip of fairy wine.

The core challenges of the committee have long intervals.

Above the Buddhist platform suspended in the air. Elder Pingle, is speaking again.

"Xuemei, the fourth core of Yupeng Mountain, the personnel you dispatched have left the venue. Do you personally end the competition?"

Xuemei made a pretty face and hesitated. Venerable Frostwind, who played in his place, fled in despair.

However, Commissioner Qian also helped Luan Po obtain the third core position, in accordance with the regulations.

Commissioner Qian, can't play again.

Without Commissioner Qian, Xuemei still had the confidence to fight.

Xuemei thought. She was wearing a six-piece white dress, her facial features were exquisite and picturesque, and her figure was as ethereal as an immortal. She had a cold face, as if it said that strangers should not come near.

As soon as this thinking state appeared, I don't know how many monks around the square cast admiring eyes.

"Well, I personally end the competition."

Xuemei said coldly.

The core position of the Tianpeng Mountain Committee cannot be given up so easily.

Right here, Luan Po was toasting Qian Dawei a glass of wine.

"Old Qian, Xuemei's expression is much colder than Chijing's. One of them is like a stone and the other is like an ice block.

I think they are a good match. "

Luanpo laughed wantonly.

After successfully advancing to the third core position, Luan Po was finally relaxed.

A silhouette in a red robe walked in quickly.

Zapo raised his head and said, "Agreement? Wang said you, kidding, don't mind."

It was Chi Jing who came here. Chi Jing's expression was originally majestic and solemn.

What kind of ear power are the monks who have achieved this level of cultivation?

The joke just now, since


If someone else says this, follow Chi Jing's temper. He drew his sword and slashed over.

But at this time, Chi Jing had come to ask for it, and couldn't get the slightest temper.

I had to laugh dryly: "Look at Luanpo what you said, that chick Xuemei has a cold temper. No. 1 at Tianpeng Mountain."

Luanpo heard Chi Jing's answer, and suddenly stopped.

With both eyes wide open, Chi Jing just looked up and down.

Chi Jing's whole body was fluffy when he was broken by Luan: "What?"

Luanpo just burst into laughter: "I said, Chijing, when did you become so talkative?

There is no stone like before.

You have already got the position of committee member. Is there anything else that we want committee member to do? "

Zapo always has self-knowledge, knowing that Chi Jing has always been a lukewarm attitude towards herself. Today, to be able to assume such a posture, it is absolutely not herself that she wants. One hundred percent, it was directed at Commissioner Qian.

"Ha ha"

Chi Jing laughed twice, but in a blink of an eye, his eyes became firmer than ever.

He gave a salute to Commissioner Qian: "Your Excellency, do you still have Thunder Talisman, can you give me more. I want to rely on your Thunder Talisman to compete for the fourth core position, if it succeeds. Money in the future? If your Excellency is dispatched, Chi Jing will go through the fire and water, and will not hesitate!"

Zapo's eyes widened.

The sour smell in the voice is enough to rush out ten miles!

Chi Jing made it clear.

As long as the committee member Qian Qian gave him enough thunder talisman to help him win the fourth core position of Tianpeng Mountain, he sold himself and became the younger brother of the committee member.

Luanpo had originally thought, to help Chi Jing win the position of committee member, and draw Chi Jing over and become one of his own aids.

did not expect. Chi Jing, the kid, usually looks majestic, but ambitious.

Here comes a man who sells himself directly to Committee Member Qian and wants to squeeze into the fourth core of Tianpeng Mountain in one fell swoop.

Ying Ran is ranked as the third core of Tianpeng Mountain. To be at the bottom ~www.readwn.com~ But, how to say, it is also on the same level as myself, the third core.

I want to direct Chi Jing like my little brother in the future, I'm afraid I don't even think about it.

Broken face. It changes several times at once, as exciting as it is.

"Then Chijing. The fourth core responsibility is to manage Tianpeng Mountain's diplomacy. One of the important conditions is to have contacts with multiple organizations. You don't usually interact with people...

The implication of this sentence is clear, but you are Chi Jing and you do not meet the election conditions of the fourth core of Tianpeng Mountain.

Luanpo wanted to win over Chi Jing. As my own little brother, an important factor is that Chijing's interaction with people is not too extensive.

At this time, seeing Chi Jing stand out astonishingly. Disrupt your plan completely.

Luanpo's heart is full of taste.

When the seeds of the head were hot, these words blurted out.

However, once the words are spoken, the heart is not good.

Seeing Chi Jing's face sank.

Commissioner Qian had already considered clearly during the conversation between the two and the transfer of thoughts.

I've heard Luan Po's comments on Chijing before. Although this person is a bit arrogant, he is also loyal.

As for wanting to be in position, that is normal.

Immediately he laughed: "It doesn't matter. I have several familiar organizations on the planet Earth. If the number of organizations that are registered and controlled, I can definitely help."


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