Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1412: Galaxy

The sword art comes out, ten miles of blood red regrets the flower, orchid has four big eagles circling

The end is heroic.

As soon as the core member Dao Fa came out, it really was extraordinary. Aroused the applause of the blockbuster in the audience.

Chijing has a population of tens of millions in Tianpeng Mountain. Among the hundreds of thousands of cultivators, they belonged to the type of "Servant Reading", that is, although they have certain strength, they always stand behind the light of others.

The popularity is far worse than Luanpo.

Naturally, there are not many people applauding.

However, Luanpo burst out with a thunder, and the ten-mile plum blossom sea was suddenly destroyed by half.

However, this classmate Chi Jing, who was not well-known, ran away in embarrassment with the fourth core in a flash.

At this moment, Xuemei, the fourth core, can be said to have lost her face.

Everyone knows that Xuemei belongs to the Maoyuan line.

The first battle had greatly embarrassed the Maoyuan team.

In today's battle, the Maoyuan family first invited two venerables from the main **** of Huola. First of all, it was imposing and intimidating the audience.

But it was beaten by Committee Member Qian, and one was thoroughly refined. One was seriously injured and fled.

Then Xuemei went out and was bombarded with a magic weapon by Chi Jing's thunder, breaking the sword art.

The strength of Maoyuan's first line was shaken unprecedentedly in front of everyone.

There was a buzzing discussion in the audience.

Mao Yuan and Mao Shaofu only felt that the countless eyes were like countless needles.

Mao Shao Mansion is already fidgeting.

Rao Shi Maoyuan has seen a lot of wind and waves, and at this time, his color has changed slightly.

The strongest magic weapon of the Mao family, the Xianshan Screen, has been blown to pieces outside the stars.

For a time, facing the large number of thunder symbols that Chi Jing might have.

Maoyuan couldn't think of any of his men who could go up and contend.

The position of the third core was taken away by Luanpo.

Seeing that the position of the fourth core will also be lost from the Mao family.

Maoyuan only felt a deep weakness. Suddenly, there was no way out.

Just as Chi Jing's arms continued to rise, waving to all directions.

Several monks in the audience were already talking nervously.

"Xing Cang, your Tianhe Xingsha is endless. It can be said that it is the best way to deal with this kind of thunder method. You can go up and try!

How do we "can lend you the magic weapon, you should be able to retreat, there should be no problem."

Several old monks, each with a deep tolerance, said to a middle-aged monk.

This monk, like them, has eyes like a lion and eyebrows like a sword.

But it seems that there is also a misty and deep feeling, just like the starry sky in the sky.

These people are all first-class elders of the Star Family in Tianpeng Mountain.

And the middle-aged monk with eyes like a lion and brow like a sword is the one called "Xing Cang".

"This, my Tianhe Xingsha, although it is endless, but compared to the fairy mountain screen, I am afraid it is not much stronger...this..."

Xing Cang's face was embarrassed.

My own Tianhe Xingsha can be refined for three hundred years with the whole sacrifice of the secrets of the stars!

Although it has been used as the secret magic weapon of the star family after the success of the sacrifice, it is kept secret.

However, Tianhe Xingsha is a magic weapon for both offense and defense. Compared with the fairy mountain screen, it is much stronger.

Xingcang has always been proud of this Tianhe Xingsha.

However, with the defensive ability of the fairy mountain screen, in front of the thunder talisman sent by Chi Jing, it was only two thunders before it was blown into pieces.

My own Tianhe Xingsha, even if it is stronger than the Xianshan screen, how many thunders can it endure?

Three thunder?

With luck, maybe four thunders?

This is my 300 years of hard work, is it worthwhile?

Another elder with a pale complexion stared at Xingcang hesitantly!

"Xing Cang, at this moment, it is time for you to contribute to the family!

Seeing that the Maojia Pai couldn't send anyone, our star family went up, and there was no need to directly conflict with the Mao family.

It is a great opportunity for our star family to achieve a core position!

How can such an opportunity be missed?

As long as you can consume the thunder talisman of Chijing, even if you don't win, we will send someone up again.

This elder's position must be reserved for you! "

The elder with a dark complexion said something

The elders of the other stars also nodded again and again.

Xing Cang knew in his heart that these elders were all figures in the Xing Family who held real power.

A few of them, their own newly promoted elder position, that can't escape.

And this battle, even if you bite the bullet, had no choice but to go.

Xing Cang nodded his head tragically.

Suddenly, several defensive weapons were handed over.

Xing Cang took it with his hand, and just relying on the fluctuations in the magic weapon, Xing Cang slammed his lips in his heart.

"What kind of stuff is this? With the addition of these stuff, I'm afraid it can't resist that apricot yellow thunderbolt!"

Immediately, Xing Cang's figure flickered and turned into a vast starlight, as if it had passed through the long time and space, and had already flown into the field.

"Chi Jing, you are too much. Even if our family is invincible, Tian Wai, you let him go once, what's the matter? Today, I want to seek justice for Tian Wai!"

The vast starlight scattered

Xing Cang looked awe-inspiring. Just point to Chi Jing, righteous

Chi Jing was furious, "Being in the sword pond, once you get into the field. It's life and death!

Your star family has been coveting this core position and want to regain your star family sixty years ago

Lost glory

He didn't have the guts to challenge the Mao family. You think everyone doesn’t know.

Tell you, everyone in Tianpengshan knows it!

What are you still calling here? "

Xing Cang's face suddenly turned red and white.

The star family is also a family in Tianpeng Mountain.

Successively, he also served as the core committee member of Tianpeng Mountain.

However, since sixty years ago, the star family lost the position of the core committee member of Tianpeng Mountain in that competition.

Never entered the core position of Tianpeng Mountain again.

Even if it takes ten years for a monk to come. It's not too short.

Therefore, the Star Family missed the core position of Tianpeng Mountain very tightly.

However, the forces that hold the five core positions of Tianpeng Mountain are very strong.

The Xing Family only dared not speak.

Chi Jing simply slapped the Xing Family's face.

Xing Cang suddenly became angry!

Not much to say, his figure shook.

In a flash, the whole person has turned into a long river. It doesn't look like it's more like a pond with dozens of lengths.

In a pond of dozens of miles. Full of dust and colored smoke.

In the cloud of concubine color, there are countless stars twinkling, like countless stars, composed of a long river.

Chi Jing looked at it, but laughed.

"Xingcang. Xingcang, I have heard that you have been in Qingming for three hundred years. I sacrificed magic weapons.

It's okay if you make such a thing and deal with others. To deal with me, your stars, no matter how many they are, they are useless! "

The words are not finished. That is, countless stars burst out from this long river of stars!

Thousands of silver stars fell into the sky like meteors, cutting through all the fog and obstacles, and the burst of light instantly illuminates the world, as if it has been flashing into the human spirit.

This is a strange and unspeakable feeling. Although the silver stars

Shining and distant

In the audience, most of the people's minds are occupied by this light in an instant, and they just feel that their consciousness is blank and can't help themselves for a long time.

However, the red mushrooms come to a close.

He still knew something about the power of the Taoism of the Star Family.

After all, he is also on the mountainside of Tianpeng Mountain. The character who opened up the cave.

Cultivation base and insight, barely returned to the top grade.

Since ancient times, all creatures on the ground have had a kind of fear, yearning, and admiration for the sun, moon and stars in the sky.

Therefore, the Dao Fa based on the sun, moon and stars, as long as it is cultivated to a little depth and the light shines, it will have a deterrent effect on the creatures that grow on the ground.

Therefore, when Xing Cang incarnates in Galaxy. Chi Jingbian is ready.

When the thousand stars shined, Chi Jing waved his hand.

A thunderball has been released.

Thousands of starlights are approaching in a flash, and every starlight has a big fist, the center of each starlight. There is a meteorite that keeps spinning.

Every meteorite has a radius of tens of miles, even hundreds of miles.

Among Qingming Yulei, there are not many others, these large and small meteorites. But countless!

However, the apricot thunderball appeared in the air, and suddenly turned into a thunderbolt, like a thunderbolt from nine days!

There was a huge shock. Thousands of silver stars turned into ashes at the same time.

Chi Jing smiled.

Xing Cang's three hundred years of kung fu is nothing but so!

However, Chi Jing suddenly realized that he had laughed, and Xing Cang had also laughed.

The two smiled at the same time.

Chi Jing felt wrong.

In the thunderbolt of thousands of apricot yellow, the dust of the silver stars burst out at the same time with a burst of extremely weak light ~ www.readwn.com~ The extremely weak light seemed to be colorless.

If it weren't for the pure water-like apricot yellow light against the background.

This extremely weak light is really hard to detect.

What surprised Chi Jing most was that such a violent apricot thunderbolt was easily penetrated by the extremely weak light!

This very pale light, and this apricot thunderbolt. As if not affecting each other!

The aftermath of the apricot yellow thunderbolt blasted towards the galaxy!

But the extremely faint light was directed towards Chi Jing and came straight.

Chi Jing was shocked, and he reminded the law!

A sea of ​​fire. Has been shrouded in front of Chi Jing.

Xiongmei flames ignited, and the space around the sea of ​​flames seemed to be distorted!

However, the extremely faint light was not affected much, and in an instant, it had enveloped the red banner!

Chi Jing felt his whole body trembled, and his heart felt bored. A mouthful of blood just gushes out!

"not good!"

At this time, the aftermath of the thunderbolt had bombarded the front end of the galaxy above the galaxy. The whole story was a shock, and it was set off high! At least tens of thousands of silver stars disappeared without a trace!

Before Xing Cang had time to feel distressed, he saw Chi Jing from a distance and waved his hand madly! , If you want to know what's going on, please log in. , More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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