Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1444: Old Feng's shock

Pharmacist Li and Committee Member Qian change colors at the same time!

"Impact Yuan Ying!"

What a shocking word! What a misty word again?

Those who are successful in the golden core must participate in the Tao of Yuan Ying. b

However, a four-diamond flower **** like Li Yaoshi could not make a step towards this level.

Commissioner Qian was anxious to leave and went back to save people.

However, the raised foot is put down again?

"Is the news true?"

Yaoshi Li's face moved. Even with the cultivation of a legion commander. Hearing "Yuan Ying. These two introductions, words. I can't keep calm anymore."

"Absolutely true, True Lord Haofei, the God of Broken Soul, is about to attack Yuan Ying recently?

how about it. Are you interested? .

Venerable Dali Le Dayuan definitely affirmed the truth of this news.

"What a great event it is to hit Nasal Infant. We have never met Hao Fei, the true Lord of Broken Soul, how can he allow us to observe it up close. He can't allow us to look at it close and far away. He can't see his body. , What's the use?"

Pharmacist Li shrugged his shoulders. Spread your hands.

Venerable Dali Le Dayuan's big bald head. It was just a smile at Committee Member Qian.


Commissioner Qian was just a chill out of disgust.

really. This Le Dayuan said: "I heard that True Lord Haofei, the God of Broken Soul, majored in water system Taoism. Water is Yin.

It is possible to practice the Dao of the water system to the point where it impacts the Nascent Soul. This Dao of the water system should have reached its peak, but it is also extremely cold.

Between heaven and earth. The alternation of cold and heat, complementing each other, is where the heavenly path is perfected. This is the great way.

Therefore, it may be difficult to achieve the ultimate impact of the water system Taoism alone. Unless, there is a treasure of extreme sun. I heard just now that in the Wuyang Yuhui Mine, this brother holds a lot of "".

Commissioner Qian took a deep breath immediately: "Why, Wuyang Yuhui Mine, can it help to attack Yuan Ying?

I have never heard of this? "

This Venerable Dali Le Dayuan is not talking nonsense. Hit the idea of ​​Wuyang Yuhui Mine in your own hands.

Yourself and this person. But I don't know it at all.

Even a strong pharmacist. It was in the floating castle of the Gripen Legion. Because of the incident of Liwei's mistake. The trouble is also very unpleasant.

Who knows if they run the train with their mouths full. Fudge yourself.

"Lao Le, you are right. Not as good. If you want to become Yuanying Dao, you must follow the way of heaven. This is the right way.

Yaoshi Li looked at Commissioner Qian strangely.

"Uh..." That. You go and listen first, I'll go back and save people first

Commissioner Qian did not see it.

No matter what is the way of heaven, this Wuyang Yuhui Mine. But its own.

There are three four diamond flower gods here. Why do you give the gift by yourself?

Seeing Commissioner Qian's escape disappeared into the horizon.

Le Dayuan shook his head bald.

"Pharmacist, you and your friend asked him to contribute a little bit of five Yang Yuhui out of the mine. From now on, we will remember his favor.

Pharmacist Li just shook his head.

"Oh, this person has only had a few encounters with me, not my friend.

It’s difficult to let people take Wuyang Yuhui Mine out of this mine."

Why don't we find some other treasures

Unexpectedly, Venerable Dali Le Yuan shook his head disapprovingly: "I said. True Lord Haofei, the **** of broken soul, is also a figure at the top of the Four Diamond Flower God, ordinary treasures, he is still rare.

Taiwan’s precious treasures, I’m afraid you can’t bear to take them out.

This, Pharmacist Li said nothing. If you talk about treasures, there are still a lot of good goods in the warehouse of the Gripen Legion. Surgical. There are more than two or three small children, so many of the various tastes related to flames have been sold and easily lost.

two. The Griffin Legion is not his Li Yao Master alone, and there are also several deputy commanders above it.

"Forget it, I'll go and discuss with this person. Uh...Which side did that person go to?"

Yaoshi Li suddenly remembered an important question?

I don't have any contact information for Commissioner Qian, and I don't know which person Commissioner Qian went to.

If such a rare and important substance as the Wuyang Yuhui Mine was discovered in the face under the jurisdiction of the Lord Biyou and mined in large quantities, as the commander of the Griffin Legion, could he not know?

Could it be that this Five Suns Jade Bore Mine was not produced in the plane under the jurisdiction of the Lord Biyou?

Or contact Feng Bijiaolin.

Pharmacist Li took out an object and threw it into the air with a finger!

In the light flashing

A hyperspace communication array suddenly appeared in front of Li Yaoshi.

Then, Medicine Master Li stretched out his hand again. Above the magic circle, there was a flash of light that made people unable to see clearly. Wait until the light subsides.

Feng. Bust of Bijiaolin. Suddenly appeared on the magic circle.

"Pharmacist. Why are you. Why did you run to the plane of Canglang Lord God?"

Pharmacist Li hit a haha.

"Old Feng, it seems that you look pretty good, you're pretty good, I'm here to do something, oh, I want to ask, you Tian Yangxing, there is a monk named Qian Xing, and his communication circle calls What is Fu Zhuan?.

The call sign of the communication array is equivalent to the call number.

"Oh, Qian Xing, he also ran to the plane of Canglang Lord God?

What are you doing there? "

Pharmacist Li did not answer either. Instead, he asked rhetorically, looking curious.

He belongs to the Biyou Temple system. Pharmacist Li belongs to the Bifu Army.

Although the meeting is polite, it does not mean that there is no talk, no question and no answer.

"Oh. Is he your friend?"

Pharmacist Li asked immediately.

"Of course, haha"

Feng. Bi Jiaolin said.

"That's good. That's good, I said Lao Feng, your friend, that's really amazing.

He came to this Ganlu Mountain. It is for some nectar to go back.

For a time. He walks too fast, I have no time to ask him the contact information of the communication circle

Yaoshi Li said ~www.readwn.com~ his figure seemed to have turned inadvertently, a hill that had become a flat ground, a palace that had become a ruin, and the deep gully that stretched to the horizon. , Appeared in the circle, in Feng Bijiaolin's sight.


Feng. Bi Jiaolin immediately understood. What kind of request is this so-called "seeking."

However, Feng Bijiaolin did not move his eyelids, as if none of this had ever happened.

Because of this, Feng. On the contrary, Bi Jiaolin was sure that this was exactly what the Chairman Qian did.

"Oh. Okay. The call talisman of his communication circle is

Feng. Bi Jiaolin is still the seal that called the communication circle of Commissioner Qian. Tell medicine master Li.

Pharmacist Li smiled, before closing the communication circle, he inadvertently said: "Your friend has reached the four-diamond flower god. The strength of the sky star is greatly increased!"


Feng. Bi Jiaolin is in the mouth. Before the closure of the communication circle. It's a big one!

It has only been decades since Qian Xing hasn't seen Qian Xing, and Qian Xing's cultivation level has reached the Four Diamond Flower God.

And his own cultivation level, he has just stabilized the initial level of the three-diamond flower god, looking forward to the three-diamond flower **** Zhongzhi series, he is looking forward to the chaff of the sun.

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