Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1478: An Zaixuan

Everyone present frowned.

This grain board. The mouth is too poisonous.

Even if the other party really wants to sell his reputation, he can't say it so bluntly.

"I don't know good or bad"

Commissioner Qian's face changed!

I just want to take a palm of the grain into a powder.

However, in this way, does it mean that you are losing your stomach?

I remembered the idioms I saw before that the prime minister could hold a boat in his belly, and then I realized that the scene of a big man is not easy to maintain.

"Sure enough, Guban, I will give you a chance to increase your strength to what extent, whether it can match your mouth."

Committee Member Qian knew that this grain board was like a literati in ancient times. The bones were so hard that they couldn't be trained. If you kill them, you can only make others laugh at your own stomach.

I’m a master now, a real master, you must pay attention to your demeanor

How come I feel a bit like a villain.

Commissioner Qian repeatedly chanted in his stomach and finally turned his attention. Move away.

Commissioner Qian's eyes cast a glance at Ah Chou.

A Chou immediately understood.

He smiled at the famous monk: "Now it's your turn to taste the taste of barbecue!"

Seeing A Chou's mouth opened, the orange-red flame spit out.

The monk just screamed: "How can I lose to a pet!"

The whole body's hair is standing upside down, stepping forward, standing up like a knife, facing the orange-red flame, it is a split!

A monster like a small hill suddenly appeared above the monk's head. It was like a huge whale, but its head was like a huge wolf head with scales.

The limbs are as thick as legs, but they have claws like eagles.

This is the ancient wolf whale of the monster of the Beast Sea.

Its size is like a whale, its swift and ferocious like a wolf, it is an ancient wolf whale.

The wolf whale pounced, and a black thunder of tens of thousands of meters, mighty, blasted down towards Committee Member Qian!

Second Young Master Su and a group of subordinates standing behind Committee Member Qian suddenly felt that a heavy and extremely pressure was rolling down from the wolf whale.

Except for the second son of Su, all of his subordinates shouted at the same time.

Out of the way of protecting the body!

Just the pressure of the wolf whale and this black thunder spread, let these monks release the protective shield.

"Haha. Big fish, I like it best! It seems to be a little smaller."

Ah Chou just felt the blood boiled all over her body.

As if there is some kind of long-lasting memory, awakened in his own blood.

It seems that I am born to like these fish.

However, this fish seems to be a bit smaller.

A Chou's mind was already filled with natural appetite.

Shouted: "Good job!"

The body shape shook, and the original body had appeared.

A huge red bird is hundreds of meters in size, and a big head actually occupies one-third of the whole body.

The feathers all over his body were burning with red flames.

Whether it is body shape or feather style.

It is neither like an eagle, nor a crane, nor a peacock, nor is it like the phoenix that Commissioner Qian has seen.

Two wings, a gust of wind and howl

A Chou's right wing is blocked!

It actually blocked the black thunder that shook the sky abruptly.

With a loud bang, Ah Chou rose up into the sky surrounded by black thunder and lightning. Its momentum is so fierce as if it is going straight into the sky.

In the air, it is a giant bird with its wings spread out, and its body is full of flames, and it is leaning back.

Take a look!

It was as if a golden forest had been raised out of thin air, just as hardly grasping on the open wolf head.


A pair of golden giant claws penetrated, and countless small golden-red ripples followed the wolf whale's head, wipingly inside the wolf whale's body, extending away.

This wolf whale itself is a sealed monster spirit, although it retains the ability to guard against thunder.

However, the real strength is far inferior to the steel and iron bone when the wolf whale is alive.

The red light on Ah Chou's claws sputtered, and several cracks appeared in the whole body of the wolf whale.

"What is this? Die!"

The monk was not surprised and rejoiced. The wolf whale's huge body and powerful lightning were only part of the wolf whale's skills.

The strongest wolf whale relies on its rough skin and powerful melee combat.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Ah Chou, and reminded him of the law!

However, the wolf whale, who was grabbed by A Chou's head, didn't even move.

Moreover, vaguely, from the spirit of this wolf whale, there was a sense of fear!

what happened?

The monk was shocked.

The spirit of this wolf whale has never happened since it was practiced by him, such a scene!

Seeing A Chou Ju's mouth opened.

"Ah woo"

A bite. I have already pecked off this wolf whale's ferocious wolf head in one bite!

A Chou's throat swelled, and he swallowed the hideous wolf head in one mouthful!

Immediately afterwards, A Chou took another bite!

Half of this wolf whale is gone.

A Chou is another bite, a wolf whale the size of a small mountain, which has been completely swallowed by A Chou!

Witnessing Ah Chou, gobbled it up.

General Salmon only felt a trembling of fear.

Suddenly from the depths of the soul, suddenly rose up.

what happened?

How could I be afraid of this little scene?

His Salmon General is also a monster that has killed countless prey.

There are all kinds of races among these prey.

Even if it was bloody, in front of his Salmon General, his Salmon General did not blink.

How could this scene in front of him make General Salmon feel terrified?

General Salmon's mind was running fast, and soon he found the source of this fear, this fear. It comes from blood.

Hidden in the blood of General Salmon, something very long ago.

However, General Salmon found that he could not know the true name of this strange bird from the long memory hidden in his blood!

The memory that can be hidden in the blood of a long time must be quite profound.

General Salmon could speculate that his ancestors, for something, did not dare to meet him or listen to the name.

Only leaving a deep fear, this makes this fear. It has been handed down in a continuous flow, but it is not known how many generations it has passed until now!

This wolf whale's incarnation was caught by A Chou, but it didn't move. It is very likely that it was also subdued by this pressure and fear.

"Ah, what's going on, why is the wolf whale not moving anymore?

This is impossible!

I do not believe! "

This monk couldn't believe it. Seeing A Chou burped a full mouth, and inside his throat, there was a flash of orange-red light!

I only feel that one of my own heart will jump to my throat.

The wolf whale is a master of using the power of the water system, and was swallowed by this strange bird.

As soon as the flame of this strange bird came out, it was completely unable to resist it, and it would soon become a human-shaped barbecue.

The monk suddenly yelled: "I said"

Seeing that the flame that had reached A Chou's mouth, he shrank.

This person felt that his heart was beating again.

He reached out and pointed at the crowd!

"It's him, An Zaixuan, the one with blue hair is the deputy head of Anshan Inner Hall, who is in charge of Anshan's supplies.

He doesn't know, then no one knows! "

Where this person stretched his fingers, there was a monk with sea-blue hair and a figure. Although he was a bit rich, he was still a handsome monk. He was dressed in a blue robe with countless water splashes on it, as if it was constantly surging.

Even a string of drops of water. All are extremely smart, as if they were alive.

This person stood behind the crowd with a guilty conscience.

After being pointed at by this monk, he could no longer hide.

Just shouted at the monk: "Li Bo, I invite you all the way, you betrayed me, you are too shameless!"

This fierce monk who had just escaped from A Chou's mouth was furious!

Immediately jumped up from the ground, yelling!

"You Anshan faction are truly shameless!

Those of you who kill Thousand Knives, trick us into helping the punches, saying that you don't need to worry about the thunder thunder attack within the shield, and you can also watch the Yuan Ying thunder thunder from a distance to increase your cultivation knowledge.

That's great!

Once the shield is broken, it won't be activated. Put us who helped the punch outside and get thundered!

This is Yuan Ying Jie Lei!

How many of us monks can afford it! "

Here, this monk named Li Bo, the more he talks, the more excited he gets!

Turning around, he yelled at the monk who was fighting the Second Young Master Su and the others: "Brothers from outside to help boxing, you say, we have worked so hard to help Anshan help with the boxing, and the Anshan faction used us. Everyone comes to attract Jie Lei, relieve the pressure on the Lord Du Yuan Ying Jie Lei, and count us all.

You say, that shameless! "

He said so.

Many of the monks who are confronting the Second Young Master Su and his gang are simply concerned!

These stern words, it was almost in their hearts.

They come here to help in Anshan, whether it is for morality, for profit, or for the purpose of increasing their knowledge.

After all, it was sent to help An Shan.

However, the Anshan faction, in order to help the soul-breaking **** Sha Zhenjun Hao fly through the calamity, unexpectedly, after the shield was broken, it stopped rising.

Obviously, I wanted to sacrifice these helpers and use them to attract the catastrophe.

This makes the hearts of these people who came to help, it is like a volcano!

In the beginning, in order to avoid the catastrophe in this cave house of the Anshan School, many monks still dare not speak!

At this moment, I was beaten by this Li Bo and An Zaixuan's talk!

Seeing this An Zaixuan still looked reasonable.

The anger in everyone's heart can no longer be restrained!

"Anshan sent these miscellaneous things!"

"For the dog that will revenge, go to death!"

"It’s good to have you roasted into *human jerky!"

The anger of the crowd immediately shook the entire space into a buzzing sound!

The Anshan school disciples in the crowd found that the people around him looked at him with disgust, and walked away!

In the roar of spit splashing.

There was no one around the Anshan school disciples.

"Hahaha, this makes the public angry!

You can taste it now! "

Commissioner Qian laughed.

Let the Anshan Sect disciples line up into a Yanshui sword formation!

Then his eyes stared!

Towards An Zaixuan, he shouted: "Come on, kid!"

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand, and a big apricot hand appeared in the air.

In the middle of this big apricot hand is a bright and splendid flower!

As soon as this big hand was released, An Zaixuan immediately realized that this was coming to him!

He has already seen the methods of Commissioner Qian and two pets.

Especially Salmon General, can be said to be Ansan's neighbor.

For Salmon General, this brutal and bloodthirsty character, he knows too well.

His face was green, and he shouted: "The sword formation is ready. If you can retreat from the enemy, this seat will be rewarded!"

Immediately, in the sword formation, there was a cloud of smoke and huge waves.

The area in the entire cave mansion is vast and turbulent.

In the turbulent sea, thousands of waves slap at the same time!

Turned into ten thousand blue long knives, towards the big apricot hand in the sky, slashing away at the same time!

Each long knife is a hundred feet long, and the texture is much harder than the hardest mysterious iron!

Thousands of long knives slashed out from the waters at the same time.

For a while, Wandao's sharp whistling sound almost cut through the entire cave.

Anything outside of the Yanshui sword formation was taken by the power of these ten thousand long swords.

Jian Guang urged with all his strength to protect his body from the wind!

This time, it was mainly made by Committee Member Qian.

Everyone wants to keep looking for the masters of the gods and caves, how powerful are they?

If you can't handle even this Yanshui Sword Formation, don't even mention it when you enter the Shenren Dongfu.

If this person can easily defeat the power of the Yanshui Array.

Maybe, looking for the cave mansion of the gods is really hopeful.

At that time, it's okay to follow this person in a game!

Many monks outside the Anshan Sect have this mindset.

Even if the Anshan faction treats those who come to help them, they naturally have no psychological burden on the Anshan faction.

The power of this smoke and water array.

Commissioner Qian has seen it, the strongest one.

This Li Bo is not wrong, this An Zaixuan is indeed a deputy hall master.

As soon as the Yanshui sword formation was just starting, Commissioner Qian's spiritual thoughts were clearly scanned.

An accessory on An Zaixuan's waist suddenly shot out countless strong charms, mixed with smoke clouds rising everywhere.

The waves that appeared suddenly spread to the vast area.

Even these tens of thousands of bi-colored long knives were urged by these powerful magic symbols.

Commissioner Qian knew that it was time for him to stand up again.

"Hahahaha, the beads of rice grains, also shine!"

The arrogant words are nothing more than these.

Chairman Qian laughed, and the entire hole seemed to be shaking slightly!

The golden flower in the middle of the big apricot hand turned sharply!

The big apricot handprint is just a palm!

All the monks in the cave mansion only felt that it was like a heavy earth, which was suppressed!

Not mountains, mountains are just a part of the earth.

Although it also feels heavy.

However, it is far from this land, it is pressed down, giving people a feeling of boundlessness and boundlessness!

While making people unable to move, there is a general feeling of suffocation!

This big apricot handprint has not touched these ten thousand bicolor long knives

Thousands of bi-colored long knives can no longer withstand the huge pressure brought by this apricot big hand!

First, the creaking sound of the blades of thousands of hundred-foot-long knives was extremely distorted.

Immediately afterwards, "Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng, Peng"

Numerous crackles sounded almost at the same time.

Thousands of bicolor long knives crumble in the air at the same time!

Thousands of blue long knives disappeared, and there were tens of thousands of bright blue fireworks in the air, and countless crystal clear but deadly fragments, shooting in all directions!

Some cultivators whose cultivation level is a little short, the shields all over their bodies have been beaten into a sieve densely!

Even the body was injured a lot!

The big apricot hand continued to photograph, and countless clouds of smoke shook in an instant, as if they had stagnated.

Turned to ashes in an instant!


There was a dull loud noise.

Dozens of people who formed a smoke sword formation were all covered by this big apricot hand at the same time!

I saw a mist of blood rising into the sky.

There was a big wave in an instant!

A big blood red wave!

A Chou stood in the water, within one foot of his body, there was no dripping.

Seeing this piece of blood splashing into the sky.

A Chou just shouted: "Boss, I have to ask questions"

A Chou's "what" word. No export yet.

See the big apricot hand!

An intact An Zaixuan was captured by the golden flower on the palm of his big hand.

Coming straight in the direction of Commissioner Qian.

A golden light flashed in A Chou's eyes.

In the eyes of A Chou, the vast clear waters could be seen clearly in an instant.

The original location of the Yanshui Sword Array.

Not a single figure can be seen, and it has all turned into blood mist under the beat of that big hand!

There were no fragments of the corpse.

Looking at An Zaixuan, his eyes are hollow and his face is pale

Obviously, even the soul is scared away!

"The boss is brave and invincible, making every effort to make progress!"

A Chou suddenly screamed at the Qiang Committee Member~www.readwn.com~ Seeing General Salmon, stayed still in the water.

As soon as the clear water passed the surface of General Salmon, the original roaring current turned soft and soft.

Obviously, General Salmon's ability to control water is not something that A Chou can match.

Ah Chou just yelled: "You are a stone head, am I wrong?"


General Salmon originally wanted to stare at him, then stared back with a more ferocious tone.

However, as soon as the eyelids were raised, they stared, involuntarily turning them into open eyes.

The long-lasting memory awakened from the depths of the blood, as if once awakened, it became lingering.

Involuntarily, General Salmon was "Oh"

With a cry, a smile on his face that is even worse than crying, nodded: "That is, that is, the master is brave, the master is brave!"

Later, he was already extremely fluent.

Commissioner Qian is a snap.

General Salmon looked over and saw Commissioner Qian, pointing his finger towards the vast clear water.

General Salmon nodded immediately, "Don't worry, Master, that's easy!"

With a mouth opened, the clear water formed a huge whirlpool. At the end of the whirlpool was the big mouth of General Salmon!

Within a few breaths, the vast clear water formed by the formation of nearly a hundred people was inhaled by General Salmon!


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