Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1480: Divine frequency

There are powerful creatures, such as dragons, such as Jiao

Draining a river is not a problem at all.

But if you want to swallow a mountain into your stomach

But not all living things can digest it.

Commissioner Qian’s spirit is incomparable to mountains. It should be said that it is a mountain, a group of mountains!

"Boom boom"

Every monk who was scanned, the clothes on his body, seemed to be blown by a hurricane, flying backwards!

Suddenly, among the reinforcements of hundreds of Anshan, one of them just laughed wildly: "Impressive earth force, admire, admire!"

After that, the person collapsed and turned into a flat pile.

Commissioner Qian changed his mind, a flower appeared, the petals weighed a thousand, and between the petals, there were countless lightning jumps.

Thousand-heavy petals, spinning rapidly, just for an instant, even the monk's eyes could no longer see the specific shape of this flower.

It was like a thousand overlapping saw blades, which brought an incomparably piercing scream, and suddenly flew down toward the flat stuff on the ground!

However, this flat beach of gadgets flew up and down, clinging to the ground, turning left and right, but in an instant, they had crashed into the walls of the cave!

The rapidly spinning flowers follow all the way.

Several monks who couldn't avoid it immediately turned into a pool of blood and mud, splashing everywhere!


The strong light of the water flashed, and the forbidden method imposed on the surface of the cave had been broken!

A light blue light flashed!

A puddle of light blue shadows has rushed into the vast light smoke, mysterious and dark robbery thunder

As soon as he rushed into the robbery thunder, the light smoke, profound Yin and real thunder that penetrated everything, blasted a hole like a sieve in him.

Then, after a scream.

The light blue of the whole body turned out to be the same white as Light Smoke Xuanyin Real Thunder.

Commissioner Qian saw, vaguely, this thing stretched out countless tentacles, and stretched back.

In an instant, like a bubble, it disappeared into the endless light smoke and mysterious thunder.

It can only barely be seen based on the cultivation level of Committee Member Qian.

This Rouli tribe turned out to be using the power of the sunflower water in the light smoke and mysterious thunder to urge the escape method to escape!

Being able to escape in the Yuan Ying Tribulation Thunder, with the help of the power of the sunflower water contained in the Yuan Ying Tribulation Thunder, escape so simply and neatly.

Even Commissioner Qian couldn't do it.

"The Rouli people, as long as they get on water-related things, they will walk very fast!

Moreover, he is good at deformation.

If a person meets and cannot use a thunder blow to suppress it, it is difficult to prevent him from escaping. "

General Salmon said with a little dejection.

"Or, using powerful fire spells, you can also trap it."

After hearing the words of General Salmon, Commissioner Qian stared: "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

I don't have the real fire of the five suns, if I used the real fire of the five suns just now, it would definitely make the Rouli people look good.

General Salmon's eyes bulged, this master is really hard to serve.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his hand and waved to Li Bo, "Come here."

Li Bo only felt a tremor in his calf and walked over with his scalp.

Committee member Qian thought, and the phantom of his body had appeared in his own palace.

In the palace, there is already a wood, swaying with the wind.

Under the shining of the golden sun in the sky.

Every tree seems to be shrouded in a layer of extremely light gas.

The color of the gas emitted by each type of tree is different.

Gases of different colors are floating like light smoke, but they are condensed but not dispersed.

The whole woods are filled with aura, and a variety of different fragrances are mixed together.

It's like a fairyland on earth.

This is the spiritual root planted by Chairman Qian.

The number of spiritual roots has reached the scale of a small forest.

Member Qian stretched out his hand.

A goose-yellow fruit, in an oval shape, has slowly flown out of this spiritual root forest and landed in the hands of Commissioner Qian.

Look carefully, the surface of this goose-yellow fruit seems to have a small river paved with pebbles.

A faint yellow light circulates on the surface of this goose yellow fruit, like a faint river.

The pebbles in the river flashed and flashed under the light of the faint river.

Let this goose yellow fruit be like the most exquisite work of art.

The phantom flickered in Commissioner Qian’s divine mansion, and the goose-yellow spirit fruit had already reached Commissioner Qian’s hands.

Commissioner Qian then handed the spirit fruit to Li Bo's hand: "This is an earth spirit fruit.

I think you have cultivated the spirit of the ancient water system behemoth into your body, and your body has already received some damage. Taking this earth system spirit fruit can just make up for it. "


There was a sound of inhalation all around Committee Member Qian.

Just looking at the light and pattern on the surface of the spirit fruit, you know that this is a top-grade soil spirit fruit.

On this plane of the sea, ordinary soil-based fresh fruits are rare things.

Not to mention the spiritual roots and fruit of this earth system.

On the surface of the vast sea, there is no pure soil spiritual root growth because there is simply not so much land!

He took it with a sharp hand.

Divine mind penetrated into this spirit fruit.

Only feel a pure and extremely earth element power.

This kind of power is only occasionally felt when the high-level earth magic weapons are auctioned at the auction of the Beast Sea.

Li Bo realized with both hands, holding the earth spirit fruit tightly.

Then he smiled: "How embarrassing is this."

Commissioner Qian smiled, "This is as it should be. You have merit in answering my questions. This earth-type spiritual fruit is a reward for you!"

As soon as Commissioner Qian said this, many monks' eyes turned red.

Secretly regretting it, why did you answer it first?

This kind of superior earth spirit fruit can be encountered but not sought even on the Beast Sea plane ~www.readwn.com~.

Commissioner Qian looked around at the hundreds of people behind him.

The corner of his mouth curled up triumphantly.

If you don’t choose me, that’s good, see the uncle also use spirit fruit for rewards!

Lingguo as a copper plate

Of course, this is the time to vent his breath.

Commissioner Qian has not been so lavish.

The disciples of the Anshan faction here have been killed or injured.

Of the two groups, one came to support Anshan and the other came to attack Anshan.

At this moment, a big hole was broken in this roof, light smoke, mysterious and real thunder, bursting into the cave, one by one closed their eyes and bowed their faces, and the scene began to become deserted.

"Jie Lei is all over the sky, I can't trace the information of the Rouli clan.

General Salmon, can you track it down? "

Commissioner Qian asked.

General Salmon shook his head with a wry smile.

"Only go to the next cave and try your luck.

The entrance of this god-man cave must always be guarded.

Even if you can't find the Rouli clan, you can still look for another Anshanmen. "

Second Young Master Su said.

"It's reasonable, you can only do that."

Commissioner Qian nodded.

For a while, they no longer used golden flowers to cover the crowd, and only blocked General Salmon and A Chou, who had already floated out of the cave.


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